Re: [Rogi] Miami Final Press Conference

看板Federer作者 (sherman)時間7年前 (2017/04/05 22:27), 編輯推噓20(2001)
留言21則, 20人參與, 最新討論串3/3 (看更多)
: Q. How important it is that you & Rafa are role models for so many people, : kids, everybody. You inspire them. You make them desire greatness, whatever. : So whenever you finish playing the tour, when that happens, are you planning : on maybe writing a book or leaving more of your legacy so that people will : continue to learn from you not only from what you did inside the court, but : outside the court? 問:請問你跟拉法作為這麼多大人小孩的楷模,對你來講有多重要?你們帶給大家啟發、 想要更高成就的動力,等等(記者也知道自己唬爛)。那當你有一天退休的時候,會不會 想要寫書啦、留下一些不只是球場內的、還包括球場外的可以給來人參考的東西? : FEDERER: I don't know if they're going to learn more by reading a book about : me. I've been very cautious. People wanted to write a book about me many, : many times and some of them have, but I have never really helped in any shape : or form. : I don't know. I feel like a lot of my life, I like it not secret, to be : secret, but I like it that it's with the people that I've shared it with. : It's intimate. I don't know. I'm not sure if I want to shout about it. I : guess there are a lot of parts out there anyway, and you can compress it all : together and put it together in a nice book. I'm not sure, so never say never. : For now, we have pushback on all fronts not to do any books. I see maybe more : a documentary, but that means invasion of privacy with my family, and I'm : honestly not in the mood for that either. : So I'm just tired of too many outside people in my life. I don't know. We'll : have to see. But I'm happy to be a good role model. That's why I take time in : the press to put on a good face and I give good answers, or try to give good : answers, so the people have something nice to read about and get excited : about tennis and sports. It's been a great life school for me, and I think : for a lot of people as well it can be a great escape. 費德勒:哇今憨慢供威,但係哇今習載。我不知道人們讀我的書能夠多了解我多少。 當然我很好奇啦,已經有很多人想要寫本關於我的書了,那市面上也這樣的書存在,但 我其實從來沒有在那些書寫過程中有什麼協助。 我不曉得耶,我人生中很多東西不是說我想不想要保持秘密的問題,而是我跟哪些人分享 這些事情,這很私密哩柑哉?我可能不會想要大聲嚷嚷告訴全世界。當然我生命的很多部 分已經是世人皆知的,如果你想要把它彙整起來成一本不錯的書,ok啊,但我自己可能不 是那麼確定,所以話不好說死。至少就目前而言,我們盡力避免任何寫書的事情。或許有 可能是紀錄片之類的,但那表示會侵入我家人的隱私,說老實話我並沒很想那麼做。 所以我其實有點厭倦我生活中有太多外界的人。再看看吧。但能夠成為一個模範讓我很高 興,這也是為什麼我對媒體友善、盡力給出好的答案,讓大家對於網球和體育活動有可以 閱讀的東西、有可以興奮的依據。(所以不要逼我翻白眼好嗎)這一切對我而言是很好的 人生體悟,那我想對很多人來說也可能是很好的調劑。 : Q. Playing such brilliant, attacking tennis now, and even defending very, : very well, does that play into your feelings about the clay court season? Do : you regret maybe not scheduling more clay? Do you feel you could play that : style that you've been so successful with when it comes to Roland Garros? 問:當你球打得這麼好、攻勢凌厲、防守到位的時候,你會不會想說『那多打點紅土比賽 好了?』會不會後悔紅土比賽排太少?法網來臨的時候,你覺得你的攻擊網球還能夠取得 同樣的成功嗎? : FEDERER: Well, I mean, I can still change my schedule so I don't regret : anything. I've just only taken the decision, and I definitely took that into : considering consideration. Like I said, I'm not 24 anymore. I have to pick my : moments where I can peak and stay healthy. : Also part of the situation was that my knee was really strange on the clay : last year, so maybe being away from the clay as much as possible maybe is a : good thing as well. : Even though I don't think it was because of the clay as such, but my physio : and fitness guy thought that that could be also a good thing, not being too : much on clay. So I feel very comfortable and confident that it's the right : decision. I did reconsider with the team what the schedule really was now : that I've also won Indian Wells. : At the end of the day, I need to look out for my health, that I'm happy in : all parts of my life, personal, private, on-court life, professional life, : and I can't keep this pace up on every single day. Just too much and I'll run : out. The desire will run out. : I would rather stay take a step back and then really come back with a lot of : energy and happiness. Then I can share that with everybody. Otherwise you'll : see me here and you will see that all I want to do is get out of here. I : don't want to be that guy. I really don't. 