[外電翻譯] AI需要很多證明

看板IVERSON作者 (黃小斐)時間15年前 (2009/06/09 22:36), 編輯推噓12(1208)
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第一次做翻譯,翻不好請多見諒 ^^ Allen Iverson will have a lot to prove AI需要很多證明 Charlotte Bobcats coach Larry Brown told the media Friday he was open to accepting free-agent guard Allen Iverson as a part of the team. 夏洛特山貓隊教練 布朗爺(Larry Brown) 在週五對 媒體表示,他能接受自由球員艾佛森(Allen Iverson) 作為球隊的一部分。 Brown, who led the Pistons to an NBA title in 2004, seemed in a conciliatory mood toward Iverson -- considering their tumultuous relationship when he coached Iverson with the 76ers earlier in Iverson's 13-year career. 帶領底特律活塞隊拿下2004年NBA總冠軍的布朗爺, 似乎在安撫AI的情緒---就到他們吵鬧的關係而言, 當他在執教AI和AI之前的76人隊時的13年的職業生涯。 But the Charlotte Observer had a quote from Brown that raises questions about Iverson's future in the league. 夏洛特評論家有一個來自布朗爺提出有關AI在聯盟中 的未來 的引述。 "I know he has a big chip on his shoulder now," Brown said. "He's got a trainer and is taking care of himself." 布朗爺說:我知道AI 現在有一個很衝情緒(好鬥),他 有個訓練師正在照顧他自己。 If it were only a matter of motivation and getting in tip-top shape, there would be no doubt Iverson could reclaim his status as one of the top-flight scorers in the league. 如果它僅僅是一個引發動機和進入極佳的狀態的地方, 那裡(山貓隊)將會毫無疑問的是AI可以改造他在聯盟中 做為一個頂級球員的地位。 But in watching Iverson, 34, last season after he was acquired from the Denver Nuggets in the blockbuster trade for Chauncey Billups, it was obvious Iverson had lost a step. 但是在34歲的AI看來,看著上一季他被丹佛金塊經由重 磅交易換來的畢勒斯(Chauncey Billups),很明顯的AI 已經失去了一步。(指AI失去一次奪冠的機會) No doubt Iverson, wherever he lands, will be in a mood to prove to everyone that he is the Iverson of old. 毫無疑問的,無論AI在哪一支球隊,都會以情緒來向大 家證明(這句好怪,可以求救嗎?),他依舊是Allen Iverson。 -- Dream 也許會很辛苦 , 但是不會放棄。 http://www.wretch.cc/mypage/w410947 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: AIdream 來自: (06/09 22:37)

06/09 22:41, , 1F
翻譯的好 推!
06/09 22:41, 1F

06/09 22:48, , 2F
06/09 22:48, 2F

06/09 22:49, , 3F
真的嗎?? 我以一個高中一年級生的身分努力的去翻譯
06/09 22:49, 3F

06/09 22:51, , 4F
花了3小時左右吧!!! (功力要再加強些)
06/09 22:51, 4F

06/09 22:53, , 5F
06/09 22:53, 5F

06/09 22:55, , 6F
本來要翻 可是第二段怎麼翻都很怪 所以就作罷了XD
06/09 22:55, 6F

06/09 23:10, , 7F
06/09 23:10, 7F

06/09 23:11, , 8F
大家都好熱血~感謝了XD 無奈期末考纏身 不然我本來想翻XD
06/09 23:11, 8F

06/10 00:23, , 9F
06/10 00:23, 9F

06/10 00:23, , 10F
訓練師在照顧他自己(那跟AI什麼事?XD) 不要忘記主詞
06/10 00:23, 10F

06/10 00:35, , 11F
06/10 00:35, 11F

06/10 05:33, , 12F
06/10 05:33, 12F

06/10 05:37, , 13F
沒錯,是在說AI 13年職業生涯的早期
06/10 05:37, 13F

06/10 09:30, , 14F
06/10 09:30, 14F

06/10 09:30, , 15F
06/10 09:30, 15F

06/10 10:19, , 16F
原文說Iverson of the old, 是特別想強調他還是那個AI
06/10 10:19, 16F

06/10 10:20, , 17F
的意思嗎? 只是球齡比較久而以那樣?
06/10 10:20, 17F

06/10 21:44, , 18F
06/10 21:44, 18F

06/10 22:46, , 19F
我認為Iverson of the old應該是在強調AI還是那個AI
06/10 22:46, 19F

06/10 22:53, , 20F
06/10 22:53, 20F
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文章代碼(AID): #1ABdDO5F (IVERSON)