[分享] Alex bregmm向休士頓珍重再見

看板Baseball (棒球)作者 (stay)時間3周前 (2025/02/15 14:41), 編輯推噓9(1013)
留言14則, 14人參與, 3周前最新討論串1/1
“Dear Houston, From the moment I put on an Astros uniform, I felt the love, t he passion, and the energy from this city,” Bregman wrote. “Together, we bec ame champions — on and off the field. Eight playoff appearances, seven ALCS a ppearances, four World Series appearances, and two World Series titles. We’ve fought hard each season, lifting each other up in the toughest moments and ce lebrating our triumphs as one. But more than the stats, it’s the resilience o f the city that has stuck with me — because Houston is a city that knows how to rise, rebuild, and keep fighting. From weathering natural disasters to over coming the global challenges of a pandemic, and rallying behind philanthropic causes aiding our great community, Houston as always come together in a way on ly this city can. We’ve faced adversity together, and that’s what makes this city and this team so special. That strength is embedded in the heart of ever y single person who is lucky enough to call Houston home.” Bregman continued: “To the Astros Organization — thank you for believing in me, for pushing me to be my best, and for giving me the opportunity to live ou t my dream. To my teammates — you made every day at the ballpark unforgettabl e, and I will always cherish the memories we created together, both on and off the field. We are family, To the fans — thank you for every cheer, every cha nt, and every moment of support. I will never take our time together for grant ed. Houston, from the bottom of my heart — thank you. With love and gratitude , Alex.” https://i.imgur.com/VZmemqc.jpeg
謝謝你的偉大貢獻 在我心中永遠是最強的選手 接著就帶領波士頓獲得冠軍吧! -我大Abreg舉世無雙 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1739601714.A.8D1.html

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賺那麼多又靠鼓拿冠軍 算不算一種優人神鼓
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文章代碼(AID): #1di3SoZH (Baseball)