
看板Rockets (休士頓 火箭)作者 (The Dream)時間21年前 (2003/06/06 03:42), 編輯推噓6(600)
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Jeff Van Gundy今天將與火箭GM進行第二次的會面, 同時將參觀火箭新球館,還有平常季後練球的Westside club, 以目前情況來說,只要JVG點頭,他將會是火箭下一季的head coach, Mike Dunleavy則變成備胎, 以下是一些人對他的評價: 1.以前也曾在他手下打過球的Glen Rice (P.S.那時還因上場時間不夠對JVG有所微詞,不過現在看來Rice對他的評價還是頗高的) "Right away, it's going to be different," said Rice, who played for Van Gundy for one season before he was traded to the Rockets. "Jeff has a very different approach to the game, different from Rudy (Tomjanovich), a very aggressive approach. "The defense will be much better. Practice will be totally different. There won't be any slacking off. Anytime you have a young team like ours , discipline and direction (are) very important. Jeff will change things. He will be very demanding, but the players will want that." 2.他的兄弟Stan Van Gundy "(The Rockets) have very good players who are young and will continue to get better. ... They were a good team, over .500. They just had a hard time making the playoffs in the West. I think he's proven he can coach. He definitely wants to be in a situation (where) he has good players. They definitely have them." The combination of Yao and Francis provides a foundation somewhat like the then-developing Lakers once had with Shaquille O'Neal and Kobe Bryant, even if the Rockets are not yet at the Lakers' level, Stan Van Gundy said. "You got a good perimeter guy and a good big guy, and he's a good coach to put talent together," Stan Van Gundy said. 3.現任尼克教頭Don Chaney "It will be a great fit with Jeff and the Rockets," Chaney said. "He'll be ideal for Houston. Yao Ming will need a lot of teaching, and Jeff is a good guy to do that. And Jeff is a winner, a proven winner." 4.前尼克後衛Johnny Newman "He's a great teacher. He's a student of the game. And they have a lot of talent there. He's a great teacher of the game, very enthusiastic. If you don't have any energy when you get to the arena, he will have it and you will, too. He's going to put the guys where they need to be and control the guys. He's not a control freak. But he knows how to control the game and get guys the best opportunities." 5.前尼克名將Herb Williams "Houston has a lot of talent, a real good team," Williams said. "The thing about Jeff is: He came in after Don Nelson, but really, he came in behind Pat Riley. He stayed along those lines, but he changes some things to fit our team better. He can make changes. But the players have to ultimately change to the coach. He has to go out there and make the players trust in the coach. I don't think he will have a problem with that." 呵,如果真能簽下JVG,明年還真令人期待~ 其實不是不喜歡Mike Dunleavy,只是感覺起來,他就像另外一個Rudy T 而Jeff Van Gundy是個徹頭徹尾完全不同類型的教練~ 希望這星期週末就會有好消息 :) 想要看完整文章的, 請到 http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/story.hts/sports/bk/bkn/rox/1938462 對不起沒辦法像別的版一樣翻譯全文,可能等放假之後比較有空再說吧~ 等到以後板上討論更熱烈時或許會有更多人從事翻文的工作~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw) ◆ From:

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不管拉 給我Carleslie 其餘免談
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拼錯了 是Carlisle
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