[外電] Donte DiVincenzo Injury Update

看板Timberwolves (明尼蘇達 灰狼)作者 (Don't panic)時間1月前 (2025/01/25 09:07), 1月前編輯推噓3(306)
留言9則, 3人參與, 1月前最新討論串1/1
https://tinyurl.com/4a98e7bj Minneapolis/St. Paul – The Minnesota Timberwolves today announced the following injury update on guard Donte DiVincenzo, who suffered a left great toe injury on Wednesday, Jan. 15 at the end of the Timberwolves vs. Golden State Warriors game: 明尼蘇達灰狼隊今天宣布了以下有關 Donte DiVincenzo 的傷勢更新, 他在1月15日星期三對陣金州勇士隊結束前傷了左腳大拇指: While seeking a second opinion, DiVincenzo was evaluated by Dr. J. Chris Coetzee at Twin Cities Orthopedics for a stress fluoroscopy of the left great toe per the recommendation of Dr. Richard Ferkel at Southern California Orthopedic Institute and Dr. Robert Anderson at OrthoCarolina. The exam showed a stable turf toe injury with a partial tear of the plantar ligament, not requiring surgery. DiVincenzo will be re-evaluated in three weeks, and further updates of his progress will be provided when available. 為尋求第二意見,依據南加州骨科所(Southern California Orthopedic Institute)的 Richard Ferkel 醫師及卡羅來納骨科中心(OrthoCarolina) 的 Robert Anderson 醫師的建議,DDV接受雙子城骨科 J. Chris Coetzee 醫師的評估,進行左腳大拇指應力X光檢查,結果顯示為較輕程度腳趾關節 扭傷(turf toe),合併足底韌帶部分損傷,不需要進行手術。DDV將在三週 後回診,後續發展將持續更新。 --- DDV傷勢復原順利的話,最快也許二月底至三月初歸隊, Dilly好好把握住這段出賽機會。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Timberwolves/M.1737767239.A.A32.html ※ 編輯: jinshenn ( 臺灣), 01/25/2025 09:08:57

01/25 09:17, 1月前 , 1F
G聯盟剩下Newton在打 其他人拉上來坐板凳看戲...
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01/25 09:45, 1月前 , 2F
除了Minott,Garza和TSJ, 其他板凳沒什麼期待會有爆發表現,
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01/25 09:45, 1月前 , 3F
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01/25 12:41, 1月前 , 4F
TSJ受傷也還沒好 Garza打法跟Randle Reid太像了
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順便可以驗看看Clark的外線 Minott季前那麼準 真的冰壞了
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Newton 10次失誤被慘電 還好外線算準5/12 不然就是Nix 2.0
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01/25 21:36, 1月前 , 8F
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01/25 21:37, 1月前 , 9F
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