Re: [心得] Bubba Starling vs Bryce Harper

看板Royals作者 (偶陣雨,偶爾會天晴)時間12年前 (2012/02/27 01:01), 編輯推噓2(203)
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: One of them will turn 20-years-old on August 3, the other will celebrate his : 20th birthday two months later on October 16. One was the first pick in the : 2010 draft, the other was the fifth pick in 2011. Both players were selected : by teams with basement dwelling recent histories but high hopes for the : future. Both of them are represented by super agent Scott Boras. 其中一個人將在8/3滿20歲,另一人則是會在兩個多月後的10/16過他的第20年生日。 一個人是2010年的首輪選秀,另一人則是2011年的第五順位。兩個人都是被球隊寄予 厚望的未來支柱,同時也都是 Boras 旗下的球員 : Bubba Starling and Bryce Harper grew up wowing fans and scouts alike at a : young age with their prodigious home runs, playing against competition 2-3 : years older. Both are relatively humble kids with a strong work ethic and : professional demeanor who are expected to make strong role models for the : next generation of baseball fans. Both are considered to be five tool : players, freaks of nature with once-in-a-generation athleticism (well, maybe : twice in a generation) and the ability to contribute mightily to dragging : their respective clubs toward contention. Bubba Starling 和 Bryce Harper 有著讓球迷們驚呼的全壘打能力,也因此在十分 年輕的時候就被發掘,並且在比賽中和比他們大兩到三歲的球員對抗。他們也都是 那種有著努力特質和職業風範的謙遜小孩,所以被期待能成為下個世代棒球員中的 典範。兩個人都是所謂的"五拍子球員",是那種一個世代中只會出現一個的運動員 (嗯好吧,或許是一個世代中出現兩個),並且有對各自的球團作出巨大貢獻的能力 : For all their similarities, comparing Bubba Starling and Bryce Harper is like : comparing apples to oranges, or more accurately like comparing baseballs to : footballs, basketballs, and more baseballs. To begin, Bubba grew up on 20 : acres in Gardner, KS and Bryce Harper grew up in the bright lights of Las : Vegas. Bryce’s father’s name is Ron. Bubba’s father’s name is Jimbo. (I : ’m not making that up.) Bubba bats right handed, Bryce bats from the left. : (They both throw right handed.) Bryce grew up eating, thinking, breathing, : and playing baseball non-stop since he was three years old. Bubba grew up in : an athletically diverse and competitive family of cousins that all played 3 : different sports, and played each sport very well. 由於他們有如此多的共同點,比較 Starling 和 Harper 就好像比較蘋果和橘子一樣, 更精確一點說,像是把棒球跟美式足球、籃球、或是其他棒球拿來比較。Starling 在 堪薩斯州的土地上成長,而 Harper 則是成長於賭城的陽光下。Bryce 的父親叫 Ron 而 Bubba 的父親叫 Jimbo (作者表示,我不是在作排版)。Bryce 是左打而 Bubba 是 右打(不過他們都用右手丟球就是)。Bryce 從三歲開始做的事就是吃飯、思考、呼吸、 打棒球,Bubba 則是成長於一個遇有運動多樣性且高度競爭的家庭,他和表兄弟們都 玩三樣不同的運動,而且每一樣都打的很好 : As I’m sure you know, Bubba accepted a scholarship to play football AND : baseball for the University of Nebraska. If not for that $7.5 million : signing bonus the Royals game him (the largest ever offered to a high school : player), we might have watched Bubba in a red jersey last Fall tossing : footballs around Lincoln, NE. And oh by the way, he could dunk a basketball : when he was in 8th grade and averaged 28.3 points per game as a high school : senior on the hardwood. So, you could say Bubba had options when it came to : deciding his future as a professional athlete. 我很確定你們知道 Bubba 本來已經要去 Nebraska 同時玩美式足球和棒球,要不是皇家 給了他一份7.5M的合約(有史以來給高中生的最大合約),那我們就可以欣賞 Bubba 在 橄欖球場上的身影。噢對了,他在八年級的時候就能灌籃,並且在高中時有著每場 平均 28.3分的成績。