[討論] offseason schedule

看板Royals作者 (相信)時間7年前 (2017/11/04 22:51), 編輯推噓0(000)
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11/2 ---沉澱期開始 11/4 ---各類選擇權決定 11/6 ---提供QO的截止日(2018年的QO是$17.4M) 11/7 ---自由球員市場開跑、公布金手套 11/9 ---公布銀棒獎 11/13-16 GM會議(Orlando, Florida) 11/13 ---Rookie of the Year 11/14 ---Manager of the Year 11/15 ---Cy Young 11/16 ---MVP 11/16 ---接受QO的期限 12/1 ---不換約截止日 12/10-14 冬季會議 12/14 ---規則5選秀 General Manager Meetings November 13-16 in Orlando, Florida What are the GM Meetings, you might say? Well, they’re pretty much just your standard-issue corporate conference. According to the New York Post, the purpose of the GM Meetings is To discuss the state of the game as well as build camaraderie among the clubs. ...But if that were all that transpired, then we wouldn’t care anywhere as much about these get-togethers. When they aren’t at meetings, GMs (and owners, in some instances) will convene with each other to exchange trade ideas, and spend time with player representatives, most of whom will be on site, to learn more about their free-agent clients. But since the function of the GM Meetings is to discuss other matters, and because it’s relatively early in the offseason, there isn’t a huge amount of movement that happens during the meetings themselves. Rather, this is where foundations are sometimes laid for deals that occur later in the winter. Which brings us to... Winter Meetings December 10-14 in Orlando, Florida Rule 5 Draft: December 14 Ah yes, the Winter Meetings. This is where deals really gain steam. If the GM Meetings are a business conference, the Winter Meetings is baseball comic-con. Executives, agents, media, job-seekers, and exhibitors will come together for everything baseball. There are exhibitions, workshops, a job fair, and varying banquets. There’s even a Gala! No, really, check out this registration brochure. This year’s Winter Meetings will celebrate the 10th anniversary of its annual Women in Baseball Leadership Event. Which is nice and all, but maybe someone should hire Kim Ng as a general manager? I’ll be she’ll even be there! Capping off the Winter Meetings will be the Rule 5 Draft, a bizarre little piece of baseball procedure. It’s meant to prevent a team from stockpiling too many talented minor leaguers who could otherwise play in the Major Leagues, as each team gets the chance to ‘draft’ a player from a different team. Not all MiLB players are eligible, though, and the added twist—all drafted players must stay on the 25-man Major League roster the entire season or else the drafting team forfeits the player back—prevents it from becoming a huge foofaraw. After the Winter Meetings and the Rule 5 draft, that’s it as far as official offseason events. It is a cold, hard two months until pitchers and catchers report to Spring Training in mid-February. And then optimism abounds. At least until opening day. 勇士的GM仍然未選 Moore人生還要上演多久呢? -- ════════ ███◣ ═══════ ════════╮ █▌ █ 40 Kc ◥█ 17 Kc╴ 沉 █▌ █56 聖光守護 █▌ ξ φ █▌ █ ▁Kc ████ ● ρ ◢█ ● ████ ● ξσ █▌ █errera 「 / ███◤avis /\ █▌ █olland﹂< ◥◤ ═════ ═══════ ═══ ◥◤ ═════ ═╯ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Royals/M.1509807108.A.A8F.html
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