[分享] 今日 Gleyber Torres 本季首轟

看板Baseball (棒球)作者時間2天前 (2025/03/29 15:31), 編輯推噓5(503)
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#25 Gleyber Torres 本季轉戰老虎的 Torres,今天擔任開路先鋒二壘手,對陣道奇。 AB: 2 R: 1 H: 1 RBI: 1 SO: 0 BB: 1 打擊三圍 .429/.500/.857 OPS 1.357 今天非常carry的 Torres,三次打擊兩次上壘,包括在三局上半, 把道奇先發投手山本由伸一顆內角大壞球的伸卡掃到中左外野方向,形成本季首轟。 開轟影片: https://x.com/tigers/status/1905815945890943427 但全壘打繞壘的時候摸著右邊腰側明顯不太舒服,不過最後還是完成三個打席和五局守備 在第六局的時候被換下場休息,由 Javier Báez接替二壘守備。 終場雙方纏鬥到第10局,道奇藉著 Mookie Betts 的再見三分砲以8:5擊敗老虎。 - 賽後記者有問到 Torres 的身體狀況,如下: 1) https://x.com/CodyStavenhagen/status/1905862679773774107 A.J. Hinch said Gleyber Torres had an issue with his lower ribs. "It's not the time of year to mess with it. So I took him out and started the treatment. And then we'll see how it feels tomorrow." 2) https://x.com/CodyStavenhagen/status/1905863091813761305 Gleyber Torres seemed to be in good spirits after the game. Said he has been dealing with pain in his ribes for a few days. Said he woke up sore today. "We'll see how I wake up tomorrow. I'll have a conversation with A.J. tomorrow, and we'll see." 2-1) https://x.com/CodyStavenhagen/status/1905863358647320713 Gleyber Torres also said he won't need an MRI. "It's no oblique or anything. It feels good right now." He said he's never dealt with an issue like this before, "I think I'm getting old," he joked. 3) https://x.com/evanwoodbery/status/1905859689507705052 Tigers infielder Gleyber Torres said he's had some rib pain over the last few days. Today he felt more sore than normal and then felt especially uncomfortable on his home run, which was an unusual swing on a very-inside pitch. 4) 完整報導:https://reurl.cc/EVp1A0 看起來 A.J. Hinch 把 Torres換下來是為了保險起見,然後是下肋骨的問題。 Torres 說這個疼痛已經持續了好幾天,今天早上起床後又變得更痛。結果比賽中又更加 劇,尤其是把內角球扛出去的時候不舒服的更明顯。之後選到保送的第三打席已經沒辦法 發揮百分之百的狀態,所以選擇下場然後相信隊友。 不過雖然明天還要繼續觀察而且之前也沒有發生這種狀況,但本人不太擔心,也認為不用 照 MRI,還開玩笑說是自己老了就是了。 - -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1743233518.A.1F5.html

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