[外電] Ant talks windmill dunks, table tennis, playing with KD

看板Timberwolves (明尼蘇達 灰狼)作者 (Don't panic)時間1月前 (2024/08/04 17:17), 編輯推噓4(400)
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https://tinyurl.com/nhbryvbn https://tinyurl.com/2xf3ta27 In two days, Anthony Edwards will turn 23. Consider his big windmill dunk and 26 points against Puerto Rico an early birthday present he gave himself. Because it sounds exactly like something Ant would do. 兩天後,AE就要滿23歲。他對波多黎各隊砍下26分,比賽中還來了一記大車 輪灌籃,算提前替自己慶生,完全就是AE式風格。 "I already told KD, after the timeout, if I get a break, I'm gonna windmill it. I wanted to go between the legs, but I didn't try it in a minute, so I ain't gonna embarrass myself," he laughed with the media members after the game. 「我在暫停後就告訴KD,如果有快攻機會,我會來記大車輪灌籃。本來想胯 下換手,但有一段時間沒嘗試了,不想讓自己出糗。」他在賽後笑著跟媒體 說。 *** You waited a long time for a big dunk like that? I've been waiting, I've been waiting... I wanna dunk on somebody, but I didn't get the lane yet. I'm glad I got that one. Hopefully I catch somebody in the next three games. Q:你等這記大灌籃等很久了吧? AE:是啊,是啊... 我一直想灌籃,但苦無機會。這次終於成功了,希望接 下來三場能再賞對手幾記。 You closed out the group stage at 3-0. How did it feel on the court? It felt good. It's gonna be different every night, tonight was my night, the first night was KD's, the second one was Bam's, so it's not about getting mine, it's just the ball was finding me. It was swing-swing, and I was the recipient for all those swing-swings, and I was able to knock it down. Q:分組賽三戰全勝的感覺如何? AE:感覺很好。每場比賽都不一樣,我在今晚狀況好,第一場是KD,第二場 是Bam。重點不是個人,而是球剛好找到我。球一直在傳導,我剛好是最後的 受益者,順便投進了。 Are you happy with the way the team has been playing through the first phase? We're playing good, gotta clean up sloppy turnovers, on my behalf. Pass the ball a little more, defend a little better, but we'll be alright. Q:你對球隊小組賽階段的表現滿意嗎? AE:表現不錯,但要修正粗心失誤,尤其是我。多些傳球,防守再好一點, 我們會沒問題的。 Is the elimination stage going to be tougher now? Of course, it's the knockout rounds. All the teams that are in it are really good teams, they've got NBA players, and they compete at a high level, so it's supposed to be hard. Q:淘汰賽階段會更難嗎? AE:當然,剩下的隊伍都很強,各隊陣中有許多NBA球員,競爭強度拉高, 一定很困難。 You've talked about wanting to play with Kevin Durant. Is it everything you imagined and dreamed of? Hell yeah! Him, and LeBron, they are the best two people. Team players, they always wanna see the person next to them shine, and I'm the same way. It's perfect. It's perfect. Q:你之前說想跟KD一起打球,現在實現了,感覺如何? AE:爽歪了!他和LeBron是隊上最強的兩個人。他們都是團隊球員,總想 讓隊友發光,我也是這樣。太完美了,太完美了。 Compared to the FIBA Basketball World Cup 2023, how much is this experience different for you? I'm playing alongside the greatest players of all time. And I'm able to go see ping pong - or table tennis. I went once, because they told me the other round that I was going to go to, the USA people weren't playing, so I didn't go. I think the championship rounds are (on Sunday), if I'm not mistaken. I'm hoping. I'll be there if it is. Q:與2023年世界盃比起來,這次的經驗有多大不同嗎? AE:能跟一群當今優秀球員打球。而且還能去看乒乓球,就是桌球啦。我去 看過一次,原本會去看下一輪,但美國隊沒比賽,我就沒去了。冠軍賽應該 在星期天,希望我沒記錯,到時候我會去。 Did you talk to your Minnesota teammate Rudy Gobert during the Olympics? I talked to him when I first got here, but no - we're competing against each other, we're not talking. He knows I wanna see him. It means a lot for him, I know he loves playing for France every year, and he's looking forward to it. I know before it started, like mid-season, we're talking trash to each other, and he was like, they gonna beat us, so I'm looking forward to playing against France. Q:奧運期間有跟灰狼隊隊友 Gobert 聊過嗎? AE:剛來的時候有跟他聊過,但現在沒有,因為我們是對手,不能聊天。他 知道我想在場上見到他。我曉得他很愛每年為法國隊出賽,也很期待這次比 賽。我們在球季中就互嗆過垃圾話,他一副他們會獲勝,所以我真的很期待 跟法國隊交手。 --- 球場上繼續磨練分球和無球跑動, 沒球賽時候也能學習桌球這項新技能, AE看來很享受這趟巴黎奧運。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Timberwolves/M.1722763078.A.2BB.html

08/04 17:50, 1月前 , 1F
加油啊 多學幾招在新賽季用
08/04 17:50, 1F

08/04 18:35, 1月前 , 2F
直接把兩個老大哥吹爆了 可愛小貓
08/04 18:35, 2F

08/04 21:54, 1月前 , 3F
08/04 21:54, 3F

08/05 10:22, 1月前 , 4F
08/05 10:22, 4F
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