Re: [Rogi] Miami Final Press Conference

看板Federer作者 (sherman)時間7年前 (2017/04/04 22:32), 7年前編輯推噓26(2602)
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不負責任翻譯 ※ 引述《deehsu (加州‧陽光)》之銘言: : Roger Federer Miami Final Press Conference: : Q. Congratulations. Rog, first of all, talk about it's been 10 years since : you won this and your magical run. As a part two, what was the difference : today? I'm guessing your serve and that inside out forehand was pretty : amazing. 問:恭喜。羅傑,首先跟我們談一下,十年後再得到冠軍以及這次驚奇之旅的感想。 另外,今天有什麼不一樣的地方?我想是你的發球以及inside-out正手拍發揮得很好? : FEDERER: Yeah, look, I think it was a close match. Maybe if you didn't see : the match and you were sitting somewhere around the world and you see the : score you're like, Okay, sort of maybe just straightforward and couple breaks : and that was it. : That's not the full story. I thought he had his chances in the first and in : the second. It was close. I think on the big points today I was just a little : bit better. Why, I have no explanation. I just think it fell that way today. : It was more of a fight mode I was in today just trying to stay afloat. : Physically, emotionally it's been a draining week, so I did very well. It was : a special match and it was great to play against Rafa again. 費德勒:嗯對。其實我覺得這場比賽滿接近的。如果你沒看比賽然後只在世界的某處看到 比分,你可能會覺得『喔這場比賽滿正常平順的,就兩個破發就結束了』 但那並不是全貌。我覺得他在第一第二盤都有過機會。這比賽真的滿接近的。我覺得今天 在關鍵分我大概打得好一點點,至於為什麼,我沒有答案,我只是覺得今天感覺如此。 我今天比較像是是開啟戰鬥模式,想辦法維持水準。這個星期無論是體能上或情緒上都是 非常辛苦的,所以我做得很好。這是場很特別的比賽,而和拉法再次相會是很棒的感覺。 : Q. What were your expectations coming into this year after the long injury : break? How are you feeling now? 問:經過漫長的受傷修養之後,你今年開局對自己的期望是什麼?現在感覺如何? : FEDERER: I can't explain. I told Severin, when I was warming up if I would : you've just played the Miami finals, no Indian Wells, no Australian Open, we : would still be very happy right now. : But I have way more, so that's why I was trying to remind myself just to play : without pressure. Just do it one more time and go out there and be brave on : the big points, you know. I think I was able to do that. : Now I can take a break, because the body needs a break, the mind needs a : break, the family needs me again. I want to be there. Yeah, looking forward : to that now. 費德勒:我不會講啦。我告訴教練Severin,在年初暖身的時候,如果我能夠打到邁阿密 決賽,沒有印第安威爾斯、沒有澳網,我們依舊會對進展感到非常開心。 但是現在結果顯然比預期得好太多了,所以我才一直提醒自己,球來就打不要有壓力。 再撐一下,在關鍵分更敢打一點。我覺得我有做到。 現在終於可以喘一下了,因為我的身體要休息、腦袋要休息、家人也需要我。我也想陪 他們,真的現在覺得很期待。 : Q. The last months you've been pushed and pushed, and obviously your results : are a given. Mentally how have you prepared and what have you learned from : yourself in these last couple of months or in 2017? 問:前幾個月各種挑戰接踵而來,那顯然現在看起來結果很不錯。心態上你是怎麼調整 的?還有這幾個月、或是2017整體而言,你對於你自己有什麼評價? : FEDERER: Yeah, that I think that the way I'm playing right now is the right : way for me moving forward as well. Of course I'll always re-calibrate every : tournament I go to depending on the speed of the ball, the speed of the : courts, who I play, because I do have options. : I'm happy that I was able to stay on the offensive more or less throughout : this swing here, Indian Wells and Miami. I think once you win a big : tournament like the Australian Open, or any big tournament for that matter, : you can just bank usually on some confidence, you know. : That confidence gets you through a lot of the tough matches that nobody ever : speaks about again. You know, let's make it the quarterfinals here against : Berdych. End up winning that somehow. Nobody talks about it. They only will : talk about the Nadal finals and the rest we know. : I think I am definitely profiting from confidence, and then also from the : right mindset, able to compress all my energy into one single match and not : be distracted by everything else going on around me. So I think it's been a : challenging four weeks because, yeah, you have to be focused for a long time. : I was able to do that and I'm very happy. 費德勒:嗯,我想我現在打球的方式是未來正確的方向。當然,每個巡迴賽我都會隨著 球的速度、場地的速度、還有對手來微調,因為(大爺)我進攻手段多(嘛)。 我很高興在這段春季硬地期間我大致能夠維持攻勢。我覺得一旦你贏了像澳網這種大比賽 你會對自己有多一點信心。這種信心會讓你能夠撐過一些艱困的比賽,本來想說打到八強 對小火車就不錯了,結果那場比賽不知怎麼樣就贏了(搔頭)。沒人會再提起那場比賽, 因為大家都只會講跟拉法的決賽,結果已經出來了。 我想信心當然對我幫助很大,但正確的心態也很重要,讓我能夠把所有精力灌注在一場 比賽,而不是被所有周遭的事情分心。所以過去四個禮拜是很有挑戰性的,因為你必須 這麼長的時間維持專注。幸好我做到了,那現在當然是非常咖燻。 : Q. You guys have played 37 times, but when you go out there the 37th time : against Rafa, is it still as special, as exciting? How do the feeling change : over the years, or is it the same? Every time you face him does it feel like : it's something special? 問:你跟拉法打了三十七次了,但當你第三十七次陪拉法玩的時候,還是有那種特別、 興(ㄈㄨ\)奮(ㄔㄡ/)的感覺嘛?那種感覺會隨著年歲改變、還是維持不變?每次你 面對到他的時候,你有感受到什麼特別的東西嗎?