[新聞] 對切沃(0-0)賽後 (文轉)

看板ACFiorentina作者 (Sharqqq)時間8年前 (2016/05/04 12:02), 8年前編輯推噓1(100)
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Oh Fiorentina, what has happened to that team that was wowing Europe just four months ago? When these two teams met in the reverse fixture at the Franchi back on December 20th, Fiorentina emerged 2-0 victors and went into Christmas sitting second in the league table. Post Christmas, the Viola story has been one earmarked by a slow and torturous descent. This game extended a rather bleak run of form for Fiorentina; the result meant that the team from Florence have now won only once in their last ten league games. 喔紫百合.....那支四個月前曾經讓歐洲足壇眼睛為之一亮的球隊跑到哪裡去了? 在前半賽季12/20在佛蘭基球場對切沃的比賽, 我們可是2-0贏球呀 Paolo Sousa brought in both Mauro Zarate and Mati Fernandez to the starting eleven, dropping Federico Bernardeschi and Josip Ilicic (who reportedly took a knock in training) to the bench. In a stagnant contest, Zarate was undoubtedly the star performer. The Argentinian busied himself around the pitch, always eager to take possession. 索薩在這次的比賽中把Mati和表現良好的新援Zarate排入了先發中,並把berna 跟 Ilicic 放在替補席上. 在這場亮點並不多的比賽中,Zarate不可辯駁的絕對是其中之一. 阿根廷人在賽場上非常地勤奮, 總是渴望持球 The ex Lazio man's performance was in stark contrast to most of his teammates, whose level of ambition left much to be desired. On more than one occasion, Zarate jinked his way past a series of defenders to fashion himself space that he had no right to. Unfortunately his neat footwork could not be matched by a neat finish. With the frame of the goal in his cross hairs, the Viola no.7 was on the whole rather wasteful. 這位前拉素球員的表現跟他的隊友比起來可說是耀眼很多,Zarate不只一次連續用令人 驚訝的技巧帶球穿過對方的防守球員,進而得到空間射門. 但是不幸的是其精湛的技巧 和門前的把握技術並不相匹配,並且可以說是相當的浪費 That said, he did come closest to scoring for the Viola with a beautifully struck free kick that rocked the Chievo crossbar in the 51st minute. The resulting rebound ended in slapstick as Marcos Alonso, with the goal at his mercy, launched the ball into near earth orbit from all of six yards out. The Spanish full back would probably not be able to repeat the trick if he tried. 雖然如此,他在第51分鐘的自由球是紫百合最接近進球的一次機會, 他的自由球不幸的 打到切沃球門的門柱上,而反射回球場上的射門卻被Alonso球門從6碼之外轟到了地球軌 道上 Chievo proved a well drilled opponent, unbeaten at home since January, and 'The Flying Donkeys' were well deserving of their point. Throughout the 90 minutes the Chievo rearguard restricted Sousa's men to half chances and shots from distance. 切沃證明了他們是訓練有素的一支球隊,從一月開始還未遭遇不敗. 他們現在在 排行榜上的位置(9位)絕對是實至名歸. 在比賽的九十分鐘內,切沃的防守球員們 將索薩麾下球員表現有限,只能用遠射或偶而得來的機會嘗試取得進球 A big part of that was down to the marshalled defending of two ex Viola players, as the wily veteran duo of Massimo Gobbi and Alessandro Gamberini rolled back the years to remind Fiorentina fans exactly what they were capable of. Shutting down any offensive threat that the Viola could muster in a defensive masterclass that showcased their many years of Serie A experience. 這其中有很大一部分是因為兩位前紫百合球員建立起的穩固防線. 這兩位經驗豐富的老手 Gobbi 跟 Gamberini 讓紫百合回憶起當年他們兩位所能做到的,現在仍寶刀未老. 這兩 位傑出的防守球員幾乎封鎖了任何紫百合能夠利用的進攻威脅機會. 憑藉他們的經驗, 切沃的防守戰術可說是非常成功 Yet Chievo manager Rolando Maran could have had no complaints had his side gone down to ten men in the first half. Fabrizio Cacciatore could quite easily of seen red in the 36th minute for an attempted and unprompted makeshift vasectomy on Marcos Alonso. 但切沃教練Rolando Maran對於自己球隊差點必須以十人應戰不應有任何的抱怨. Cacciatore在第36分鐘對Alonson 私處的侵犯輕而易舉的可以被判罰紅牌的 The 29-year-old defender escaped with a yellow card for his studs up kick out at Alonso's midriff. Such was the stale nature of the game that if the Chievo man had indeed seen red, one gets the impression that in this match it really would not have made much difference. 這位29歲的後衛用一張黃牌逃過了這次處罰. 一次鞋底的侵犯打到了 Alonso 的橫隔膜上. 