[情報] Sale的先發可能情況

看板Baseball (棒球)作者 (AZKiちゃん大好き)時間4小時前 (2024/09/27 10:31), 4小時前編輯推噓13(13011)
留言24則, 16人參與, 1小時前最新討論串1/1
On Thursday morning, the Braves met to decide their pitching plans for this weekend’s series against the Royals and Monday’s doubleheader versus the Mets. And in doing so, they had to ponder every possibility imaginable. 在週四早上,勇士針對周末對皇家跟星期一對大都會的雙重賽展開了比賽計畫的 制定,而在討論過程中他們必須考慮所有的可能性 The Braves are taking a day-to-day approach because they know they need to get into the postseason first. With an eye toward their standing in the wild-card race, and the results of the Mets and Diamondbacks, they will make decisions on a daily basis. 目前勇士是採取逐天觀察的策略,因為勇士知道自己必須要先打進季後賽,關注外卡爭奪 戰的排名,以及大都會和響尾蛇的比賽結果,他們將逐天去作出決策 The first one: Max Fried will start Friday’s series opener against the Royals at Truist Park. Fried, a routine-oriented pitcher, doesn’t like having too much extra rest. He was going to start Friday or Saturday, and the Braves opted for Friday, which allows him to pitch on only one extra day of rest instead of two. 第一個確定的是,Max Fried將在對陣皇家的第一場比賽中先發,Fried是一名很注重例行 投球的投手,不喜歡多餘的休息,他會在對皇家的第一場或第二場先發,而勇士決定讓 他第一場就登板,這樣他只多休一天而非兩天 The Braves didn’t announce starting pitchers for the games on Saturday and Sunday. They’ll wait to decide on those days, based on what happens with them and the wild card race. You might be wondering: What about Chris Sale? Well, that’s where this becomes interesting. The Braves intend to use Sale whenever their season is on the line and they’re facing elimination from postseason contention. For example, if there is a scenario this weekend where the Braves would face elimination, Sale will pitch. 至於勇士沒有公布對皇家G2 G3的先發,勇士會根據當天的情況以及外卡的狀況調整 可能會有人問那Sale呢?這就是勇士現在有趣的部分,勇士打算在賽季面臨淘汰危機的情況 下再推出Sale,例如如果本週面臨淘汰,Sale就會登板 https://reurl.cc/kyvXXL 本來的想法是如果提前用Sale上 外卡了話Sale還有機會可能再登板 但現在是教練團要把Sale這張牌保留起來,看啥時用了,不過就是至少再投一場應該是沒 錯,但就不知道是要對皇家還是大都匯了 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1727404286.A.C5B.html

09/27 10:35, 4小時前 , 1F
可能就放著留季後賽吧 看起來三冠王沒懸念就不用上了
09/27 10:35, 1F
如果勇士順順的全贏然後晉級是可能真的可以放到季後賽啦 但現實情況應該很難允許XD ※ 編輯: dragon803 ( 臺灣), 09/27/2024 10:36:48

09/27 10:36, 4小時前 , 2F
拿賽揚比季後賽重要啦 上了爆了怎麼辦
09/27 10:36, 2F

09/27 10:36, 4小時前 , 3F
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09/27 10:36, 4小時前 , 4F
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09/27 10:41, 4小時前 , 5F
竟然有人會覺得win or go home他會不想上
09/27 10:41, 5F

09/27 10:43, 4小時前 , 6F
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09/27 10:44, 4小時前 , 7F
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09/27 10:45, 4小時前 , 8F
Win or Go home 的情況下他還願意當野手欸
09/27 10:45, 8F

09/27 10:50, 4小時前 , 9F
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09/27 10:53, 4小時前 , 12F
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09/27 11:19, 4小時前 , 13F
看不下去了勇士下去吧 王牌一直不用是要留到明年嗎
09/27 11:19, 13F

09/27 11:20, 4小時前 , 14F
09/27 11:20, 14F

09/27 11:21, 4小時前 , 15F
讓Fried只休一天然後Sale就要修到八天 什麼智障排法
09/27 11:21, 15F

09/27 11:22, 4小時前 , 16F
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文章代碼(AID): #1czXZ-nR (Baseball)