[新聞] 第三屆史坦克維奇盃Logo出來了

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※ [本文轉錄自 basketballTW 看板 #1CH6MARp ] 作者: StarTouching (撫星) 看板: basketballTW 標題: [新聞] 第三屆史坦克維奇盃Logo出來了 時間: Mon Jul 19 22:47:35 2010 http://www.fibaasia.net/NewsDetails.aspx?id=133 簡譯 BEIRUT, Lebanon (3rd FIBA Asia Stankovic Cup): The logo of the 3rd FIBA Asia Stankovic Cup, FIBA Asia’s premier event for men’s National Teams this year has been unveiled. The 3rd FIBA Asia Stankovic Cup will be played at the Ghazir Sporting Club courts from Aug 7-15. 第三屆亞洲史坦克維奇杯在八月7-八月15舉行 The logo (above) incorporates the significant aspects of the Lebanese National flag with the sport of basketball. Logo結合了籃球與黎巴嫩國旗意涵 The reds on the diagonally opposite ends of the logo reflect the horizontal red strips on the Lebanese National flags. The green figure in the center is a creative adaptation of the world famous Cedar tree – an integral symbol of traditional Lebanese culture and ideals – with one of its arms extending to half-hook the basketball. The 3rd FIBA Asia Stankovic Cup, incidentally, is the first FIBA Asia event to be hosted by the basketball-crazy Lebanon for senior men’s National Teams. 這是黎巴嫩第一次舉辦成人級的FIBA Asia賽事 (譯者按:烽火不斷的國家安全嗎?) In the past Beirut had hosted the FIBA Asia Champions Cup for club teams, for two back-to-back years 1999-2000. 貝魯特(黎巴嫩首都)曾經在1999和2000連續兩年舉辦亞冠盃, 一項由職業球隊(俱樂部球隊)所參加的賽事。 The 3rd FIBA Asia Stankovic Cup is the qualifying event for the 26th FIBA Asia Championship in 2011, incidentally also to be hosted at Beirut, which in turn will be the qualifying event for 2012 London Olympics. The winners of the 3rd FIBA Asia Stankovic Cup will automatically qualify for the 26th FIBA Asia Championship in 2011. The top five teams at the 3rd FIBA Asia Stankovic Cup will earn additional berths for their respective FIBA Asia sub zones. 這次比賽影響2011亞錦的參賽資格, 順帶一提, 2011亞錦也在貝魯特舉行, 是奧運的資格賽。史坦克維奇盃的贏家「們」自動取得亞錦參賽權, 前五名的球隊可以幫他們所屬的分區增加打亞錦的名額(譯者按: 確切細節這裡沒說 有些地方還不敢肯定 例如文意是否表示前五名就代表保送亞錦, 這我不敢肯定) This is the first FIBA Asia event hosted by Lebanon for National Teams. 這是黎巴嫩第一次舉辦FIBA Asia國家隊級的比賽。 The 3rd FIBA Asia Stankovic Cup will witness the return of Iraq’s men’s National Team to FIBA Asia competitions after a gap of almost a quarter of a century. Iraq had last played in the 14th edition of FIBA Asia Championship, when it was hosted by Bangkok in 1987. 這次比賽還可以見證睽違近25年後, 伊拉克國家男子籃球隊再次參加亞籃的比賽。 (譯者按: 伊拉克?? 實力不明) The 3rd FIBA Asia Stankovic Cup is also the first FIBA Asia event for senior men’s National Team to be hosted in a country under the West Asian Basketball Association (WABA). The most recent FIBA Asia official competition hosted by WABA was the 20th FIBA Asia U18 Championship at Tehran (Iran) in 2008. 史坦克維奇盃也是第一次由西亞籃球聯盟WABA所舉辦的亞洲成人男子籃球賽。 Commenting on the occasion FIBA Asia president Sheikh Saud bin Ali Al-Thani said: “We are all aware of the passion for basketball in Lebanon. It is only befitting that Beirut should host this premier event at a crucial time when a lot of FIBA Asia teams, including Lebanon, are preparing for the 2010 FIBA World Championship in Turkey. 亞洲籃協理事長Sheikh Saud bin Ali Al-Thani表示:「 我們一直都有在注意黎巴嫩對籃球的狂熱。 在這個重要時刻, 許多國家包括黎巴嫩自己正備戰世錦賽的時候, 由貝魯特舉辦這項主要賽事是再適合不過了(譯者按: 這句不確定)。 “I am confident that the Lebanese federation and people will rise to the occasion and give us one of the best events,” Sheikh Saud said. Hosts Lebanon, FIBA Asia champions Iran, Syria and Iraq are the four teams who form the WABA quartet in the fray of 10 teams in competition. 黎巴嫩、伊朗、敘利亞、伊拉克等WABA成員佔了十個隊伍中的四個 Kazakhstan from Middle Asia, Philippines from SEABA, GCC champions Qatar, and East Asian duo Japan and Chinese Taipei are the other confirmed teams, with one wild card entrant yet to be decided. 中東的哈薩克、SEABA(?)的菲律賓、GCC(?)冠軍卡達、東亞的日本、台灣也確定參賽 還有一個名額沒確定。 (譯者按: 中國? 南韓? 其他?) FIBA Asia -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: StarTouching 來自: (07/19 22:51)

07/19 22:52,
07/19 22:52
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