費德勒:那個,我想,我隨時可以改我的行程,所以我沒什麼好後悔的。我只是做了個決 定,這過程中當然考量了很多事情。我說過,我已經不是24歲了,所以我得慎選比賽、在 對的時候把狀態調整到顛峰,同時保持健康。 還有,去年在紅土賽季的時候我的膝蓋有點詭異,所以搞不好遠離紅土對我是好事也說不 定(雖然我襪子都不會髒啦(撥頭髮))。雖然我不認為膝蓋的問題是紅土造成的,但我 的體能教練說,少打點紅土比賽也不錯。總之呢,我覺得做這個決定是正確也舒服的,我 當然也隨著目前為止的好結果來跟我的團隊檢討過賽程的安排。 總的來說,我的健康是第一考量。我的人生、私生活、打球的生活、職業生涯都很令人滿 意,我沒辦法一年365天都當超人,那樣子會沒膏啦,而且也會磨損我的動力。 我寧願退一步先,然後以最好的狀態和心態回到球場,這樣所有的人也開心(搗蒜貌)。 不然你會看到我一副想要趕快落跑的的死樣子,我真的不想那樣啦。 : Q. We've spoken a lot about this comeback. Is it now officially over? 問:我們已經談很多你這次的復出之旅。請問一下復出之旅(巡迴演唱的票賣)完了嗎? : FEDERER: Yes, I would think so. (Laughter.) The comeback is over. Still a : comeback year, but I did say that until here, now, Miami, it was going to be : still learning. It's the beginning. Let's see how the knee is going to feel : in Australia. How is the body going to be in the Middle East? How is the body : going to be west coast, east coast? : There is a lot of traveling, and the knee can act funny when you travel and : fly trans-Atlantic and all that stuff. It's not like I went home and all I : did is take a warm shower. I had to do a lot of stretching, massage, and : sleep well, all that stuff. I needed to be very professional to wake up every : morning and be ready to compete. : I'm happy that nothing major happened throughout this period. It's been a : dream run on the court; off the court as well my body has reacted very well : and I couldn't be happier, of course. 費德勒:啊,邁阿密(小巨蛋)已經是最後一場了(笑聲)。復出之旅結束了沒錯。當然 我們可以是復出年(繼續賣票),不過我想一直到邁阿密此時此刻,我們都還在調整。這 只是個開端,先看看澳網的時候膝蓋感覺怎樣、在中東的時候身體感覺如何、在西岸、東 岸的時候身體感覺怎樣,這些都是要考慮的參數。 網球比賽需要很多飛行時數,那跨越大西洋或跨時區的時候,膝蓋可能會有些狀況,不像 在家裡我就是洗個熱水澡就沒事了。我必須伸展肌肉、按摩、好好睡覺等等。每天都要定 時起床、準備比賽,you know,我是個pro。 我很高興這段時間身體沒出什麼大問題,在賽場上是一段夢幻旅程,在場下我的身體也恢 復得很好,所以總得來說就是送啦~ : Q. There is only two men that have won more tournaments in their career than : you. You are 3 away from tying Ivan Lendl at 94; 18 away from Jimmy tying : Connors. Is that partially your mind as you continue your tennis career? 問:只有兩個人生涯冠軍頭銜比你多。你再三個就可以追平藍道,再十八個就可以追平康 納斯。在你繼續網球生涯的同時,你有部分是想追逐這些紀錄嗎? : FEDERER: I mean, yeah, I guess it would be nice to reach 100 just because : it's a good number. But then again, I'm not picking the easy ones to win, to : be honest. I'm not going to play smaller tournaments just to chase that, as : you can see. I'm even now taking a ten-week break. : Like I said, health comes before everything, before every record at this : point. But sure, this has been an incredible start winning three titles this : year and none last year. Things are definitely better this year. But for : those kind of numbers I need to stick around for a while and play very, very : well at the high level. It's going to be difficult so we'll see what happens. : 100 would be a great number, of course. 費德勒:ㄟ我覺得100聽起來很好聽,所以拿個100冠好像滿不賴的。但是我也沒有說挑一 些簡單的比賽參加來刷冠軍數量啦,真的。我並沒有為了冠軍數就參加小一點的巡迴賽, 你看我現在可是要休個10週溜。 我有說過,健康第一,在我生涯此時比任何紀錄都重要。不過去年我一冠難求,現在卻已 經拿三個冠軍了,今年很棒。可如果要達到這些冠軍數字,我還得再多打幾年,並且把狀 態維持在非常高檔。這不容易,所以我們靜觀其變。不過我還是覺得, 『各位觀眾,一-百-冠!』聽起來很酷。 (以上不負責翻譯結束) : : (* From Federer Family's FB) : ============================================================================ : * 如果再奪溫網 19、美網 20,那就再完美不過了!!XDDD : 有夢最美囉~~~球迷們都愛幻想~~~~XDDDDD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

04/05 22:32, , 1F
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04/05 22:38, , 2F
哇今憨慢供威,但係哇今習載XDDDD 感謝翻譯
04/05 22:38, 2F

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04/05 23:36, , 7F
哇今憨慢供威,但係哇今習載XDD 感謝翻譯^^
04/05 23:36, 7F

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04/06 09:07, , 12F
推幽默的翻譯 很好笑
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04/06 13:20, , 18F
真的阿 打紅土襪子都不會髒XD
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