[情報] Sinner:不是所有賽事都強制參加啊

看板Tennis (網球)作者 (無無)時間2小時前 (2024/09/25 12:34), 編輯推噓9(9014)
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https://reurl.cc/qvovVg Italian tennis player Jannik Sinner, world number one, believes that players sho uld take responsibility for their own careers, following criticism of the tennis calendar by Spaniard Carlos Alcaraz and Briton Jack Draper, and recalled that i t is not “obligatory” to play all tournaments. 對於最近在吵的賽事太多的議題 Jannik Sinner表示球員要為自己的職業生涯負責 又不是所有的賽事都強制參加 “The calendar is quite long, obviously. But as players we can choose what to pl ay and what not to play. Obviously, we have some mandatory tests. As a player, y ou can still choose. This year we have a very tight calendar, there are many tou rnaments. It is not mandatory to play a tournament,” he said at the press confe rence ahead of the ATP 500 tournament in Beijing. Sinner: 賽程顯然很長,但作為球員我們可以選擇要參加哪些比賽,以及不參加哪些比賽 當然我們有一些強制性的比賽需要參加,但作為球員,你仍然可以選擇 However, Sinner stressed that apart from the “mandatory” tournaments, which in clude the eight Masters 1000 and four ATP 500 a year, players can choose their o wn schedules. 每年強制是打八個大師賽+四個500 大安迪則是建議球員能抵制年終賽來抗議 https://reurl.cc/ZVEV9A Yet if players want to take a stand against the ATP Tour, they can do so by refu sing to take part in their end-of-season Finals, according to 2003 US Open champ ion Roddick. Let’s be done by November 1st,” said Roddick, as he advocated a swift end to t he tennis season in October on his latest Served podcast. 大安迪認為賽事打到11/1就好 “The entire month of November should be 250s (ATP 250 events) and the top playe rs would not have to play in them. 11月應該都只排250賽事 高排名球員能直接休息不打 “So play your World Tour Finals and wrap it up. Let them rest of the season and not have them running on fumes. The players that have played the most have to r ecover. “When Carlos is saying it and he never says anything negative about anything sa ys it’s too much. And they are like mandatory events. Carlos… just stop playin g the mandatory events. I bet they are not going to throw you off tour. Call the ir bluff.” He then added a stinger to his argument that he believes would change the dynami cs around the scheduling debate, as he suggested players could boycott the ATP F inals, an event formerly known as the World Tour Finals when Roddick was playing . 能抵制年終賽抗議 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Tennis/M.1727238881.A.BD7.html

09/25 12:39, 2小時前 , 1F
09/25 12:39, 1F

09/25 12:39, 2小時前 , 2F
09/25 12:39, 2F

09/25 12:43, 2小時前 , 3F
年終賽很多錢錢欸 不可能抵制吧XD
09/25 12:43, 3F

09/25 12:43, 2小時前 , 4F
09/25 12:43, 4F

09/25 12:48, 2小時前 , 5F
少打點表演賽跟小比賽 感覺賽程也沒到吃不消 而且
09/25 12:48, 5F

09/25 12:48, 2小時前 , 6F
也不可能永遠都進決賽吧 小比賽就讓需要積分跟獎金
09/25 12:48, 6F

09/25 12:49, 2小時前 , 7F
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09/25 12:50, 2小時前 , 10F
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09/25 13:00, 2小時前 , 11F
現在辛卡誰才是反派角色 我好亂
09/25 13:00, 11F

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09/25 13:15, 2小時前 , 15F
如果熱身怕太早出局不夠的話 可以報2站 第1站打得多
09/25 13:15, 15F

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09/25 13:18, 2小時前 , 17F
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09/25 13:24, 2小時前 , 18F
所以Laver Cup跟奧運你都不打啊
09/25 13:24, 18F

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09/25 13:38, 1小時前 , 20F
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09/25 14:23, 1小時前 , 22F
的確是 也是有閃藥檢所以跳過奧運的先例
09/25 14:23, 22F

09/25 14:47, 42分鐘前 , 23F
09/25 14:47, 23F
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文章代碼(AID): #1cyvBXlN (Tennis)