
看板Rockets (休士頓 火箭)作者 (norris)時間21年前 (2004/02/24 04:17), 編輯推噓2(200)
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http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/ssistory.mpl/sports/bk/bkn/2415564 Rockets take it to limit Yao scores 41, eight in third OT of victory By JONATHAN FEIGEN Copyright 2004 Houston Chronicle 姚明緊緊抓著他的小褲褲仔細的綁緊,一如不小心就會掉下來一樣 Francis灌了一大口開特力,然後讓訓練員Keith Jones處理他的傷口 Stephen Jackson用力伸直快要抽筋僵直的腿 這場生死鬥,場上的球員打得越久,過程越痛苦,輸球的人一定感到更幹 經過62分鐘的激烈交戰後,火箭和老鷹依然平手尚未分出勝負 每個人都積極求勝,投入僅有的精神與力量 這場比賽大家賭注越下越大,非贏不可,所有人都疲憊不堪,筋疲力竭 但最後,贏家只能有一個 火箭贏了,姚明居功厥偉 因為他不能讓火箭在這樣的狀況下輸球 在最後關鍵的第三次延長死鬥中,姚明得到了火箭9分之中的8分 同時兩次成功的防守替火箭留下了驚濤駭浪中的勝利 123比121,本週日晚上,火箭在Toyota Center主場戰勝來訪的老鷹 姚明取得生涯新高的兩項紀錄:41分及7助攻,同時還抓下了16個籃板 幫助火箭在這場三度延長的激戰取得勝利 姚明在賽後表示 我覺得非常非常累,我都已經麻掉失去感覺了 但是我必須強迫自己撐下去 覺得疲憊不堪雖然很糟糕,但是輸球的感覺更糟(哇不甲意輸的感覺) 除了帳面上的數據外,姚明在防守上也頗有建樹 老鷹在第三次延長賽中最後兩次反撲切入,都是在姚明的防守下以失敗作收 火箭因而得以留下勝利 進入第三次延長賽後,老鷹的Rebraca和Przybilla都已經犯滿畢業在板凳上納涼 火箭開始重施在第一次延長賽中得逞的招式 火箭連續塞球給姚明進攻,而姚明也不負寄託,三球全進 但老鷹Jason Terry一記跳投又一記三分將比數追成只差一分 之後火箭連續五次機會沒有得分 在那最後一次進攻,Mobley出手三分,球在籃框上跳了幾下彈出 Francis拼命追搶那個籃板球卻撞上Sura,並因此犯滿退場 之前Stephen Jackson的罰球將比數追平 而這次Sura投進另一記罰球,替老鷹取得一分的領先,時間只剩下37.9秒 此時姚明挺身而出 儘管在兩個人近身包夾下,姚明在10呎跳投入網 火箭重新取得122比121領先,時間剩下23.4秒 姚明回憶那記在包夾下的勉強出手,他說: 我那時拿球就下定決心一定要出手 我覺得我們一定會贏,而且那是必須拿下致勝的一球 我想老鷹的好運已經到頭了,該是結束的時候 儘管如此,老鷹還是有足夠的時間來完成一次有組織的攻擊取勝 而且看今晚老鷹每次不可思議的反撲追平,沒有理由這次不能再發生奇蹟 姚明撲向Terry,迫使他掉球 老鷹的N'diaye雖然好運撿起這個失控球,但是在內線卻放槍沒進 這個局勢使火箭有機會將這最後關頭領先拓展成3分優勢 老鷹選擇在Mobley身上犯規 這位已經在場上奮戰60分鐘的球員,兩罰卻只中一 還剩下8.2秒,兩分差距,球權在老鷹手上,還有最後一次反撲機會 Mobley說 我累死了,我們已經全身酸痛,對方當然也好不到哪裡去 已經三次延長了,我們必須要想辦法結束這場比賽 難免你就是會遇到這種超累的比賽 有時候你擊敗對手輕鬆寫意,就像我們上次對華盛頓巫師隊那樣 有時候你就必須浴血奮戰,一點都不能放鬆 我非常高興在這樣的困境中我們沒有放棄,堅持到底 老鷹的最後一擊,Sura在姚明面前上籃沒進,這場比賽終於落幕 以下記者不知在搞啥,又從第二次延長講起 這邊比賽講完了怎麼又回頭?敘事順序反反覆覆(怒,凹稿費喔?) 不翻了,其實也沒啥內容 The Hawks had taken a two-point lead with two minutes left in the second overtime. But Sura missed his second free throw. So when Yao plowed his way inside to draw a foul, his two free throws pulled the Rockets back into a 111-111 tie, with 1:49 left. This time, unlike the end of regulation and the first overtime, the Rockets seemed to have come up with the defensive play. Francis smacked a Terry pass toward midcourt where Terry had to chase it down while racing the shot clock. Terry picked up the ball at about 40 feet away and fired from 35 feet, hitting only the bottom of the net with 54.3 seconds left. The Rockets got the shots they wanted. Mobley had an open 3 for the tie, but smacked it against the front of the rim. Yao tipped the rebound to Maurice Taylor. But Taylor went for a slam and left it short. With the Rockets down to their last chance when Sura missed a runner with 14 seconds left, Francis grabbed the rebound and took off downcourt, finding Jim Jackson in the corner. The game had gone into overtime when Chris Crawford nailed a 3, and into a second overtime on a Francis trey. Jackson swished his 3-pointer with 5.8 seconds remaining, forcing a third overtime. The Rockets also needed a late run in the first overtime. With 14.2 seconds remaining to make up a three-point deficit, almost precisely the situation the Rockets faced against the Spurs two weeks ago, they used almost every second to find an open shooter. Francis passed to Yao who gave it to Mobley who passed to Francis, who gave it to Jackson, who finally found Francis alone in the corner. Francis had been 0-for-6 on 3s and had made just three of 14 shots. But he nailed his trey to tie the game at 107 with 2.9 seconds left. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: norris0140 來自: (02/24 04:21)

推 02/24, , 1F
好棒阿 謝謝<(_ _)>
推 02/24, 1F

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推 02/24, 2F
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