[問題]關於 The Baseball Cube 的技術種類問題

看板Prospect作者 (我是摸諾摸諾)時間14年前 (2009/12/27 17:00), 編輯推噓3(3019)
留言22則, 3人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://www.thebaseballcube.com/ 這是一個主要研究小聯盟球員的網站(簡單講就是Prospect) 現在小弟正在研究,覺得裡面數據還蠻全面的。 ------------------------------"我想問的是"分隔線---------------------------- 『以下是打者的技術項目』 Batting: Takes into account batting average compared to his peers. Power: Takes into account extra-base hits against balls put into play with extra weight given to homers while doubles and triples are treated equally owing to the assumption that a triple is a double with better circumstances. Contact: Compares strikeouts against a player's plate appearances. Speed: stolen bases as compared to the number of times a player reached first base, not considering caught stealings. Patience: Simply the number of walks compared to at bats. 『以下是投手的技術項目』 Control: Walks compared to batters faced. k-Rating: Strikeouts compared to batters faced. Efficiency: Similar to WHIP, a higher rating for pitchers allowing less baserunners per inning pitched. vs Power: Home Runs allowed compared to batters faced. --------------------------------問題內容結束分隔線---------------------------- 想請問各位神人大大們,那些各項目的解釋各是什麼意思?小弟接觸棒球不久,有些 解釋牽涉術語的部份,小弟不太明白,想請神人翻譯解釋,拜託了 @@ -- 誰說我色!!! 我的眼中只有學弟!!!(燃) 我的心裡都是學妹...(小聲) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/27 21:30, , 1F
m大的意思是要翻譯麼?! 如果是的話小弟試著翻翻看
12/27 21:30, 1F

12/27 21:33, , 2F
12/27 21:33, 2F

12/27 21:36, , 3F
Power:將額外的壘打數列入考慮 全壘打會加重計算 另外
12/27 21:36, 3F

12/27 21:39, , 4F
將三壘安打視為是外在因素而改變二壘安打 因此二者採相
12/27 21:39, 4F

12/27 21:40, , 5F
12/27 21:40, 5F

12/27 21:40, , 6F
12/27 21:40, 6F

12/27 21:42, , 7F
Speed:打者安全上一壘的次數和盜壘成功的次數作比較 被
12/27 21:42, 7F

12/27 21:43, , 8F
12/27 21:43, 8F

12/27 21:45, , 9F
12/27 21:45, 9F

12/27 21:46, , 10F
12/27 21:46, 10F

12/27 21:48, , 11F
12/27 21:48, 11F

12/27 21:50, , 12F
Effeciency:和投手的被上壘率相似 數值越高代表投手能
12/27 21:50, 12F

12/27 21:50, , 13F
12/27 21:50, 13F

12/27 21:51, , 14F
vs Power:比較投手面對的打者數和被全壘打數
12/27 21:51, 14F

12/27 21:53, , 15F
感謝m大提供的網站 不過它有些評比的方式和小弟之前看過
12/27 21:53, 15F

12/27 21:55, , 16F
的不一樣 覺得漫特別的 而且它各項目的數值好像是從0 ~
12/27 21:55, 16F

12/27 21:57, , 17F
100 不是從20 ~ 80 像Montero的速度只有7 不知道m大知不
12/27 21:57, 17F

12/27 21:58, , 18F
知道有哪個網站可以查到新秀投手的球速 有的話懇請告知
12/27 21:58, 18F

12/27 21:58, , 19F
12/27 21:58, 19F

12/28 21:44, , 20F
12/28 21:44, 20F

12/29 13:18, , 21F
12/29 13:18, 21F

12/29 18:36, , 22F
12/29 18:36, 22F
文章代碼(AID): #1BDo8SJb (Prospect)
文章代碼(AID): #1BDo8SJb (Prospect)