(『喔喔喔你看看我的怪物都長這麼大 了』嗎?) : FEDERER: No, it's like when you go to work. You don't feel the same every : day. Doesn't matter if Rafa is in the office or not. Just some days you feel : flatter than others. Doesn't matter, though. You might still put in a great : performance. : But you just can't get up the same way emotionally every single time. In the : beginning, look, he was a young player coming up. It was different back then. : I think then any Grand Slam final or Masters 1000 final you play against each : other, the World Tour Finals, that's when the pulse gets going just naturally : because there is a lot at stake. Might be ranking at stake, points at stake, : a rivalry at stake at this point. : But then I don't know how much it's got to do with Rafa itself or the : occasion of being in a finals. So then you have the combination's always the : best. : Yeah, and then sometimes when you're feeling good, like in Indian Wells, all : of a sudden you're more pumped just because you're feeling good and you're : like, Okay, that's a great time to play Rafa; whereas at other times you know : your game is terrible, you're not feeling it, and now it's against Rafa. : You're like, Okay, it's probably going to be terrible. Everybody is excited : and I'm the only guy who is not excited on the other side of the net because : I know what the result will be because my game is just not up to speed. Can't : feel the same way every single time. 費德勒:不是啦,就像你去工作一樣,每天感覺都不同。不管拉法有沒有在辦公室裡面 (所以是辦公室戀情嗎?),有些日子你就是覺得比較提不起勁兒。但那不是重點啦, 無論是誰你還是可能表現很好。 但是要每一次都有一樣高昂的情緒是不太可能的。在最開始的時候,他是一個正在力爭 上游的年輕球員,那個時候情況不太一樣。但到了大滿貫決賽或大師賽決賽或年終賽決賽 的時候,碰到拉法你的心跳總會快一點,因為輸贏的太多了。或許是排名、積分、或者 整個世仇(刷對戰紀錄)都是賭注。 但我不知道這是因為對手是拉法、或者是因為這是決賽。那當然兩者兼具的時候,整個 氛圍是最棒的。 嗯,然後有時候像在印第安威爾斯的時候狀態很好,你會更躊躇滿志,因為你感覺良好 並想著:『這個時候跟拉法打正是時候』。但有的時候你知道你狀態很糟糕、完全沒球感 還要對上拉法,『哇!快要剉屎了』。所有人都很興奮,除了他的對手--我以外,因為我 知道結果一定很慘。所以每一次感覺都不一樣啦。 : Q. How did you feel today? 問:那你今天感覺如何? : FEDERER: Relaxed just because I was tired so I didn't think about it very : much. Just like, Okay, go through the warmup, go through everything, and then : once the match starts it's all go. That's when we'll get excited for two or : three hours if I have to, but that's all I have energy for. So that's how I : saw it. 費德勒:算放鬆,因為我太累了,所以反而沒想太多。只是想說:『好好暖身、做該做 的事情,等比賽開始,反正就上就對了。』這個時候讓自己情緒高漲個兩三個小時,可是 我也只有這麼多力氣了。我是這樣看的。 : Q. French Open is your next tournament. Eyeing up the grass season here? Is : that the biggest part of that plan? 問:下個比賽就是法網了。放眼草地嗎?草地是計畫裡面最重要的部份? : FEDERER: I think it's more about relaxing right now, making sure I get a : rest. So I think it's more prevention, to be honest. Then I would like to : eventually -- when you take a break, a breather and you start working out : again, which I will have to stay in shape to some extent because I have Match : for Africa 3 in Zurich on April 1oth. I can't let everything fall apart right : now because I have to play in a week. : After that, I'm looking forward to go back in the gym and work on the stuff I : couldn't do for the last few months. Yeah, so I'll probably stay on hard : courts actually for the next few months, if you like, and then I'll get on : the clay probably two weeks before the French. That's the plan for now. : Then, yeah, hopefully I'll play the French, but we'll see how all of the : buildup is going to go. Then obviously for me, that's when the season : essential starts. Sounds weird now, but I see it that way and I've always : seen it that way. 費德勒:我想現在放鬆比較重要,休息第一。所以(跳過紅土)老實說比較像是預防性 的。接著我總是得回歸,休息放鬆之後你又開始努力,而我在4/10的蘇黎士有為非洲而 戰的表演賽,所以我也不能馬上擺爛,因為一個禮拜之後就有比賽了。 在那之後,我很期待回到健身房,微調一些我過去幾個月沒辦法做的事情。所以實際上 未來兩個月我應該主要會留在硬地上,一直到法網前兩週才練習紅土。目前的計畫是這 樣,接著希望我能夠打法網,但還是看之前的訓練情況。法網之後對我來說才是真正的 賽季開始。聽起來很奇怪,但這是我一直以來的看法。 : Q. How much of a goal is Wimbledon for you? Is that your biggest goal this : year maybe? 問:溫布頓對你來說是怎樣的目標?是今年最大的目標嗎? : FEDERER: Yeah, probably. Wimbledon has to be the biggest goal, I mean now in : the near future. The American hard courts I guess as well. The French Open I : guess to some extent. It's just we'll see what happens, you know. No pressure : there really because I won't have a preparation as such. : But all of the grass really is important to me because I'll play Stuttgart : and Halle there, too. Then of course I am looking very good for the World : Tour Finals, for the year-end championships, where I've been very successful. : I like the indoors as well. So for me basically the second half of the season : is a big priority now. That's why I'll take a break as well. 費德勒:我想是的。對可預見的未來而言,溫布頓是我最最最大的目標。當然北美夏季 硬地系列也算是,法網某種程度上也算啦。不過走一步算一步,沒太大壓力,因為我沒 有特別對法網準備。 草地賽事對我來講是非常重要的,因為我會打斯圖加特和哈雷。接下來年終決賽我也希 望能好好表現,因為過去我在那邊表現很好。室內硬地也是深得我心。所以下半賽季是 我目前的準備重點,這也是我現在要休息的原因之一。 -- 我的媽呀怎麼還有那麼多,明日待續.... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址: ※ 編輯: shermanmt (, 04/04/2017 22:36:29

