[分享] 紐媒:Bobby Witt Jr.應該要在MVP討論中

看板Baseball (棒球)作者 (polanco)時間4天前 (2024/09/13 12:53), 編輯推噓27(29217)
留言48則, 34人參與, 4天前最新討論串1/1
造反了? 來源:https://bit.ly/3zq0PNd Aaron Judge will very likely win MVP again. But the race isn’t quite over. At least it shouldn’t be. 法官非常非常有可能再拿一座MVP,不過競爭還沒結束。 至少還不應該結束。 Even putting aside that Bobby Witt Jr. is tied with Judge atop Fangraphs fWAR at 9.6 and only slightly behind in bWAR (9.5 to 9.1), Witt is having a comparably compelling season. 即使不看WAR(fWAR9.6與法官持平 bWAR9.1稍微落後),Witt還是有個相當好的球季。 Judge’s power and overall numbers are eye-popping (his 217 OPS plus ranks with all-time greats), he’s a fine center fielder (and perhaps that extra responsibi lity explains why he’s slumped lately), and he takes his captaincy seriously. 法官的炮瓦跟整體數據都相當亮眼,是個還不錯的中外野手(這項額外的負擔也許可以解釋 最近的低潮),而且還認真履行了隊長職務。 Judge leads MLB in home runs (51), RBIs (126), on-base percentage (.454), sluggi ng (.686) and OPS (1.140), and Witt leads in batting average (.333), runs (120) and hits (195). And as great at Judge is in the clutch, Witt has been even bette r. Witt leads the AL with a .379 batting average and 1.166 OPS with runners in s coring position, and has a .366/.446/.648 slash line close and late. 法官的全壘打、打點、上壘率、長打率以及OPS都是大聯盟第一。Witt則是在打擊率、得分 以及安打領先群雄。而且如同法官在關鍵時能有出色表現,Witt甚至更勝一籌,他在得點圈 有著.379的打擊率以及1.166的OPS,比賽後段比數接近時也有346的打擊三圍。 Plus, Witt, a brilliant shortstop, is third in MLB with 18 outs above average. 再加上Witt還是個很頂的游擊手,18 OAA排大聯盟第三名。 And as vital as Judge is, Witt has a young team in payoff position off its 56-wi n season in 2023. 而且正如同法官對洋基的重要性一般,Witt正帶領著一支去年只贏56場的年輕球隊打進季後 賽。 大概是這樣 作者Jon Heyman之前還寫了國聯MVP是水原來賭都會贏的賭局 #1ctvZ1ti (Baseball) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1726203201.A.3A8.html

09/13 12:54, 4天前 , 1F
09/13 12:54, 1F

09/13 12:54, 4天前 , 2F
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09/13 12:54, 4天前 , 3F
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09/13 12:57, 4天前 , 4F
有討論 但沒機會
09/13 12:57, 4F

09/13 12:58, 4天前 , 5F
最近也低潮 爛的可以
09/13 12:58, 5F

09/13 12:59, 4天前 , 6F
可以討論 但就是蹭個熱度炒話題而已
09/13 12:59, 6F

09/13 13:00, 4天前 , 7F
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09/13 13:02, 4天前 , 8F
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09/13 13:02, 4天前 , 9F
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09/13 13:04, 4天前 , 10F
同意壓 Bobby最近別涼可能就超車了
09/13 13:04, 10F

09/13 13:04, 4天前 , 11F
所以我半個月前就說阿吉MVP還沒穩 能追的
09/13 13:04, 11F

09/13 13:08, 4天前 , 12F
想看55波 拜託了芭比
09/13 13:08, 12F

09/13 13:09, 4天前 , 13F
看到他的名字我就想到Arson Judge去巨人的翻車實錄~
09/13 13:09, 13F

09/13 13:10, 4天前 , 14F
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09/13 13:10, 4天前 , 15F
會有票 但不可能贏
09/13 13:10, 15F

09/13 13:12, 4天前 , 16F
論戰績法官還更好 除了CF<SS以外看不出法官輸的理由
09/13 13:12, 16F

09/13 13:17, 4天前 , 17F
太臭了吧 XD
09/13 13:17, 17F

09/13 13:17, 4天前 , 18F
法官最近很涼 結果Witt Jr.也沒好到哪
09/13 13:17, 18F

09/13 13:18, 4天前 , 19F
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09/13 13:20, 4天前 , 20F
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09/13 13:20, 4天前 , 21F
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09/13 13:20, 4天前 , 22F
那個arson judge大概直到法官退休前每年都會被鞭一次
09/13 13:20, 22F

09/13 13:30, 4天前 , 23F
差太多 下去
09/13 13:30, 23F

09/13 13:31, 4天前 , 24F
Witt最近也是涼 沒趁法官徹底冷掉追回差距 8/16 Witt
09/13 13:31, 24F

09/13 13:31, 4天前 , 25F
的打擊率3成52 ops1.021 現在變3成33 0.981
09/13 13:31, 25F

09/13 13:40, 4天前 , 26F
09/13 13:40, 26F

09/13 13:43, 4天前 , 27F
09/13 13:43, 27F

09/13 13:50, 4天前 , 28F
大谷法官 vs 林董 Bobby Witt
09/13 13:50, 28F

09/13 13:59, 4天前 , 29F
09/13 13:59, 29F

09/13 14:16, 4天前 , 30F
法官整個九月涼到不行 但是Witt自己沒把握
09/13 14:16, 30F

09/13 14:25, 4天前 , 31F
09/13 14:25, 31F

09/13 14:46, 4天前 , 32F
林董打擊率 2成6 為何可以想拿mvp
09/13 14:46, 32F

09/13 14:46, 4天前 , 33F
09/13 14:46, 33F

09/13 14:52, 4天前 , 34F
09/13 14:52, 34F

09/13 14:55, 4天前 , 35F
記得前幾個月法官上木屐節目又提起Arson Judge 這記者已
09/13 14:55, 35F

09/13 14:55, 4天前 , 36F
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09/13 14:58, 4天前 , 37F
09/13 14:58, 37F

09/13 15:14, 4天前 , 38F
34樓但大谷21年同時也是個9勝投手era3初頭超過150K呀 是
09/13 15:14, 38F

09/13 15:14, 4天前 , 39F
09/13 15:14, 39F

09/13 15:28, 4天前 , 40F
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09/13 15:28, 4天前 , 41F
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09/13 15:30, 4天前 , 42F
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09/13 15:30, 4天前 , 43F
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09/13 15:32, 4天前 , 45F
09/13 15:32, 45F

09/13 15:52, 4天前 , 46F
witt領導力(笑)更強 林董就完全低配版
09/13 15:52, 46F

09/13 19:03, 4天前 , 47F
0209 那個比喻 真的讓人笑出來
09/13 19:03, 47F

09/13 23:01, 4天前 , 48F
這麼愛看fwar 那菊池現在3.06 日投最強
09/13 23:01, 48F
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文章代碼(AID): #1cuyL1Ee (Baseball)