[戰報] 皇家報報 冬季會議第2天

看板Royals作者 (相信)時間13年前 (2011/12/07 13:15), 編輯推噓0(000)
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1.還在尋找替補三壘的右打者,Casey Blake跟Kevin Kouzmanoff的價錢是我們可能出手 的目標 2.目前40人名單是滿的,所以我們必須空出位置給禮拜四即將到來的規則5選秀 3.在Derek Lowe去印地安人前,我們曾經極力爭取過他。 4.Ned Yost希望可以從FA裡簽點左手牛,減輕Tim Collins的負擔 5.Dutton承認我們確實對G-Gon有興趣,但是運動家要求的農場包卻不感興趣。另外 Trevor Cahill也是我們的目標 6.我們正在聽取Joakim Soria的報價,但是我們希望能換回前段輪值的投手 7.威麥可能是James Shields案的關鍵。光芒隊提出James Shields換Joakim Soria跟 Christian Colon以及威麥 8.Moore表示:"I'd like to keep Wil Myers' name out of the paper as much as possible. Wil Myers is a young, talented player. He had a tremendous Arizona Fall League. We live with him every day. We love him and he's a big part of our future. But he's a Double-A player. He's going to produce at his own natural rate. We're not going to put unrealistic expectations on him. What other cliche do you want?" 9.自從藍鳥獲得Santos後,他們對Soria或Holland的興趣也就減少了 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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文章代碼(AID): #1EtlPmQJ (Royals)