04/04 22:36, , 1F
04/04 22:36, 1F

04/04 22:39, , 2F
呵呵~推辛苦翻譯. :DDDD
04/04 22:39, 2F

04/04 22:43, , 3F
04/04 22:43, 3F

04/04 22:44, , 4F
翻譯超傳神 超讚
04/04 22:44, 4F

04/04 22:50, , 5F
04/04 22:50, 5F

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04/04 22:52, 6F

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04/04 23:10, , 10F
04/04 23:10, 10F

04/04 23:18, , 11F
感謝精美翻譯 一邊看一邊笑
04/04 23:18, 11F

04/04 23:30, , 12F
04/04 23:30, 12F

04/04 23:36, , 13F
04/04 23:36, 13F

04/04 23:46, , 14F
翻得很棒XD 邊看邊笑
04/04 23:46, 14F

04/04 23:51, , 15F
04/04 23:51, 15F

04/05 00:03, , 16F
04/05 00:03, 16F

04/05 01:02, , 17F
推翻譯~ 不過想像這些話由費爸口中講出來真的好笑
04/05 01:02, 17F

04/05 01:27, , 18F
04/05 01:27, 18F

04/05 01:31, , 19F
04/05 01:31, 19F

04/05 02:11, , 20F
04/05 02:11, 20F

04/05 02:12, , 21F
大概就會放棄斯圖加特吧. 費爸可能覺得自己不會走太遠XD
04/05 02:12, 21F

04/05 03:53, , 22F
04/05 03:53, 22F

04/05 04:39, , 23F
04/05 04:39, 23F

04/05 08:26, , 24F
04/05 08:26, 24F

04/05 11:03, , 25F
那個"剉屎了 這狗屁狀態 等等要被老納慘電" 超有感 ^^"
04/05 11:03, 25F

04/05 12:49, , 26F
04/05 12:49, 26F

04/05 13:44, , 27F
04/05 13:44, 27F

04/05 21:19, , 28F
嗯嗯 美網也很重要
04/05 21:19, 28F
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