[情報] Desme Does The Desert

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Desme Does The Desert A's farmhand threatening AFL homers mark By Bill Mitchell November 2, 2009 PHOENIX—It would be impossible to determine which player leads the Arizona Fall League in home runs just by watching the Phoenix Desert Dogs take pregame batting practice. 如果你去看鳳凰城沙漠狗的打擊練習,你會看不出目前秋季聯盟的全壘打王是誰。 Athletics outfielder Grant Desme tops the league with 10 homers, accumulated in only 15 games, at the midpoint of the season. His overall numbers— .393/.464/.934—rank in the top four in each of the three slash stats. He also leads the league in RBIs with 23. 運動家的小聯盟外野手Grant Desme在15場比賽裡累積了10支全壘打,全壘打數暫時排名聯 盟第一。他的打擊三圍分別是.393/.464/.934 都在聯盟前4名之內,另外23分打點也是聯 盟第一。 The righthanded slugger is content to work on his other hitting skills during batting practice. 這個強力右打者其實會利用打擊練習的時候磨練自己其它方面的打擊技巧。 "The thing that impresses me is that he does not waver from his work in batting practice every day," Desert Dog manager Gary Cathcart said. "As a matter of fact, I don't think he's hit a home run in batting practice here. He stays within his routine—line drives in the middle of the field and opposite field, getting his hands working, and just feeling a good tempo. He pretty much saves the rest of it for the game." 沙漠狗的經理說:“令我印象深刻的是他對自己的練習方式很有信心,事實上我從來沒有 看過他在練習時擊出全壘打,他都照著自己的菜單─把球擊成中外野和反方向的平飛球, 然後把練習時好的手感和節奏帶進比賽。” Desert Dog hitting coach Brian McArn chimed in on the effectiveness of Desme's pregame approach, even bestowing on him the degree of "professional hitter." 沙漠狗的打擊教練也表示Desme做的賽前練習很有用,甚至稱讚他已經俱備職業打者應有的 水準了。 "He takes his at-bats with a professional attitude," said McArn, the A's Triple -A Sacramento hitting coach. "His batting practices are amazing. He tries to use the whole field. He rarely hits a home run in batting practice . . . just a pleasure to watch." 綠帽3A的打教說:“當他站在打擊區時總是維持一貫的專業態度,他做打擊練習的方式很 不一樣,他會試著把球打到球場的任何一個方向,他很少打全壘打。看他練習十分有趣。 ” Desme's AFL performance comes after a breakout 2009 season, in what was in essence his first full professional season. The 23-year-old product of Cal Poly hit a combined .288/.365/.568, including eye-popping totals of 31 homers and 40 stolen bases, with low Class A Kane County and high Class A Stockton. 事實上在到秋季聯盟打球之前,2009年球季 (也是他職業生捱的第一個球季) 就是Desme大 爆發的一年。這個23歲的選手在低階1A和高階1A打出了.288/.365/.568的成績,另外還有 31支全壘打和40次盜壘成功。 His career got off to a slow start after the A's grabbed him in the second round of the 2007 draft. Desme totaled only 49 at-bats in his first two seasons due to a succession of injuries (wrist surgery and a shoulder separation), with only three trips to the plate in a lost 2008 campaign. Desme的職業生捱起步得很慢。綠帽在2007年的第2輪選秀裡選上他,之後的兩個球季裡他 不斷受傷(經歷了腕部手術和肩膀的撕裂傷)只有上場49個打席,其中2008年更只有3個打席 。 Desme doesn't feel that last year was a total loss. He believes that the time away from the game helped him grow as a person. (略) "I'm very thankful it happened to me," said Desme, in reference to the separated shoulder that sidelined him for most of 2008. "I think it needed to be. As a person, baseball was really the one and only thing in my life. With the injuries, it kind of put everything in perspective. There are much bigger things in life. Baseball could be taken from you at any moment . . . You step on the field and that could be your last game. There are a lot of other things that matter more . . . baseball's just a game." (略) Desme's biggest area for improvement at the plate is cutting down on strikeouts. He fanned 148 times in 486 at-bats this year and has been punched out 17 times in 61 AFL at-bats. His strikeout totals could be viewed in two different ways. A pessimist might say that Desme's numbers are too high for a 23-year-old college product in A ball, while an optimist would point out that it's not bad for a power hitter in his first full pro season. 目前Desme最需要改進的地方是他的被三振率過高。在今年球季486個打席裡他被三振148次 ,秋季聯盟的61個打席也有17次的三振。他的高被三振率用兩個不同的觀點去看,悲觀的 人認為這個數字對一個23歲還在1A打球的選手而言太多了,樂觀的人則認為以一個強打者 的第一個完整職業球季來說這個數字不算糟。 Regardless, it's a facet of his game that Desme knows he needs to improve and he's using the AFL to make the necessary adjustments. 