但是以這場比賽後來一波未起的發展來看, 就算紫百合以10v11 也似乎不會有太大差別 In the second half, Chievo were the team who created the more clear cut of chances; that said, the closest they came to scoring was from a speculative 25 yard strike from Nicola Rigoni. With Ciprian Tatarusanu in the Fiorentina goal well beaten, the 25-year old midfielder's shot cannoned back off the post, much to the relief of the Viola bench. 在下半場情勢則有所不同, 切沃成為了兩隊中創造更多威脅的那支球隊. 其最接近進 球的機會來自年輕的中場球員Rigoni. 這位25歲的中場球員從25碼外的遠射騙過了Tata 但是打到了門柱,無法實質的取得進球 The 69th minute of the game saw the introduction of Antonio Floro Flores. The Chievo forward came on for Roberto Inglese and soon set about causing unrest in the Viola defence. 在第69分時Antonio Floro Flores 替補 Roberto Inglese上場. 很快地便讓紫百合 的後場毫無休息的時間. In the 78th minute the ball broke to Floro Flores, putting him one on one with Tatarusanu. The Chievo forward was reaching, and with the ball just beyond his complete control he dug out an effort. The Viola no.1 made the most of his opponent's hesitancy and rushed out, smothering the resultant shot and quelling the danger. 在78分鐘時球被傳到了Floro Flores腳下, 形成對上Tata的一對一破門機會. Floro Flores 進逼門前, 但是球在他的腳下完全失去控制,切沃前鋒嘗試起腳射門. 但是 Tata把握住其猶豫的時間出擊, 當下了Floro Flores 的射門,暫時逃離危險 Right at the death of the game Floro Flores had another glorious opportunity: Fiorentina were caught out on the counter attack, the ball ran kindly for Floro Flores, who this time got a good connection on his shot. The strike bounced off and through Tatarusanu's open legs and for a split second looked set to trickle over the goal line. 在比賽即將結束之際, Floro Flores又有了一次絕佳的機會可以破門. 紫百合對快速 襲擊而來的反擊做出了過慢的反應. Floro Flores 舒服的拿球之後射出了一記更有 威脅性的射門. 球穿越了Tata的兩腳間 Fortunately the goalkeeper's quick reaction speed allowed him to spin around and stop the ball with his outstretched arm just as it was about to crawl over the white chalked goal line. It was a lucky last minute reprieve for Paulo Sousa's team. 幸運的是,Tata極快的反應速度讓他將球保持在球門線之外, 對索薩的球隊來說,這是一個 在比賽尾端運氣好沒有翻船的時刻. On reflection, neither team deserved to win this game, as both seemed pretty content with the draw. The two teams shared eight yellow cards between them, with four given to each side, one of which results in Nenad Tomovic missing next week's home game against Palermo 總結來說,雙方都沒有拿出足夠的表現來拿下這場比賽. 兩隊各收到了四張黃牌,其中 Tomo因為累積紅牌而會缺席下場對Palermo的比賽 In the post match press conference, Sousa admitted his team lacks belief, although he needn't have bothered. To anybody watching the Viola of late, a lack of belief transmits loud and clear without the need for any type of clarification. 在賽後的記者會上, 索薩也承認了自己的球隊缺乏鬥志, 但是他並不擔心這個部分 任何看過紫百合在賽季末比賽的人都知道球隊很明顯地喪失了對求勝的渴望 The manager also intoned that he thought that his side had controlled the match, mainly due to the home team sitting deep in their defensive ranks. The Portuguese coach lamented the fact that when the Viola committed men to attack, they left space in behind for their opponents to exploit. 紫百合的教練也指出,紫百合控制了大部份的比賽, 但是這是在切沃後防向後退得 很深的情況下. 葡萄牙人提到當紫百合進攻時,身後的空間被對手看穿並擊破 From an objective standpoint, one can be pleased that the manager understands and appreciates the inherent dangers that his side can face when a team decides to employ such tactics. What is hard to reconcile though is the fact that despite this becoming something of a regular occurrence for Fiorentina, the team still have no clue how to combat such a strategy. 客觀來說,我們可以對索薩確實的了解到當他施用此類戰術時可能造成的危險感到稍微 的放心. 最令人沮喪的是當這已經成為慣例時,全隊卻連該怎麼對此反彈都不知該怎麼辦 原文連結 : http://bit.ly/1q56wpX ====================================================== 總結來說 索薩的這一個賽季可以算是成功的 考慮到俱樂部的財政 我們並沒有辦法像其他球隊一樣帶入世界級的球星 但是我們憑藉既有的球員和稀少的新血 透過鬥志和對戰術的確實執行而得到了下年的歐戰席位 問題是,在賽季末可以看出索薩的戰術已經被看破手腳 不管是3421,343,亦或是451,4231,都無法進行有效的進攻 總是差最後一傳,這將會是索薩下賽季最大的考驗 另外 Pasqual被拿下隊長袖標之後俱樂部不一定會提供新賽季的合約QAQQQQQ 我的隊長啊((淚崩QAQQQQ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/ACFiorentina/M.1462334573.A.D16.html ※ 編輯: carsun0412 (, 05/06/2016 12:37:46 ※ 編輯: carsun0412 (, 05/07/2016 15:39:34

05/10 22:43, , 1F
Pasqual...如此重要的中堅 竟然不一定被留QQ
05/10 22:43, 1F
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