Re: [紅襪] 07/14 今日消息

看板RedSox作者時間8年前 (2016/07/15 19:22), 編輯推噓9(10111)
留言22則, 10人參與, 最新討論串2/7 (看更多)
我補充兩點 1. From Keith Law對Pomeranz交易案的回覆 This is an absolute steal for the Padres, even acknowledging the risks attendant to any 18-year-old pitcher, and to any pitcher who's still in Low-A and probably two years from the big leagues in a best-case scenario and three to four in a reasonable one. Pomeranz is good, but he has no track record of doing what he's doing now prior to 2016; 教士偷很大,Espinoza快的話,可能2年上大聯盟,3~4年則是合理預估,Pomeranz很好, 但缺乏實績 2. Law評論Michael Kopech He's on my top 50, and that was before he hit 105 (but he had hit 103). I don't really know what to do with him - has any starter had this kind of velocity without blowing out in the short term? Relievers have, starters haven't. Is he the great exception? Kopech是Law季中排45的新秀,而這是Kopech投105 mile前排的名次(當時他投到103), Law表示第一次遇到這樣的先發新秀,能投到這麼快,但手沒爆掉的投手? RP有,但SP無,這傢伙顯然是個異類 -- → Herlin:據說有球探會看體毛 認為體毛較少的未來發育可能性更大 11/01 22:18 → Herlin:(因為男性荷爾蒙還沒有完全作用完?) 11/01 22:18 → Herlin:不過這是用在毛本來就很多的阿督仔上 11/01 22:19 推 alex710707:靠 版主說看體毛是在開玩笑還是認真的? 11/01 22:19 → Herlin:用在東方人身上我想應該是肯定不準 11/01 22:19 → Herlin:真的 我看Baseball America 的印象 11/01 22:19 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

07/15 21:12, , 1F
07/15 21:12, 1F

07/15 22:46, , 2F
07/15 22:46, 2F

07/15 22:47, , 3F
出現在MLB的投手 換一個已經是MLB即戰力的28歲年輕SP
07/15 22:47, 3F

07/15 22:48, , 4F
07/15 22:48, 4F

07/15 22:48, , 5F
07/15 22:48, 5F

07/15 22:49, , 6F
07/15 22:49, 6F

07/15 22:49, , 7F
何況很多球隊 打沒幾個月就在展望明年了是要展望幾百年
07/15 22:49, 7F

07/15 22:50, , 8F
07/15 22:50, 8F

07/15 22:51, , 9F
我真替教士迷感到悲哀 阿 也沒差;臺灣根本沒教士迷 哈
07/15 22:51, 9F

07/15 23:16, , 10F
07/15 23:16, 10F

07/15 23:38, , 11F
"Poneranz has no track record". Yea, like Espinoza h
07/15 23:38, 11F

07/15 23:39, , 12F
as a ton
07/15 23:39, 12F

07/15 23:52, , 13F
07/15 23:52, 13F

07/16 00:22, , 14F
值了啦 得到一位全明星賽的先發左投手,28歲約到18~19
07/16 00:22, 14F

07/16 00:22, , 15F
不知道這樣還有什麼好嫌的;看看隔壁洋基 多少個大帝
07/16 00:22, 15F

07/16 00:22, , 16F
07/16 00:22, 16F

07/16 00:23, , 17F
07/16 00:23, 17F

07/16 01:36, , 18F
很高 至少3號 我說休斯 張伯倫有被期待過1號....
07/16 01:36, 18F

07/16 08:29, , 19F
休斯當年是3號~Ace的潛力 比Lester還高不少
07/16 08:29, 19F

07/16 09:04, , 20F
07/16 09:04, 20F

07/16 12:39, , 21F
07/16 12:39, 21F

07/16 14:12, , 22F
07/16 14:12, 22F
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文章代碼(AID): #1NYCUCWj (RedSox)