所以可以說 Bubba 在決定他要踏入職業運動時,有不只一種選擇 : Bubba’s baseball experience stems from playing for only two months out of : each year, partially because it’s not generally realistic to throw a : baseball outside between November and March in Kansas, and partially because : he was too busy playing other sports during the baseball off season. Bubba 的棒球經驗是從每年僅僅玩兩個月棒球開始的,其中一部分的原因是如果你身處 堪薩斯,要在十一月到三月間在戶外打球似乎有點不切實際,另一個原因呢則是他忙於 其他的運動 : Bryce grew up in a warmer climate which afforded him more time to spend : outside on a baseball field, and traveled all over the country participating : in tournaments and winning more awards than you can carry in an F-350. Bryce : was named to the All American Travel Ball Select team as a 12, 13, and 14 : year old, he was the TBS player of the year at 14, he was the Baseball : America High School Player of the Year in 2009, the SWAC player of the year : in 2010, the Golden Spikes award winner in 2010, plus the recipient of many : additional accolades and trophies that would take another entire story just : to list. Bryce 在比較溫暖的地區中生活,所以他有多一點的時間可以在室外棒球場上打球, 他跑遍了全國參加錦標賽,得到的獎盃你用一架F-350可能也裝不完,在12、13、14歲 時都被選進 All American Travel Ball Select team 中,14歲時獲選為 the TBS player of the year,同時是2009年的全美高中最佳球員,2010年拿下年度最佳業餘球員金釘鞋獎 以及西南聯盟最佳球員獎,其他的讚美和獎項我們可能需要另外寫篇文章才能列完 : Both Bryce and Bubba can hit the ball a ton. It’s been widely reported that : Bubba has belted 500 foot home runs on more than one occasion. Bryce’s high : school coach says he hit a 570 foot blast while playing in the desert of Las : Vegas. Read that again – 570 feet. Now read this – when he was : 15-years-old!! Bryce 和 Bubba 都可以把球打的遠遠的,Bubba 已經不只一次的打出500呎遠的全壘打, Bryce 的高中教練則說當在拉斯維加斯的沙漠中打球時,他把球打了570呎遠。你沒看錯 ,570呎耶,而且他那時候只有15歲!! : Bryce’s high school home run story seems just a tiny bit farfetched to me. : Baseball America says that “anything in the 500-foot range is genuinely : historic.” The computerized measuring system installed in the major leagues : since 1982 has only recorded one, just one 500+ foot home run. Cecil Fielder : (you know, Price’s dad) hit a ball 502 feet in Milwaukee in 1991. This is : the last time anyone hit a 500 foot home run in the majors. So, how could we : possibly believe that Bryce Harper hit a ball 570 feet? Bryce 的全壘打故事看起來只是他誇張經歷的一小部份,Baseball America 說,任何 超過500呎的距離都是歷史。自大聯盟於1982年計算距離系統以來,紀錄上只有1支超過 500呎的全壘打,Cecil Fielder (就是小王子他爸啦) 在1991年的密爾瓦基把球打了 502呎遠。所以我們該怎麼理解 Bryce Harper 的570呎全壘打故事呢 : Now, having said that, full disclosure requires me to inform you that Bryce : did touch the back wall of Tropicana Field during a Power Showcase home run : derby, setting a stadium record with an officially measured 502 foot home : run. Although this blast was hit off a batting practice pitch, I suppose : anything is possible, including maybe even a 570 foot dinger. 不過在說完這些以後,撰稿者必須提醒你們有個公開資料是 Bryce 在 Tropicana Field (光芒主場)的一次全壘打大賽中把球打到了後牆,而這球的官方紀錄是502呎,本文的 作者相信凡事都是有可能的,包括570呎 : Bryce Harper’s pure focus on baseball has created a player who is major : league ready, or nearly so, at just 19 years of age. He’s well deserving of : the moniker, “the Lebron James of baseball.” The fact that there is some : discussion about whether Harper might break Spring Training with the : Washington Nationals seems incredible. More than likely he’ll begin the : season with the Syracuse Chiefs, he’ll destroy AAA pitching for a couple : months, and then he’ll be called up sometime midseason. 由於專心於棒球上,在19歲的時候,Bryce Harper 已經準備好要上大聯盟了,有個他 應該得到的綽號是"棒球界的 Lebron James",有些關於他是否會從春訓就一直留在大 聯盟的討論似乎不太可能。