[外電] 01/02 七六人 vs 快艇 戰報

看板Sixers (費城76人隊)作者 (傻呆傻呆傻呆呆)時間5年前 (2019/01/02 22:27), 編輯推噓4(404)
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原文連結:https://goo.gl/7tQ6AL With Joel Embiid sidelined by left knee soreness on Sunday night, the Sixers played perhaps their ugliest game of the season, a 34-point loss to the Trail Blazers that wasn’t even as close as the final score indicates. On Tuesday night in Los Angeles, Embiid was back in the lineup, and it’s no coincidence the Sixers beat the Clippers, 119-113. Up by as many as 24 points, the Sixers saw their lead trimmed to four in the fourth quarter, but they held on for the win, moving to 24-14. 前天的比賽 Joel Embiid 因為左膝不適缺席,七六人經歷了可能是本季最糟糕的一場比 賽,以 34 分差輸給了拓荒者隊。 稍早的比賽 Embiid 重回先發陣容,七六人也以 119-113 擊敗了快艇隊,這場勝利和 Embiid 的復出絕對不是巧和而已。 七六人一度領先多達 24 分,然而在第四節又被對手追到 4 分差,好險七六人守住最後 的勝利將戰績推進到 24 勝 14 敗。 Embiid had 28 points and 19 rebounds, while Ben Simmons posted 14 points, nine rebounds and eight assists. Jimmy Butler had 16 points, six rebounds and four assists before being ejected for an altercation in the fourth quarter. The Sixers finish their five-game road trip Wednesday night against the Suns (9 p.m./NBCSP). They’ve split the first four games of the trip. Embiid 得到 28 分 19 籃板,Simmons 則是貢獻 14 分 9 籃板以及 8 個助攻。 Jimmy Butler 在第四節被驅逐出場前留下了 16 分 6 籃板和 4 助攻的數據。 明天和太陽隊的比賽將是他們客場五連戰的最後一場,前四場比賽勝率剛好一半。 ‧ Embiid announced his return to the floor by promptly drilling a three-pointer from the top of the key on his first touch. The 7-foot-3 Boban Marjanovic is bigger than Embiid, but Embiid is much, much quicker in the post. Embiid 以弧頂三分來向全場球迷宣告他回來了! 儘管七呎三的 Boban Marjanovic 比 Embiid 來的高大(7-0),但是 Embiid 的速度相 較之下快太多了。 https://twitter.com/twitter/statuses/1080315324140941312 Embiid slowed down a little offensively after scoring 15 first-quarter points, but his impact was still massive. Even when Embiid isn’t scoring, the Sixers’ defense is so much better when he’s patrolling the paint, deterring drives and cleaning up perimeter mistakes. You can see why he led the NBA in plus-minus during the 2018 calendar year. 第一節得到 15 分之後 Embiid 暫緩了他在進攻端的表現,但是在場上他還是十分有影響 力的。 就算 Embiid 停止得分,只要他站在油漆區就能在防守端干擾對手進攻籃框來達到很大的 幫助。他在 2018 的正負值榜單上也是聯盟頂尖的呢。 ‧ With 9:32 left in the fourth quarter, Embiid was less than pleased with how long Patrick Beverley held onto his arm on a foul. The two exchanged words, then a couple hard pushes. 第四節剩下 9 分 32 秒時 Embiid 顯然對 Patrick Beverley(小AB)抓住他手臂的犯規 很不滿,兩人互噴垃圾話並切互相推擠。 https://twitter.com/twitter/statuses/1080337762148962304 Both players were assessed technical fouls. The scuffling didn’t end there. A little over two minutes later, Butler got tangled up with Avery Bradley. Butler gave Bradley a hard, two-handed shove in the throat before Simmons immediately stepped in to support his teammate. Butler and Bradley were ejected. 裁判送給兩位球員各一個技術犯規。(小編:各打五十大板!!!!!) 過兩分鐘左右 Butler 和 Avery Bradley 互相糾纏,在 Simmons 卡在兩人中間企圖阻止 衝突過大前 Butler 已經狠狠的往對方喉嚨部份推了一下。 Butler 和 Avery Bradley 都被判驅逐出場。