[傳聞] Gilardino Wants Fiorentina Move

看板ACFiorentina作者 (Jazz+Sport=Life)時間17年前 (2008/04/21 22:17), 編輯推噓8(8012)
留言20則, 3人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://www.goal.com/en/Articolo.aspx?ContenutoId=667426 Much-maligned Milan striker Alberto Gilardino is desperate to sign for Fiorentina this summer, according to La Nazione. Gilardino's days at Milan have been numbered for quite sometime now following a third hugely disappointing season with the club. The 25-year-old has scored just seven goals in Serie A from 30 appearances this campaign, and has barely played in recent weeks. With Milan looking highly likely to sign both Ronaldinho and Andriy Shevchenko in the summer, and with there being a possibility of a third forward arriving too, Gilardino is almost certain to be sold. The favourites for his signature at present are Fiorentina, whose coach is Gilardino's former mentor at Parma, Cesare Prandelli. The pair have a mutual respect for one another, and Gila is said to be especially desperate to be reunited with Prandelli. A possible stumbling block could be the striker's wages, and he has been told that he will have to take a huge pay-cut in order for the transfer to go through. This may be a sacrifice that Gilardino will be forced to make if he wants to get his career back on track. The forward has seen his reputation fall steeply over the past couple of years, and it is highly unlikely that he will be travelling to Euro 2008 with the Azzurri. -- 根據報導, Gilardino非常渴望加盟fio, 可是這筆交易存在一個障礙就是Gilardino的薪資, 但如果Gilardino不想繼續沈淪下去的話, 勢必要犧牲薪水, 否則小羅、Shevchenko及傳說中的第三位前鋒夏天來到米蘭後, Gilardino將沒有空間。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/21 22:51, , 1F
04/21 22:51, 1F

04/23 22:58, , 2F
能在義甲進 10 球以上的前鋒沒必要去踢乙級吧 XDDD
04/23 22:58, 2F

04/23 23:40, , 3F
04/23 23:40, 3F

04/23 23:41, , 4F
04/23 23:41, 4F

04/23 23:44, , 5F
04/23 23:44, 5F

04/24 03:50, , 6F
你是對的。這賽季的 Gila 聯賽目前只有 7 球入帳...
04/24 03:50, 6F

04/24 03:51, , 7F
我想表達的是,Gila 沒有差到那程度,其實跟 Fio 比有個
04/24 03:51, 7F

04/24 03:51, , 8F
很類似的案例 Pazzini,上場次數差不多,Pazzini 目前也是
04/24 03:51, 8F

04/24 03:52, , 9F
大約在 70+ 射門當中只有 20 上下的準度,進球只有 9 個
04/24 03:52, 9F

04/24 03:54, , 10F
Pazzini 再差一點,就是吉拉目前這樣 XD 大家都要振作阿
04/24 03:54, 10F

04/24 03:55, , 11F
04/24 03:55, 11F

04/24 03:56, , 12F
要去爭個主力位置是沒問題的,他不至於差到連 Matri 這種的
04/24 03:56, 12F

04/24 06:45, , 13F
04/24 06:45, 13F

04/24 06:47, , 14F
04/24 06:47, 14F

04/24 10:17, , 15F
04/24 10:17, 15F

04/24 10:17, , 16F
04/24 10:17, 16F

04/24 11:33, , 17F
放槍是指"PUT IN WIDE" XD 小帕沒說過要走,還說過要挑戰主
04/24 11:33, 17F

04/24 11:36, , 18F
04/24 11:36, 18F

04/24 11:36, , 19F
04/24 11:36, 19F

04/27 21:51, , 20F
04/27 21:51, 20F
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文章代碼(AID): #183A7wVQ (ACFiorentina)