Re:[外電] ALLEN持續槓上Bowen

看板RayAllen作者 (數學老師)時間19年前 (2005/05/07 19:17), 編輯推噓2(200)
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※ 引述《Sallenray (allenray)》之銘言: : "What he's doing is not really basketball," Allen said in reference to Bowen, : the Spurs' staunch defensive specialist. "Anybody in the league will tell you : he's one guy you can't stand because of the way he plays defense. It's not like : he's staying in front of you or he's keeping you away from scoring. : ALLEN講話也蠻毒的 哈 : "That's going to be big. People let Bruce Bowen go and do his thing. But me, : Reggie and Big J [James], we got to protect Ray and we got to protect Rashard : [Lewis] from Bruce Bowen," Fortson said. "When he comes off, we got to hit him : hard on a solid screen and let him know that we're watching him, too. He's got : to battle us, too." : Fortson也槓上了 XD : 不過Duncan遇到我們籃下的幾位大將 也不好過XD : from: Allen對Bowen有這樣子的看法"他根本不是在打籃球",Bowen是馬刺的 一位可靠防守專家。任何在聯盟裡的球員會告訴你,Bowen是一位你不 能忍受他防守方式的球員,他防守的方式不像是只站在你面前而已,他 會讓你無法得分。 喬丹:「Thats going to be big,其他人也許會讓Bowen如此囂張, 但是我和Evans和James,我們會盡力去保護好Ray和Lewis,不讓Bowe n作的太超過。」「當他們分開的時候,我們會用我們厚壯的身體去撞他 ,讓他知道我們也正在叮他,Bowen也將跟我們對上!」 (哈~喬丹說他會叮好Bowen,比賽的時候可以看看他對Bowen犯幾次規 拜託~他還要叮Duncan,他不怕犯規不夠用嗎XD) 呼~第一次翻譯外電,很多都是用自己的話沒有照翻讓句子更平順, 但意思還是沒錯(有錯請指正,感恩)。有些不會翻,像「Thats goi ng to be big」我就想不到要怎麼翻orz... -- RayAllen板 千呼萬喚始出來摟~ 歡迎各位喜愛Ray的朋友進來玩喔~^^ Σ美國籃球群組 NBAStar 球星 ΣNBA球員板 RayAllen NBA. ◎優質射手雷阿倫 mathteacher -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: 05/07, , 1F
Fortson 好像保鑣........XDD 05/07, 1F 05/07, , 2F
Collison : 人家也要 ~~~ 05/07, 2F
※ 編輯: mathteacher 來自: (05/08 07:26)
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