(小編:各打一百大板!!!!!) ‧ Simmons’ first attempted jump shot was out of necessity. He air-balled a contested, fadeaway jumper at the end of the shot clock. His second jumper was very much a choice. Without any hesitation, midway through the first period he stepped into a 16-foot shot from the left corner. He missed it, but the mere attempt was encouraging to see from the standpoint of Simmons’ development. Simmons 的第一個跳投出手顯得有些沒必要,在進攻時間要到之前嘗試後仰跳投結果投了 個籃外空心。 相較之下第二個跳投就十分正確,果斷的在 16 呎的距離跳投。 儘管這次出手一樣沒進,但是以 Simmons 的未來發展來看這樣的嘗試是很棒的。 ‧ The Sixers scored a season-high 76 first-half points, and it wasn’t all because of Embiid. Everyone was hitting shots, from Butler to Mike Muscala to JJ Redick, who had 16 points on 5 for 6 shooting in the first half. The ball movement was also exemplary, with 20 assists on 28 made first-half field goals. 七六人上半場創下本季新高的 76 分,這不全是因為 Embiid 的回歸造成的。 大家都參與了進攻,從 Butler 到 Mike Muscala 到 JJ Redick,JJ Redick 上半場就以 6 投 5 中得到 16 分。 球的轉移也非常的棒,上半場 28 次進球其中就夾帶著 20 的助攻在其中。 ‧ The Sixers' 20 turnovers helped the Clippers hang around. They now have 57 turnovers over the past three games. 然而七六人的 20 個失誤也讓快艇有機會追上,過去三場比賽總共累計了 57 次失誤。 ‧ He didn’t have any of his patented, high-flying blocks, but Jonah Bolden gave the Sixers 15 quality minutes. Bolden had nine points on 4 for 4 shooting, including a soaring put-back slam early in the fourth quarter, pulled down six rebounds and played solid interior defense. Beyond this road trip, Bolden is making a good case for sticking in the rotation. Jonah Bolden 在聯盟還沒有什麼代表性的招牌,像是火鍋封阻之類的,不過他在場上的 15 分鐘給球隊帶來很大的幫助。 Bolden 以 4 投 4 中的命中率得到 9 分,其中包含了第四節驚彩的補籃,另外還有 6 籃板和優異的防守表現。 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kstvCQMUV-8
這幾場客場比賽下來,Bolden 慢慢展現了他在陣容中的價值。 ‧ As a unit, this was the best the bench has looked on the Sixers’ road trip. Unlike many nights this season, there weren’t any players who got exposed or were obvious negatives. (Furkan Korkmaz did shoot 1 for 6, but he wasn’t terrible defensively.) Embiid’s presence in the middle certainly helps make everyone look good, but the defensive effort across the board was much improved. T.J. McConnell, a team-worst minus-38 against Portland, had 11 points, three assists, four steals and was a plus-3. 在客場之旅的幾戰中今天的比賽是板凳球員表現最好的一場了。 不像這季的一些比賽一樣,今天的比賽沒有任何球員表現的特別糟糕。(Furkan Korkmaz 雖然只有 6 投 1 中的表現,但是在防守上的表現並不差)。 Embiid 只要在場上就能讓大家的表現都跟著提升,尤其是在防守端的效果更為顯著。 T.J. McConnell 在上一場比賽留下全隊最糟的 -38 正負值表現,這場比賽他得到 11 分 3 助攻和 4 抄截,正負值為 -3。 ‧ Markelle Fultz will reportedly be re-evaluated early next week (see story). The second-year guard, who has been undergoing physical therapy for thoracic outlet syndrome in Los Angeles, was with the team for Tuesday night’ s game. 據報導 Markelle Fultz 會在下週再一次進行評估,這名二年級生一直在洛杉磯接受胸廓 出口綜合症的治療。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 下面是我們幾個小編一起經營的七六人臉書粉絲頁 分享我們看到的最新消息或是外電在粉絲頁上 歡迎大家蒞臨指教~~~ 費城76人主場Sixersball https://www.facebook.com/Sixersfans/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Sixers/M.1546439228.A.C3C.html

01/02 22:27, 5年前 , 1F
下午一個恍神貼了上一場的外電QQ 感謝板友提醒
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01/02 22:37, 5年前 , 2F
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01/03 00:19, 5年前 , 7F
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01/03 00:53, 5年前 , 8F
西門硬搶已經很久了 有教練溺愛撐腰才不怕
01/03 00:53, 8F
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文章代碼(AID): #1SBCeymy (Sixers)