[情報] 雙城轉賣:數十個陣營有興趣、開幕戰前確定

看板Baseball (棒球)作者 (無無)時間5小時前 (2025/01/16 21:22), 編輯推噓7(7014)
留言21則, 11人參與, 4小時前最新討論串1/1
明尼蘇達明星論壇報的對於雙城轉賣的最新消息 Neal: Interest in Twins purchase spans the nation https://reurl.cc/V0ekON After checking around with several sources with knowledge of the owner search, h ere’s how things stand as the search continues. 1. There have been double-digit inquiries about purchasing the Twins. Enough that there is confidence there will be a strong handful of bidders involv ed when the request for final offers comes. The interest is local and from as fa r away as California. Allen & Company, the investment firm handling the sale, ha s received calls from prospective owners and has reached out to potential owners to gauge their interest as well. 目前已經有雙位數的人來探尋購買雙城 這樣的數量足以讓人相信,在最終出價的階段,會有一批強有力的競標者參與 這些人不僅來自當地,甚至遠至加州 負責此次出售的投資公司 Allen & Company 已接到潛在買家的電話 並主動聯絡其他可能有興趣的買家以了解他們的意願 2. What’s the timetable looking like? Numbers, not final offers, will be kicked around in the coming weeks. Forbes has the Twins valued at $1.46 billion while Sportico has them at $1.7 billion. There will be at least another round of bidding after that. Due diligence is tak ing place at this moment to make sure the interested parties don’t bounce the c heck. Remember the contraction saga of 2001, when Donald Watkins wanted to buy the tea m but no one knew where his money was? The sources believe that they can have a new owner — the winning bid — identif ied by Opening Day. That doesn’t mean the deal will be done then. There will be a final approval process conducted by MLB at that time that includ es an extensive background check. The ownership committee then meets with the prospective owner to ask any additio nal questions. By the time the keys to the building are handed over, it could be late May or June. So more patience is needed. 競標數字這幾週會開始出來 目前雙城市面上的估值 Forbes:14.6億美金 Sportico:17億美金 情報來源相信在開幕戰前會得知誰得標 而之後還要經過背景審查 所以會再拖到五六月 3. Has anyone come forward with their intentions? The only one known is businessman and baseball fan Justin Ishbia, whose brother, Mat, owns the Phoenix Suns and Mercury. Mat Ishbia would be part of the group a s well. That could excite Twins fans after the Pohlad family slashed payroll fol lowing the 2023 season — despite advancing to the second round of the playoffs — and not adding to it following last season. It was reported earlier this week that the Ishbias purchased a small stake in th e White Sox in 2021. That would have to be sold before they take over the Twins, of course. The brothers also have a stake in Nashville SC of MLS. 目前唯一已知的競標人是鳳凰城太陽老闆Ishbia兄弟 而根據情報,他們在2021年有買白襪的股權 所以如果真的標下雙城 那他們必須將手上的白襪股份賣掉 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1737033760.A.4F6.htmlzxc906383:轉錄至看板 MLB 01/16 21:23

01/16 21:36, 5小時前 , 1F
仁勳 幫忙一下
01/16 21:36, 1F

01/16 21:43, 5小時前 , 2F
01/16 21:43, 2F

01/16 21:47, 5小時前 , 3F
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01/16 21:50, 5小時前 , 4F
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01/16 21:55, 5小時前 , 5F
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01/16 21:56, 4小時前 , 6F
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01/16 21:56, 4小時前 , 7F
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01/16 21:56, 4小時前 , 8F
他在籃球那邊算很投入 不過插手干預的結果就是賭輸
01/16 21:56, 8F

01/16 21:56, 4小時前 , 9F
01/16 21:56, 9F

01/16 21:57, 4小時前 , 10F
不是什麼第三家職業股份 是你不能同時有兩隻同聯盟
01/16 21:57, 10F

01/16 21:57, 4小時前 , 11F
01/16 21:57, 11F

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01/16 21:59, 12F

01/16 21:59, 4小時前 , 13F
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01/16 21:59, 4小時前 , 14F
至於變成以A隊為主 把B隊當附屬
01/16 21:59, 14F

01/16 22:00, 4小時前 , 15F
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01/16 22:00, 4小時前 , 16F
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01/16 22:01, 4小時前 , 17F
皇家隊現任老闆 2020買皇家時 也是把手上守護者股份託
01/16 22:01, 17F

01/16 22:01, 4小時前 , 18F
01/16 22:01, 18F

01/16 22:07, 4小時前 , 19F
邦邦不如買了 還能丟一些沒用的去悍將
01/16 22:07, 19F

01/16 22:37, 4小時前 , 20F
管理層跟經營層都不能有吧,印象中Billy Beane也是
01/16 22:37, 20F

01/16 22:37, 4小時前 , 21F
01/16 22:37, 21F
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