Re: [情報] Chris Benoit, family found dead
看板Wrestle (摔角 - 角力)作者dj6601 (DJ-6601)時間17年前 (2007/06/26 18:51)推噓3(5推 2噓 3→)留言10則, 9人參與討論串16/42 (看更多)
※ 引述《jrchiou (阿榕)》之銘言:
: WWE官網的新聞,或許能解釋為什麼Chris Benoit昨晚沒有出賽...
: World Wrestling Entertainment is deeply saddened to report that today Chris
: Benoit and his family were found dead in their home. There are no further
: details at this time, other than the Benoit family residence is currently
: being investigated by local authorities.
: Tonight's Raw on USA Network will serve as a tribute to Chris Benoit and his
: family. WWE extends its sincerest thoughts and prayers to the Benoit family's
: relatives and loved ones in this time of tragedy.
: 好可惜,摔角界痛失英才。
: Chris Benoit R.I.P
God damn... what a terrible tragedy
you were one of my favor wrestlers in the league
but I don't know what the hell were u thinking
killed ur wife and 7 year old son ????
you're a terrific wrestler with no doubt
but killed ur wife and son !!!
you should go straight down to the hell man
you don't deserve it
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