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看板Timberwolves (明尼蘇達 灰狼)作者 (Don't panic)時間3天前 (2025/02/26 00:59), 編輯推噓1(100)
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OptaSTATS @OptaSTATS Tonight the @Timberwolves were: - down by 20+ points entering the 4th - on the road - facing a team with an .800+ win pct No other team in NBA history has been in that situation and come back to win the game. 客場對上勝率八成以上球隊,進入決勝節曾經落後超過20分後逆轉, NBA史上從未發生。 本季雖然輸掉不少小分差比賽,但有幾次贏球過程也很誇張。 憑印象: - 11/2主場對金塊,領先打到落後,倒數3分36秒-10,再反打回去+3。 - 12/28客場對火箭,倒數4分57秒-16,最後AE後撤三分+1收尾。 - 2/25客場對OKC,進入第四節-22,倒數3分55秒-16, 16:0逼進延長賽,最後+3完成逆轉。 --- Jaden今天賽後也提到R2G7對金塊經驗,對勝利的執著。 “It kind of felt like Game 7 low key versus Denver when we came back,” said Jaden McDaniels, referencing last season’s second-round playoff win. “It’s not worth how much that game was, but it still gave us the feel even though we were down 15, 20, we could still come back in the game.” 「感覺像在丹佛打第七戰,」Jaden McDaniels說,他提到了上賽季第二輪 季後賽的勝利。「雖然這場比賽的價值沒像那場比賽那麼高,但它仍然給了 我們類似感覺,即使我們落後15分、20分,我們依然可以迎頭趕上。」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Timberwolves/M.1740502746.A.B14.html

02/26 18:07, 3天前 , 1F
02/26 18:07, 1F
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文章代碼(AID): #1dlVRQiK (Timberwolves)