[新聞] 邁阿密會內賽開打前夕 眾男網球星訪NBA熱火主場

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邁阿密會內賽開打前夕 眾男網球星訪NBA熱火主場 2023/03/24 12:06 〔體育中心/綜合報導〕世界棒球經典賽甫於邁阿密落幕,近日則有網壇「陽光雙賽」第 二站—邁阿密公開賽接力登場。加上進入球季尾聲的NBA例行賽,這座美國東南大城正沉 浸於體壇盛會的氛圍中。 本週重返世界第一的西班牙球王艾卡拉茲(Carlos Alcaraz)以衛冕者身分重返此地,倘 若他未能奪冠,將失去球王頭銜。即便面臨巨大保分壓力,這位19歲好手仍撥空就近觀賞 當地NBA勁旅熱火隊主場賽事。其中,艾卡拉茲更於賽後與該隊傳奇球星魏德(Dwyane Wa de)及現役主將巴特勒(Jimmy Butler)簡單寒暄,進行「跨界交流」 在這項男女合站的千分等級大賽,種子球員得以享有首輪輪空的優勢。因此除艾卡拉茲外 ,包括茲維列夫(Alexander Zverev)、帝亞佛(Frances Tiafoe)、魯內(Holger Run e)、穆塞蒂(Lorenzo Musetti)及茲曼諾維奇(Miomir Kecmanovic)等多名種子球員 都趁著無須出賽的空檔,親臨熱火、尼克之戰的現場。 不僅艾卡拉茲得以和籃壇巨星會面,本身就是籃球迷的地主好手帝亞佛則是與射手羅賓森 (Duncan Robinson)相見歡。而茲曼諾維奇賽前先和穆塞蒂、魯內一同在場邊合影留念 ,賽後則是與塞爾維亞同胞約維奇(Nikola Jovic)在球員休息室碰頭。 其中,羅賓森更於翌日前往邁阿密公開賽會場時向ATP官網表示,自己休閒時光也會打網 球,但並非特別擅長。而他更在近幾年成為一位網球迷,因此他認為這次會面是一次美好 的經驗。 https://sports.ltn.com.tw/news/breakingnews/4249714 Alcaraz, Tiafoe Heat Up With NBA Crossover Before Miami Open Carlos Alcaraz attends Wednesday's Miami Heat game, and Frances Tiafoe and Dun can Robinson chat at the Miami Open presented by Itau on Thursday. ꤠJulia Ros e Andreasen – Miami HEAT, Andrew Eichenholz/ATP Tour Andrew Eichenholz Mar 23, 2023 Kecmanovic, Musetti, Rune and Zverev also attend Heat game The Miami Open presented by Itau and the stars of the ATP Tour are heating up in more ways than one. The on-court action is firing, and some of the players have enjoyed interactin g with the NBA world. Carlos Alcaraz, Alexander Zverev, Holger Rune, Lorenzo M usetti and Miomir Kecmanovic were among the players who attended Wednesday eve ning's Miami Heat game against the New York Knicks. "Great night last night watching @MiamiHEAT in Miami! " Alcaraz tweete d. "It was a pleasure to meet @DwyaneWade, and great to see you again @JimmyBu tler!" Kecmanovic, Musetti and Rune posed for a group photo on court during player wa rmups before beginning the season's second ATP Masters 1000 event. https://i.imgur.com/f71dP8u.jpg
Photo Credit: Isaac Baldezon - NBA Photos Kecmanovic even met fellow Serbian Nikola Jovic, a player for the Miami Heat. https://i.imgur.com/essTz1A.jpg
Photo Credit: Isaac Baldezon - NBA Photos Heat star Duncan Robinson brought the heat to the Miami Open presented by Itau , where he met avid basketball fan Frances Tiafoe, who played in this year's N BA All-Star Celebrity Game. "It's a great experience. This is a really cool venue that they've put togethe r here," Robinson told ATPTour.com. "I definitely follow tennis, I play a litt le bit of tennis. I'm not very good at it. But really have become a fan over t he past couple years. "Really enjoyed watching Break Point, the Netflix documentary, and getting a l ittle behind the scenes into what these guys are doing day to day. There's a f unny crossover between tennis and the NBA, there's something there for sure." https://i.imgur.com/8kZ2tsz.jpg
Photo Credit: Andrew Eichenholz/ATP Tour -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Tennis/M.1679671058.A.3ED.html

03/24 23:31, 1年前 , 1F
Alcaraz比Medvedev, Tsitsipas ig粉絲還多 有排面
03/24 23:31, 1F

03/24 23:42, 1年前 , 2F
03/24 23:42, 2F

03/25 07:25, 1年前 , 3F
03/25 07:25, 3F

03/25 09:38, 1年前 , 4F
03/25 09:38, 4F

03/25 17:05, 1年前 , 5F
03/25 17:05, 5F

03/26 14:12, 1年前 , 6F
03/26 14:12, 6F

03/26 14:12, 1年前 , 7F
po 錯 但阿卡我也可以
03/26 14:12, 7F

03/27 09:48, 1年前 , 8F
03/27 09:48, 8F
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