看起來比較像是他將從 Syracuse Chiefs 隊出發,屠殺幾 個月的3A投手,然後在球季中被叫上去 : It’s the rarest of talent that can play in the big leagues at 19. Robin : Yount played for the Brewers at 18-years-old in 1974, but it just doesn’t : happen very often. Even Bret Saberhagen had to wait until he was : 20-years-old, and Eric Hosmer until after his 21st birthday before receiving : their promotions to Kansas City. 有種最稀有的才能叫做"19歲上大聯盟",Robin Yount 在1974年曾經以18歲的身分幫釀 酒人打過球,不過這並不常見。連 Bret Saberhagen 都要等到20歲,Eric Hosmer 更是 值到21歲的生日後才登上大聯盟舞台 : In my opinion, Bubba Starling has equal or greater athletic gifts than Bryce : Harper, but his baseball talents are more raw and will require additional : time to refine. It might be more meaningful for us to compare Bubba to : Hall-of-Famer Dave Winfield who played both college baseball and basketball : at the University of Minnesota, and then was drafted by the San Diego Padres, : the Atlanta Hawks, and the Minnesota Vikings as well although he had never : played a down of college football. However, this still isn’t a perfect : comparison because Winfield wasn’t drafted until he had graduated from : college at 21 years of age, three years older than Bubba Starling when he was : drafted. But then again, the Padres did place him directly into the major : leagues that same year where he hit .277 in 56 games, so the resulting age : when he arrived in the bigs will likely be comparable to Bubba’s. 依照作者的觀點,Bubba Starling 擁有不亞於 Bryce Harper 的運動天份,但是他的 棒球才能還需要一段時間才會成熟,我們把 Starling 拿來和曾在明尼蘇達州大打過 棒球和籃球的名人堂球員 Dave Winfield 比較或許更有意義,Winfield 曾經被教士、 亞特蘭大老鷹和明尼蘇達維京人在選秀會上選上 (即使他大學根本就沒打美足)。但是 呢作者認為這也顯然不是個好比較,畢竟 Winfield 是在他21歲畢業時才參加選秀,足足 比 Starling 大了三歲。不過呢教士在選到他以後就直接讓他去打大聯盟了,在那年的 56場比賽中有打擊率.277成績,所以他登上大聯盟的年齡或許可以和 Bubba 做比較 : Another comparison could be between Bubba and multi-sport star Bo Jackson who : played both football and baseball in college. Bo’s baseball talents were : considered to be less refined than his football skills when he was drafted : (he was a Heisman Trophy winner), but his sheer otherworldly athleticism : enabled him to jump to the majors after just 53 games of AA ball at the age : of 23. To the dismay of Royals fans, in 1987 Jackson decided to play : football as a “hobby.” This unfortunate decision ultimately resulted in a : devastating hip injury that ruined what potentially could have been a career : as a perennial All Star. 另外一個可以和 Bubba 比較的球員是棒足雙棲的大學明星 Bo Jackson,在參加選秀時, 一般認為 Bo 的棒球才能不如他在美式足球上面的才華 (他可是拿過 Heisman Trophy 獎 呢 [最佳美式足球大學球員]),但他那純粹的運動員天份讓他可以在23歲時,僅僅歷經 53場2A的比賽就上了大聯盟。但是他在1987年決定把美式足球加入興趣清單的舉動讓 皇家球迷感到驚慌,這個不幸的決定最後也毀掉了一個極有潛力成為明星球員的生涯 : Maybe Joe Mauer would make a better measuring stick to compare with Bubba : Starling. Joe played football, basketball, and baseball for his high school : team, just like Bubba. He was drafted upon his high school graduation, just : like Bubba. He was the first pick in the 2001 draft while Bubba was the 1st : non-pitcher taken in the 2011 draft. 或許雙城隊的貓兒是個好一點的比較對象吧,貓兒在高中的時候和 Bubba 一樣,打過 棒球籃球加上美式足球。他也和 Bubba 一樣該高中一畢業就被選秀會選上。