Re: [情報] 暴龍宣佈B.Colangelo不再管理籃球事務消失
Bryan Colangelo Steps Down
The Toronto Raptors announced Wednesday that Bryan Colangelo, President of
Team and Business Operations, has stepped down from his position and will
become a consultant for the team and Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment moving
forward. Colangelo joined the organization in February 2006 as President and
General Manager.
“Having had a better chance to reflect on things for the past several weeks,
I have concluded that stepping away from my position is the best course of
action for the organization and everyone involved,” said Colangelo.
“I would like to personally thank Larry Tanenbaum, Dale Lastman, MLSE’s
ownership and family and the wonderful people of Toronto for the opportunity
to serve them over the last seven years. The support, kindness and adulation
that has been displayed to me and my family has been overwhelming, and our
friendships and experiences will last a lifetime.”
※ 引述《timk7 ()》之銘言:
: 暴龍隊母公司楓葉體育及娛樂公司總裁Tim Leiweke今天宣布,暴龍隊高層領導將發生變
: 動,以便為下賽季做好準備。Bryan Colangelo將以球隊總裁的身份續約,並直接向Tim
: Leiweke負責。球隊已經騰出了總經理的位置,球隊將在接下來的一個月內確定信新任總
: 經理,新的總經理將對籃球事務擁有最終裁決權。
: Tim Leiweke說:“經過對各種選項進行考慮和評估之後,我們認為,這樣的改變符合球
: 隊的最大利益。通過分開職位角色,兩個人直接向我回報,我們增加了球隊籃球運營陣容
: 的深度,可以給暴龍隊在未來擁有爭奪冠軍的最好機會。新的總經理將為球隊帶來很好的
: 前景,所有我在聯盟的調查都表明,我們有一個年輕的、很棒的核心,一些關鍵的動作會
: 讓我們在下賽季成為季後賽競爭者。”
: 新的總經理將擁有籃球運營的最終裁決權,Colangelo將繼續在籃球相關事務上為Tim
: Leiweke提供建議,並將在商業領域內擴展自己的參與度。
: 卸任籃球運營事務的Colangelo說:“這支球隊的未來讓我感到前所未有的激動,我期待成
: 為球隊未來成功的一部分。我會儘自己所能幫助提高球隊水平,並將自己的精力花在增加
: 球隊品牌知名度和影響力的事務上。”
: Tim Leiweke說:“在NBA中,Bryan非常熟練,知識淵博,且備受尊重。他將成為我們打
: 造暴龍隊為加拿大球隊的依靠。”
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(
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