[新聞] 中國緊鑼密鼓申辦2014年世界男籃錦標賽

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http://news.xinhuanet.com/sports/2008-10/21/content_10229163.htm http://www.fiba.com/pages/eng/fc/news/lateNews/p/newsid/28726/arti.html 新華網北京10月21日奧運專電(記者汪涌)21日,國際籃聯主席埃爾芬斯頓和秘書長鮑曼一行專程來到北京,與中國籃球協會副主席劉曉農,北京市政府副秘書長、市體育局局長孫康林等相關人員聚集在北京飯店,就北京申辦2014年世錦賽事宜進行了交流。 孫康林介紹,剛剛舉辦完北京奧運會和殘奧會的北京擁有一批世界頂級的體育館,完全可以滿足舉辦世界男籃錦標賽的需要。同時,舉辦奧運會和殘奧會,為北京培養了大批高素質的賽事組織人才。 中國籃協副主席劉曉農認為北京申辦工作具有政府強有力的支持,同時籃球在中國擁有龐大的球迷群體,如果國際籃聯把男籃世錦賽放到從未獲得過這項賽事舉辦權的中國,將會極大地推動這項運動在世界上人口最多的中國的普及。 國際籃聯主席埃爾芬斯頓表示,北京奧運會向全世界展現了中國一流的賽事組織能力和世界頂尖的體育場館,五棵松籃球館在奧運會期間成為全世界籃球迷們的天堂。 國際籃聯秘書長鮑曼則表示,籃球是北京奧運會時最受歡迎的項目之一,奧運會開幕前所有的籃球比賽的門票就銷售一空,奧運會期間中國球迷們向全世界展現了他們的風采。 埃爾芬斯頓透露,12月3日和4日,5個申辦國家將赴瑞士日內瓦遞交申辦報告,并向國際籃聯中央局執委會進行申辦陳述。然后,國際籃聯將派出代表進行專項考察,執委會將在明年5月確定最終的舉辦地。 他透露,北京之行是他們對5個申辦國家先期考察的第一站。本月底他們還將先后赴西班牙、法國和意大利進行考察。只有對丹麥的前期考察時間尚未確定。 據悉,今年上半年埃爾芬斯頓在來北京參加奧運會相關會議時,當面向北京市主要領導提出北京參與2014年世界男籃錦標賽的申辦競爭的邀請。北京市給予了積極回應,并在6月25日通過國家體育總局和中國籃球協會正式向國際籃聯提出申辦意愿。 具有50多年歷史的世界籃球錦標賽已成功舉辦了15屆。2010年第16屆世界男籃錦標賽將在土耳其舉辦。(完) GENEVA (2014 FIBA World Championship) - The International Basketball Federation (FIBA) begins today a tour to visit all bidding countries for the 2014 FIBA World Championship for Men. China, Denmark, France, Italy and Spain are the candidates interested in hosting the 2014 edition of the FIBA World Championship, FIBA's premier competition. On 5th December 2008 each of the above-mentioned five national federations will have to confirm their bid by formally presenting their candidature files to FIBA in a public presentation ceremony to be held in Geneva, Switzerland. Already last June candidate countries participated in a workshop where the 'Bid and Event Manual' was presented and explained. This manual will help bidding countries prepare their candidature files. The tour of site visits that has commenced today, six weeks before the December deadline, will take off in the People's Republic of China. FIBA President, Bob Elphinston, and FIBA Secretary General and IOC Member, Patrick Baumann, will meet tomorrow, Tuesday, with officials of the Chinese Basketball Association and city officials of Beijing. Next week, Elphinston and Baumann will visit Paris, Madrid and Rome. Copenhagen will be visited at a later date. These visits will allow candidate countries and officials to review and ask questions concerning the bidding process and the requirements expected by FIBA. At the same time, the top leaders of FIBA will make themselves available to the respective domestic national media representatives in press conferences that will take place in each of the bidding countries. After the handing over of the candidature files on 5th December, FIBA will appoint an Evaluation Commission to examine all files and to formally visit the countries and review the commitments made. The complete bidding process will end in May 2009, when the FIBA Central Board will decide the host of the 2014 World Championship for Men. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ak:轉錄至看板 NBA 10/21 20:06
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