[技術] The Serve .......part 2
Hold the racquet with just your thumb and index fingers.
Strange as it may suond,some players try hard when they serve. They want to
hit the ball with such force that their body get tense,especially their arms.
When you squeeze the grip tightly,your wrist pratically locks and the racquet
slows down. So even though you think you're swinging with all you've got,the
racquet is sluggish. Combat this and get the feeling of loose wrist and free-
flowing racquet by hitting serves while holding the grip with only thumb and
index finger. Now you're allowing the racquet to move naturally and do the
work instead of muscling the ball. The wrist is more playful and snaps the
racquet through contact. After experimenting with this kind of grip,you'll
better understand how much tension to have in your arm and hand when using
all your fingers on the serve.
只用你的食指與大拇指扣住球拍 聽起來也許怪怪的 許多人發球時太過用勁
因而使身體僵硬 特別是手臂 當你緊握球拍 你的手腕不自覺的鎖死而使揮拍便慢
所以你以為你已用盡吃奶的力氣去幹爆那顆球 是的 你確實摧出十二成功力
但你雄渾的內力傳不到你的球拍上 別幹傻事了 輕輕的以食指拇指扣住球拍
謹記"他強由他強 清風拂山崗 他橫由他橫 明月照大江"的口訣 以心使臂 以臂使拍
人劍合一 現在 聽我的 照上面的練一次 別蠻幹了 有九陽神功在手你練三小摔角
手腕才是與球拍溝通的橋樑阿 你現在了解當你五隻手指抓著球拍想來個大爆炸時
Snap balls into the court using only your wrist.
Most players don't do exercises or drills that enhence the fluiding of the
wrist. There's one that I call "wristers"that's helpful in developing a good
snapping action. Hold your raquet with a Continental grip and bend your
wrist forward so that it's bowed. Lean forward slightly at the wrist,toss a
ball around waist level in front of you and snap it down into the court using
only your wrist.
許多球友並不修練一些類似乾坤大挪移的秘笈使手腕運用更為流暢 在這 我要推薦一招
姑且稱之為"wristers"的招數 可使你扣腕動作更為猛烈 首先以東方式握拍 身體微俯
手腕自然下垂朝地面 然後把球輕拋在腰間 快速的提腕下扣
There are two things you're looking for here:
1.the sound that the ball makes when it hit the court,and
2.the height that it gets.
obviously,playing on a hard surface will help,but you're trying to get an
explosive sound and the ball 20 to 30 feet in the air. If you use a lot of arm
or shoulder rotation,you'll have trouble generating much pop and you may fall
over or hit yourself on the follow-through. Using the wrist is the best way
to achieve these two goals,and it will carry over into helping you get a good
snap on your serve and overheads.
有兩點你必須注意 第一是你扣殺下去的球重擊地面的聲響 在來就是球兒反彈的高度了
顯而易見的 在硬地上你的球撞擊地面應該要有金鐵交鳴聲響 且球起碼彈飛二三十呎
如果你運用了過多的手臂力量和肩部的旋轉 結局可能是擊球完的隨揮動作"砰"一聲
砸在你的腿上 只用手腕才能臻至這兩境界 這對你的發球記空中扣殺有相當之成效
Swing a towel to eliminate any hitches and enhence the smoothness of your
service action
The best servers make it look easy. When they serve. the arm moves freely
and the racquet never stops. A common problem for players who have trouble
getting pace on the serve is that their motion is too mechanical. Their parts
aren't connected and as a result many times the racquet pauses during the
delivery. One way to cure this is to take a beach towel and tie a knot at one
end. That will function as your racquet head. Grab the other end and perform
your service motion. When you get to the top of your motion,the knot will
naturally drop the towel down,allowing you swing forward. At the completion
of the serve,go right into another without stopping. At no point should the
towel hit any part of your body,but more importantly,this is how light your
racquet should feel on your service motion. You should never feel like you're
trying to serve. It's an effortless motion that will reward you with something
I call"liquid power"
頂尖的發球者動作看來舉重若輕 當他們發球時 動作一氣呵成毫無窒礙
球友們常犯的一個毛病就是他們的發球節奏卡卡的 好似機械舞一般 動作不流暢
揮拍過程斷斷續續 改善這個發球毛病的好方法之一便是拿條海灘巾 在一端打結
始有球拍拍頭的感覺 然後你抓住另一端 模擬你發球動作 當你揮動球拍運行至最高點
浴巾上的打的節自然而然的垂落下來 使你不得不把動作往前延伸 當你完成這動作
試著完整的模擬發球動作 過程中毛巾絕對不能沾到你的身子 更重要的是
拿毛巾發球的感覺應如同你拿球拍發球的感覺一般 靈動自在
你不能心存我正在發球之想 那對你並無幫助 你應該達到"無心之射"的境界
Use a radar gun.
I think it's very helpful to have goals to shoot for. Some coaches and players
don't like to use radar guns because they think a player shouldn't be consumed
with serve speed. But I see a definite difference in people's intensity levels
when they know their serves are being clocked. The simple fact is they want to
serve harder then the next guy,and that causes them to let go and try to tear
the cover off the ball. It's no longer about the lines and getting it in.
If you gon't have a radar gun,turn around and serve as hard as you can into
the fence. Or serve from the baseline and try to hit the fence on the other
side of the court. People at the club level seem to serve harder in these
instances because they're not trying to hit it in. There are no repercussions,
so they're totally relaxed. The goal is to adopt the same mind-set when you do
need to get the serve in the box. If you do,I guarantee you'll have a lot more
zip on your delivery.
我想這是達到目標很好的方法 有些選手和教練不喜歡測速槍 因為他們覺得
不能以發球球速來衡量一個球員 但我見識到當球友看到他們被測速槍測出的發球球速
這完全不是那麼一回事 原因很簡單 因為....."蛙母尬意書ㄟ剛尬"
他們殺紅了眼 一次次的揮舞著手中凶器 好似要把球兒扒下一層皮
這些嗜血的鯊魚 才不管底線在哪 球有沒有發進
如果你沒有測速槍 你就轉身去對球場護欄發洩吧 狠狠的巴不要客氣
從球場這頭幹出場外 一般業餘球手看起來便是如此 他們本來就不是想跟恐怖伊凡一樣
發洩心中暴戾之氣無傷大雅 不會對你帶來什麼後遺症 所以他們打來全無壓力
其實發球的目標是在於你能不留手的發進發球區 如果你能做到的話
我敢保證 你的發球球球如狂風烈火呼嘯而過無不披靡
sorry 我修到誰的推文了 抱歉 請再推一次吧
下集預告 二發的上旋發球與kick serve
※ 編輯: calvinhuu 來自: (08/25 00:34)
08/25 00:46, , 1F
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08/25 00:47, , 2F
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08/25 00:49, 3F
08/25 04:18, , 4F
08/25 04:18, 4F
08/25 10:02, , 5F
08/25 10:02, 5F
08/25 10:52, , 6F
08/25 10:52, 6F
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