[轉錄][情報] 一些拓邊球隊選秀規則

看板Rockets (休士頓 火箭)作者 (怎麼會那麼難過..)時間21年前 (2003/12/29 12:28), 編輯推噓0(000)
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※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板] 作者: Lyotard (非人) 看板: NBA 標題: [情報] 一些拓邊球隊選秀規則 時間: Mon Dec 29 01:02:42 2003 我試著把 FAQ 裡的 92 條中重要的部分整理成中文好了: 92. How does it work when the league expands? To supply an expansion team with its initial complement of players, the league holds an expansion draft prior to that year's NBA draft. 拓邊球隊球隊的選秀會在當年的新秀選秀之前舉行。 Existing teams are allowed to protect up to eight players (including restricted free agents) from being selected in the expansion draft, but every team must expose at least one player. Unrestricted free agents can neither be protected from nor selected in the expansion draft, and are essentially ignored. Restricted free agents (see question number 34) may be selected, but become unrestricted free agents upon selection (with the caveat that they cannot then re-sign with the team from which they came). No team may lose more than one player in an expansion draft. 既有球隊最多可以保護八名球員,包括有限制自由球員。 每支球隊最少要提出一名球員。 無限制的自由球員不需要被保護,因為他們也不能被選。 基本上可以在拓邊選秀中將他們忽略掉(到暑假自由市場見勝負)。 有限制自由球員可以被選,不過選了以後,就會變成無限制自由球員。 每支球隊只能有一名球員被選,同一支球隊不能被選超過兩名球員。 Some players may become unrestricted free agents due to the invocation or non-invocation of an option or ETO (see question number 48). The league uses their status on the day of the expansion draft -- i.e., if a player has invoked his option or ETO by the day of the expansion draft, then he is treated as a free agent. If a player has not invoked an option or ETO by the day of the expansion draft, then he is treated as being under contract (so it is possible for Charlotte to select a player in the expansion draft who then invokes his option, becomes an unrestricted free agent, and signs elsewhere). 這段是講球員有選擇權時的問題。 判斷的標準在於拓邊選秀的那天,如果球員在那天之前執行了選擇權, 成為自由球員,那麼,他就會被當成自由球員,會被選秀忽略。反之, 若在那天球員還沒有執行選擇權,那麼他就會被當作是在約球員。 拓邊球隊可以選一個有選擇權但尚未執行的球員,然後這位球員在選秀 後執行選擇權成為自由球員,投入暑期自由市場。 For the 2004 expansion draft, Charlotte will select a minimum of 14 and a maximum of 29 players (no more than one player from each team), and may stop at any point between 14 and 29. They will get the #4 pick in both rounds of the 2004 NBA draft, and no restrictions will exist in any subsequent draft (Vancouver and Toronto could not receive the first pick for four seasons). 夏洛特的這支拓邊球隊很好命,聯盟已經送他們第一輪與第二輪的第 四順位選秀權,而且未來都可以抽狀元簽。而在拓邊選秀方面,他們 最少必須選 14 名球員,最多則可以選到 29 名球員(因為每支球隊 只能被選一名)。 Existing teams are allowed to compensate expansion teams (usually with draft picks), in exchange for selecting or not selecting particular players in the expansion draft. For example, in the 1995 expansion draft (when Vancouver and Toronto entered the league), Orlando left Darrell Armstrong, Anthony Avent, Rodney Dent and Geert Hammink unprotected, but did not want to lose either Armstrong or Hammink. They gave Vancouver their 1996 second round pick in exchange for Vancouver selecting Dent with the second pick in the expansion draft. With Dent claimed by Vancouver, Armstrong and Hammink became ineligible to be selected. 底下是一些既有球隊可採行的技巧。 既有球隊可以與拓邊球隊談條件,送他們一個選秀權,然後要他們選 擇特定球員。魔術當年沒有保護 DA 與 Hammink,但又不希望他們被 灰熊選走,所以他們送灰熊一個第二輪選秀權,要求灰熊挑走 Dent. 這樣他們就可以保住以上兩名球員 It is also common to see teams leave a desirable player unprotected, hoping that the player's age and/or high salary will dissuade the expansion team from selecting him. This allows those teams to protect an additional player whom they might have been more likely to lose. Or in some cases, they might dangle a high-priced player hoping the expansion team takes him off their hands. 既有球隊當然也可以讓一名肥約球員不受保護,這樣一來,拓邊球隊 也許會害怕吃下這份大型合約,而不敢選他。既有球隊可以透過這種 方式多保護一些球員。 當然,也有球隊不保護自己的肥約球員,是真心希望他們被選走的。 Expansion teams have a lower salary cap for the first two years of their existence. In their first year, their salary cap is 2/3 the salary cap for the rest of the league. In their second year, it's 3/4 the salary cap for the rest of the league. Beginning with their third season, they have the same salary cap as the other teams. Their minimum salary is lower as well -- in their first two seasons, the minimum salary for expansion teams is 3/4 of the minimum salary for the other teams. 拓邊球隊的第一年與第二年球隊薪資上限都比一般球隊一低。第一年 是一般球隊的 2/3,第二年是 3/4。第三年開始就相同了。 同時,拓邊球隊在前兩年的球員最小薪資也比較低,只有 3/4。 (哪個新人在選秀第二輪被他們選到,就算他倒楣) If an expansion team drafts a player in the expansion draft and waives him prior to the first day of the season, then that player's salary does not count against their salary cap (although they still have to pay him). This provides some protection against bad decisions made in the expansion draft -- Charlotte could select a player, later decide they don't really want him, and waive him without their cap being negatively affected. 這個規則很有意思。拓邊選秀中選來的球員,如果在球季第一天之前 將他揮棄掉,那麼這筆球員薪資將不被記入球隊薪資中(雖然球隊照 樣要付錢)。這樣可以保護拓邊球隊不受到錯誤的選秀拖累。 這個規定可能會讓超過豪華稅門檻的球隊,說服拓邊球隊吃下他們的 米蟲,然後揮棄掉他。這樣一來大家都不會受到豪華稅的傷害。至於 拓邊球隊實際上必須給付的薪資,既有球隊當然可以想辦法補償,比 如說:乾脆就把己隊的第一順位選秀權送給他們。 Most league calculations (average salary, total benefits, total salaries, BRI, salary cap) simply ignore expansion teams (and the players on those teams) for two years. For example, the league calculates the average salary by adding up the team salaries for every team, and dividing by an amount equal to the number of teams times 12.5. In an expansion team's first two seasons, for this calculation, the total team salaries does not include the expansion team, and nor does the number of teams. 聯盟關於收益、球員與球隊薪資等等的各種會計計算,前兩年都將排 除掉拓邊球隊(不然會很混亂)。 The Charlotte expansion team will not be eligible to share in any luxury tax or escrow distributions until the 2005-06 season. 相對地,拓邊球隊前兩年也不能分享聯盟的稅收分配。 Basketball Related Income (BRI) does not include the fee expansion teams pay to join the league. 當然,聯盟都會向拓邊球隊收入會費,而這筆錢也不算在收益中。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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推 12/29,
感謝 T 老大的規則解說~ ^^
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神阿 .........推
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感謝翻譯 <(_ _)>
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借轉火箭版囉 ^^
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-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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