Re: Munich, Belgrade

看板CZE-SVK作者 (Ilya Kovalchuk)時間16年前 (2009/05/10 14:46), 編輯推噓25(2504)
留言29則, 3人參與, 最新討論串2/3 (看更多)
幕尼黑 Singles - Semi-finals [4] T Berdych (CZE) d J Chardy (FRA) 61 57 62 去年十月東京之後,再次打進ATP決賽。過去和Youzhny交手八次,贏過三場。 唯一的紅土就是在幕尼黑,07四強Youzhny兩盤勝。兩人今年的狀況半斤八兩,來幕尼黑 前都是9勝10敗。 "For me so far it's been a great week, everything's going well I'm feeling great," commented Berdych. "Right now, before me, is the final match tomorrow so I'm really looking forward to it and I just want to go there and enjoy the match, try my best and try to win another title." "I think the key to the first set was when I was down one or two break points I saved them with my serve and then it changed and I won it 6-1," said Berdych. "In the second set he started to play unbelievable tennis, there were no mistakes from him, great serve and I lost it 5-7. But still I came back, quickly made a break and I was trying to put more pressure on him it worked and finally I won the first set." Doubles - Semi-finals J Hernych (CZE)/I Minar (CZE) d [WC] D Gremelmayr (GER)/D Meffert (GER) 63 61 雙打Hernych和Minar不但淘汰了Bryans,還一路打進決賽, 決賽對手是第二種子Fisher/Kerr。 貝爾格萊德 Singles - Semi-finals [LL] L Kubot (POL) d [2] I Karlovic (CRO) 76(0) 62 Doubles - Semi-finals [2] L Kubot (POL) / O Marach (AUT) d R Wassen (NED) / I Zelenay (SVK) 75 62 Kubot這禮拜大豐收,單雙打都進決賽,雙打是可以預見的,單打就帶了不少的運氣。 決賽時間: Munich - Berdych v Youzhny 21:00 TW Belgrade - Kubot v Djokovic 22:00 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

05/10 22:12, , 1F
Berdych第一盤6-4 前面兩人都保的很穩 到最後壓力都大起來
05/10 22:12, 1F

05/10 22:16, , 2F
第一盤兩人都打的很不錯 跟以往交手 都是很接近的感覺
05/10 22:16, 2F

05/10 22:31, , 3F
被破了 加油 Berdych
05/10 22:31, 3F

05/10 22:33, , 4F
開始發球不穩 失誤也稍多
05/10 22:33, 4F

05/10 22:36, , 5F
再被破 要打三盤了...
05/10 22:36, 5F

05/10 22:40, , 6F
運氣不錯 破回一個
05/10 22:40, 6F

05/10 23:00, , 7F
05/10 23:00, 7F

05/10 23:01, , 8F
兩個破發點都被Youzhny救回 進入決勝盤
05/10 23:01, 8F

05/10 23:02, , 9F
啊....第3盤了...= =
05/10 23:02, 9F

05/10 23:03, , 10F
又要三盤了 三盤俱樂部怎會少Berdych呢 Orz
05/10 23:03, 10F

05/10 23:06, , 11F
這兩人交手很常打三盤 今年兩次也都是
05/10 23:06, 11F

05/10 23:07, , 12F
一發越來越低了 這樣保發球都要費一番功夫
05/10 23:07, 12F

05/10 23:19, , 13F
破發 教練超激動^^"
05/10 23:19, 13F

05/10 23:19, , 14F
第三盤率先破發 這分掌握的很好 *3-1
05/10 23:19, 14F

05/10 23:29, , 15F
壓力一來 兩個雙誤 ... 被破發
05/10 23:29, 15F

05/10 23:47, , 16F
關鍵時刻 Youzhny發球救了兩個賽末點.
05/10 23:47, 16F

05/10 23:49, , 17F
05/10 23:49, 17F

05/10 23:50, , 18F
我的bet現在這場很卡 好煩阿 快點拿下比賽
05/10 23:50, 18F

05/10 23:50, , 19F
05/10 23:50, 19F

05/10 23:51, , 20F
搶七 剛剛沒拿下真的太可惜
05/10 23:51, 20F

05/10 23:54, , 21F
落後兩個minibreak 這樣輸掉真的很飲恨耶................
05/10 23:54, 21F

05/10 23:58, , 22F
5-5 ^^"
05/10 23:58, 22F

05/10 23:59, , 23F
竟然又出現了賽末點..... 劇場不停
05/10 23:59, 23F

05/11 00:00, , 24F
贏了!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 太劇場了
05/11 00:00, 24F

05/11 00:01, , 25F
我只能說他不贏 真的會哭哭 恭喜Berdych BMW帶回家 :D
05/11 00:01, 25F

05/11 00:02, , 26F
贏了!!!!!!!!!!!! 看到心臟快無力了......
05/11 00:02, 26F

05/11 00:06, , 27F
兩人都打的很不錯 Youzhny可惜 希望兩人這狀態能維持下去
05/11 00:06, 27F

05/11 00:18, , 28F
還把鞋子脫掉才上車 哈哈
05/11 00:18, 28F

05/11 00:20, , 29F
今年BMW還是白色的 突然想到Youzhny是第二次沒拿到BMW ^^"
05/11 00:20, 29F
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