貓兒是2001 年的選秀狀元而 Bubba 是2011年第一個被選上的非投手球員 : Mauer was the USA Today High School baseball player of the year in 2001, but : because he grew up playing multiple sports, in a cold climate (St. Paul, MN) : where he couldn’t practice baseball for several months of the year (sounds : similar to Bubba, doesn’t it?), Joe’s baseball talents were not as well : refined as someone like Bryce Harper. Because of this, Joe ended up playing : parts of 4 seasons in the minors. When he debuted with the 2004 Twins at 21 : years of age, in 35 games he blistered the ball at a .308 clip. Since then, : he’s led the league in hitting 3 times, he’s been an All Star 4 times, he’ : s won 3 Gold Gloves, and he threw in an MVP season too just for good measure. : Refinement complete. 貓兒是2001年最佳的高中球員,但是寒冷的明尼蘇達氣候和多棲球員的身分讓他一年練 不到幾個月的棒球 (聽起來和 Bubba 很像不是嗎),所以他不像 Bryce Harper 那類的人 一樣 (在進職業前就充分的把天份轉換回能力)。因此,貓兒在小聯盟待了快四年,不過 在2004年登上大聯盟時,他在35場比賽中打出了.308,從那時候開始,他拿到了三次打擊 王、進過四次全明星賽、三個金手套和一座MVP獎盃。真是被"提煉"得真完全啊 : I’d like to think that we can expect a similar timetable for Bubba Starling’ : s development and hopefully similar results. Bubba said as much to Ashley : Marshall of last week when he indicated he expected to arrive in : Kansas City within 3-4 years. Unfortunately, Bubba signed too late last : summer to obtain any significant professional experience in 2011 so it became : somewhat of a lost year for his development track. This seems to occur : frequently with a large percentage of high caliber talent during the Scott : Boras era. 那我們可以用相同的時間表來期待 Bubba Starling 嗎? Bubba 上星期接受 的 Ashley Marshall 採訪時說了,他希望自己可以在3~4年內上來。不幸的是,他在去年夏天 太晚簽約了,這讓在2011年的訓練機會平空的消失。這種事情在 Boras 掌控的高水準球員 身上好像有點常發生 : Based on what we know of Starling’s skill sets and the track record of : similarly talented athletes, I’m hopeful that we may see him as a September : call-up in 2013 and possibly a mid-season promotion in 2014. I don’t want : to rush Bubba, but I’m a little anxious because as of today, we don’t know : for sure what we have in Lorenzo Cain. With only 181 major league at bats, : MLB Radio Network’s Inside Pitch has already proclaimed Cain one of the most : overrated players of 2012. (I’m surprised they’ve even heard of him so I’ : m shocked they would say he was overrated.) If “The Painkiller” performs : well, then this should take the pressure off Bubba and allow him to develop : at his own pace. If not, then the Royals will either need to rush Starling : along, or find another Melky Cabrera type player to sign for a year or two to : hold his place. 當我們知道那些和 Starling 有著相仿技巧球員們的成就後,本文作者希望我們可以在 2013年的秋季擴編或2014的球季中在大聯盟場上看到他。本文作者強調他不是想揠苗助長 ,但是作者對於我們必須一直看到 Lorenzo Cain 感到焦慮。Cain 被評為2012年最被 高估的選手之一,(作者:你們這些評論家竟然有聽過他的名字然後說他被高估了!!)。 不過如果"The Painkiller"表現的不錯,那我們可以不要給 Bubba 那麼大的壓力而讓他 按照自己的步調進步。但是如果是另外一種狀況呢,皇家隊必須在快速讓 Starling 成長 和給一個類似 Melky Cabrera 的球員一兩年合約中二選一 : I see nothing but high ceiling potential and a positively bright future for : Bubba Starling in a Royals uniform. That is, except for one hopefully remote : possibility. Let’s just pray he doesn’t ever decide to take up football as : a hobby. 從 Bubba Starling 的皇家制服身上,作者我只看到高高的天花板和光明的未來 在有著未來美好期待時,我們只要祈禱他不要有個嗜好叫做打美式足球 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

02/27 08:28, , 1F
02/27 08:28, 1F
感謝,看來我一直誤會了XD 不過我蠻想知道 All American Travel Ball Select team 和 TBS player 分別是什麼

02/27 09:50, , 2F
感謝翻譯,翻譯第十段: 屠殺3A投手 非打者
02/27 09:50, 2F
我昨天在幹麻QQ,(不過從另外的角度看 屠殺打者也有點合理啊XD) ※ 編輯: gloompisces 來自: (02/27 13:03)

02/27 21:43, , 3F
Travel Ball Select是一個收集全國各地青少年棒球的論壇
02/27 21:43, 3F

02/27 21:43, , 4F
the TBS player of the year....不是TBS player XD
02/27 21:43, 4F
※ 編輯: gloompisces 來自: (02/27 22:03)

02/27 22:04, , 5F
02/27 22:04, 5F
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