Re: [外電] 快艇開始追求RayRay
※ 引述《fk920 (Frank)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《fk920 (Frank)》之銘言:
: Ray Allen has reportedly been contacted by "almost a dozen" teams, including
: the Bulls, but he's still hasn't committed to playing this season.
: The Wizards, Spurs, Clippers and Cavaliers have been explicitly linked to
: Allen, and it's probable that most playoff contenders have at least reached
: out to him. The 39-year-old can dictate when and where he'll spend his final
: years in the NBA, serving as a reserve 3-point specialist in the pursuit of
: his third NBA championship.
: 雖然還沒表態到底要不要退休,又有一隊表態啦~
: 重點已經幫大家上色了~
The Cavs are still hoping to land Ray Allen in free agency, according to G/F
James Jones.
"I don’t need to say how much I want him here, how much we’d like for him
to be here," Jones said. "That goes without saying." Allen could retire or he
could end up with the Wizards, which would probably make Kevin Garnett
去哪隊都好....希望不要退休啊 QQ
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※ 編輯: fk920 (, 09/23/2014 16:10:25
09/23 18:33, , 1F
09/23 18:33, 1F
09/24 08:59, , 2F
09/24 08:59, 2F
09/24 11:32, , 3F
09/24 11:32, 3F
09/24 17:27, , 4F
09/24 17:27, 4F
10/04 08:06, , 5F
10/04 08:06, 5F
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