
看板Royals作者 (給COBRAS機會)時間16年前 (2008/01/19 12:07), 編輯推噓5(501)
留言6則, 5人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
國外討論區看來的 有球迷去了FanFest。 以下是全文 Just returned home from FanFest where I had tickets to a meet & greet with Hillman, Meche and Guillen. Here's a quick rundown of my conversation with Hillman Me: Any pitching news? I hear Dayton talking about signing another starter and was wondering if there was any news? Trey: Watch the news within the next 24 hours. I just had a conversation with him earlier today. Me: Can you give me a hint? Trey: His initials are B.T. --------------------- 哪位?XD Brian Tallet Brett Tomko Billy Traber Brad Thompson -- 新虎膽妙算 Mission:Impossible 銀河飛龍 Star Trek: The Next Generation 百戰天龍 MacGyver 飛狼 Airwolf 天龍特攻隊 The A Team ─┼───────────── 家有阿福 ALF ㊣ 台視影集 有口皆碑 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/19 18:31, , 1F
Bit Torrent?
01/19 18:31, 1F

01/19 18:47, , 2F
01/19 18:47, 2F

01/20 13:21, , 3F
Blue Tiger ?
01/20 13:21, 3F

01/20 18:15, , 4F
Brett Bombko
01/20 18:15, 4F

01/22 19:05, , 5F
at least it'll be fun watching him against AJP :P
01/22 19:05, 5F

01/22 21:34, , 6F
wow... what a hint...比官網整整早兩天
01/22 21:34, 6F
文章代碼(AID): #17aNTd3d (Royals)
討論串 (同標題文章)
完整討論串 (本文為第 1 之 2 篇):
16年前, 01/19
16年前, 01/21
文章代碼(AID): #17aNTd3d (Royals)