[討論] Top 100 Draft Flashback:Impact Players
Top 100 Draft Flashback: Impact Players, Notable Flops
While we’re headlong into draft preview mode, we’re also taking a
retrospective look at the top draft 100 picks—the cream of the amateur crop—
from the 20 drafts from 1989 through 2008. Check out the previous installment,
( http://0rz.tw/7cs6q ) At What Positions Do Top Picks End Up?, for more on
why we chose those cutoff dates, why we stopped at 100 picks and where one
might expect a high school shortstop to settle in the big leagues.
If a team ends up with a major league player from one of its draft picks, it
can be reasonably satisfied. But what teams are really looking for are impact
In this Top 100 Draft Flashback, we’ll examine success rates for various
draft demographics—spoiler alert: high school draft picks carry more risk of
reaching the majors—by looking at both the number of players who reach the
big leagues, and the number who become significant contributors to major
league success. We’ll touch on a number of draft flops and list all the
players, sorted by Baseball-Reference’s wins above replacement (WAR) metric,
who qualified for the big league position study by reaching the majors for at
least 100 games. For this exercise we’re not counting cup-of-coffee callups
as major league graduates. Players are grouped by the position where they
were drafted.
Graduation Rates:至少在大聯盟打過100場比賽
Impact Rates:生涯WAR > 10
Graduation Rates Impact Rates
High School College High School College
Catchers 32% (26/81) 52% (34/65) 11% (9/81) 12% (8/65)
Shortstops 33% (44/132) 48% (35/73) 8% (11/132) 9% (9/73)
First Base 34% (13/38) 43% (19/44) 13% (5/38) 18% (8/44)
Second Base 0% (0/7) 41% (9/22) 0% (0/7) 14% (3/22)
Third Base 28% (17/61) 57% (27/47) 10% (6/61) 21% (10/47)
Outfielders 28% (55/194) 47% (72/153) 12% (23/194) 13% (20/153)
(詳細名單、各個算進Impact Rates的球員、各位置最大Bust以及最高順位請見原文連結)
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◆ From:
05/19 19:49, , 1F
05/19 19:49, 1F
※ 編輯: XBogaerts 來自: (05/19 23:10)
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