
看板Royals作者 ("汰杜"救誠泰)時間17年前 (2007/11/04 00:56), 編輯推噓0(000)
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日前 claim 了綠帽的投手投手 Colby Lewis, Lewis 今年28歲,生涯在MLB的表現並不突出, http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/players/profile?statsId=6893 另外跟10名小聯盟球員續約,分別是 Right handed pitcher David Bernat - 23 years old, spent 2007 with Burlington-NC(R) and Wichita (AA). Catcher Cody Clark - 26 years old, spent 2007 with Wilmington (A) and Omaha (AAA) Left handed pitcher Jason Cromer - 26 years old, spent 2007 with Wichita (AA) Catcher Damaso Espino - 24 years old, spent 2007 with Wichita (AA) Left handed pitcher John Foster - 29 years old, spent 2007 with Arizona Royals (R) and Wichita (AA) Right handed pitcher Devon Lowery - 24 years old, spent 2007 with Arizona Royals (R) and Wichita (AA) First baseman Mike Stodolka - 26 years old, spent 2007 with Wichita (AA), named Wichita Player of the Year Third baseman Michael Thompson - 23 years old, spent 2007 with Burlington-IA (A), named a mid-season and postseason Midwest League All-Star, finished fourth in Midwest League with 19 homers Outfielder Jamar Walton - 21 years old, spent 2007 with Burlington-IA (A) Right handed pitcher Matt Wright - 25 years old, spent 2007 with Omaha (AAA), finished sixth in PCL with a 4.06 ERA -- 新虎膽妙算 Mission:Impossible 銀河飛龍 Star Trek: The Next Generation 百戰天龍 MacGyver 飛狼 Airwolf 天龍特攻隊 The A Team ─┼───────────── 家有阿福 ALF ㊣ 台視影集 有口皆碑 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
文章代碼(AID): #17BAXOZp (Royals)
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文章代碼(AID): #17BAXOZp (Royals)