無論如何,Desme 也知道這是他要改進的地方,他利用在秋季聯盟比賽的機會做了調整。 "That's something I'm working on and trying to improve," said Desme, " . . . just try to find a two-strike approach I'm comfortable with and try to make more contact." “這是我正在努力改善的地方,我在尋找在兩好球後適合我的打擊策略,另外我也試著讓 我的contact能更好。” Cathcart, who managed Double-A New Hampshire in the Blue Jays system, sees a hitter who should be able to make the necessary adjustments as he progresses though the minors. 藍鳥2A的經理認為當Desme往更高階的聯盟發展時他就必須要做出一些調整。 "I don't think he has a poor strike zone and he's not a free swinger," said Cathcart, "but he does miss a little bit . . . It's a natural maturation for him. It's really his first full season." “我不是說他在判斷好球帶時有問題,他也不像是盲砲,但他就是差了那麼一點點東西。 這是他成長的一部份,今年不過是他的第一個完整球季。” McArn concurred, adding, "It's just a process. He'll realize what pitchers are trying to do to him." 綠帽3A的打教也同意這樣的看法,然後他補充說:“這是他成長的過程。他知道投手們 會怎麼對付他。” Perhaps even more surprising than the home run totals is the number of stolen bases he accumulated this year. He stole a total of 20 bases during his three years in college (one season at San Diego State and two years at Cal Poly), but was a perfect 24-for-24 during his time with Kane County and was caught stealing just five times in his 21 attempts with Stockton. 或許比他今年的全壘打數令人更驚訝的是他的盜壘成功數。他大學三年總共只盜了20個壘 包,但他在低階1A嘗試的24次盜壘裡成功了24次,在高階1A的21次嘗試盜壘裡他也只被抓 到5次。 "That was a pretty big surprise for me," he said. "It was the first time I had been able to steal. I really had no idea I could put up numbers like that." 他自己表示:“連我自己也很驚訝,我開始相信我能盜壘,我以前從不知道我可以偷那麼 多壘包。” Desme is rated as just an average runner, but according to McArn he had more opportunities to steal this season by getting good jumps and knowing on which pitches he could go. Desme被視為只是個平均水準的跑者,但3A的打教認為他之所以能盜那麼多壘包是因為他的 起步抓的很好而且他也知道有哪些投手的壘可以讓他盜。 His performance this fall has not gone unnoticed by the Oakland organization. 綠帽也注意到他今年秋天的表現。 "The amazing thing is that he's playing really good defense," said Billy Owens, Oakland's director of player personnel, "he's running the bases hard, and every last home run has been to every crevice of the ballpark—left, right and center—and none of them has been a wall-scraper." 綠帽的球員指導教練說:“他最大的優點是他的守備很好,他很努力的在跑壘,他最近都 可以把全壘打擊往球場的中、左、右外野、各個方向,而且都不是只有剛好飛過全壘打牆 的那種。” In addition to having McArn on the Desert Dog coaching staff, the A's minor league hitting coordinator Greg Sparks and farm director Keith Lieppman have been keeping close tabs on Desme. (略) Desme is four home runs away from tying the Arizona Fall League record of 14, set in 2005 by Angels infielder Brandon Wood, but it's not something that he is worried about right now. Desme目前離Brandon Wood在2005年在秋季聯盟創下的14支全壘打的紀錄只剩4支,但他自 己卻不願意去想這件事。 "Records are nice, but I'm here to prepare to go on to the next level," said Desme. 他說:“能破紀錄是不錯啦,但我來這裡主要是為了往更高階發展做準備。” His AFL teammates from the Athletics don't let him forget about both the home run record and the numbers he's putting up this fall. 但他在沙漠狗的隊友們總是提醒他別忘了有機會能改寫全壘打紀錄這件事。 "Grant Desme is a great person, very humble and a quiet guy," said fellow Desert Dog outfielder Corey Brown. "He knows it's there, in the back of his head; he's a guy that really doesn't like to look at his numbers and really know exactly what he's doing." 他的隊友、同樣來自綠帽小聯盟的外野手Corey Brown說:“這傢伙是個安靜的大好人。 他知道紀錄就在他眼前,但其實他不會太在意那些數字,他很清楚他自己在幹麻。” That doesn't stop Desme's friends from continually reminding him of his accomplishments this fall. "It's just one of those things that we joke around about," added Brown. (這是BA的網站上的文章,因為覺得這篇介紹的很好,所以我盡力把他翻過來,出錯和有 疑問的地方請各位大大們指正,感恩。) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: soilstone 來自: (11/04 09:30)

11/05 01:14, , 1F
多謝大大好文 借轉運動家板 感謝
11/05 01:14, 1F

11/05 01:15, , 2F
我猜"two-strike approach"是指兩好球之後
11/05 01:15, 2F

11/05 06:59, , 3F
11/05 06:59, 3F

11/05 07:01, , 4F
11/05 07:01, 4F

11/05 07:01, , 5F
比賽中 翻譯這麼多辛苦了!!
11/05 07:01, 5F

11/05 07:06, , 6F
wall scraper我猜是剛好過牆的全壘打
11/05 07:06, 6F
※ 編輯: soilstone 來自: (11/05 22:48) ※ 編輯: soilstone 來自: (11/05 22:49)

11/05 22:50, , 7F
11/05 22:50, 7F

11/06 21:58, , 8F
11/06 21:58, 8F
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