[轉錄][外電新聞] FIBA將更改三分距離

看板worldbasket (世界盃籃球賽)作者 (MVP)時間16年前 (2008/04/28 00:34), 編輯推噓1(100)
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※ [本文轉錄自 BASKET-RULES 看板] 作者: NBAGM (NBA的GM) 看板: BASKET-RULES 標題: [外電新聞] FIBA將更改三分距離 時間: Sun Apr 27 10:26:33 2008 http://sports.espn.go.com/oly/olybb/news/story?id=3368944 FIBA to move back 3-point line, change key's shape in 2010 FIBA要將三分線後退一點,預計2010年執行。 BEIJING -- International basketball is going to look more like the NBA after two major rule changes take effect. 北京--國際籃球的規則在更改兩個規則後真的是跟NBA規則愈來愈接近了。 The 3-point line will move back and the three-second area will change shape starting in 2010, the sport's world governing body announced Saturday. 世界運動組織星期六宣布三分線將於2010年起後退以及重新規範籃下三秒 區的範圍。 After Oct. 1, 2010, FIBA will begin using the new rules for major events such as the Olympics and world and continental championships. 從2010年10月一日起,FIBA將在主要賽事上採用新的規則,像是奧運或是 各洲的盃賽。 The 3-point line will move from 20 feet, 6.1 inches to 22 feet, 1.7 inches. The NBA line is 23-9. 三分線將由本來的20呎、6.1吋拉到22呎、1.7吋,而NBA的距離是23呎9吋。 FIBA general secretary Patrick Baumann said it was likely FIBA would move toward the NBA distance in the next 10 years. FIBA方面則表示10年後,可能就會把距離拉成跟NBA一樣了。 FIBA also will reconfigure the three-second area to match the NBA shape, going from a trapezoid to a rectangle. FIBA也重新規範了三秒區的範圍跟NBA一樣,從本來的梯型變成了矩型。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: NBAGM 來自: (04/27 13:26)

04/27 14:03,
直接拿NBA規則來用好了 省得老是被球員用NBA規則嗆
04/27 14:03

04/28 00:33,
04/28 00:33
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/28 01:11, , 1F
04/28 01:11, 1F
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