The voice

看板KobeBryant作者 (Crittenton)時間17年前 (2007/08/18 01:53), 編輯推噓4(400)
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Kobe Bryant On USA team - "I've been waiting for this for a while, just having the chance to represent our country," Bryant said after a workout at Valley High School. "It's a very special moment." 我等這個機會有好一陣子了,期待著有機會為國出征。那是個特別的時刻。」 "We just clicked instantly, so it was very encouraging," Bryant said. "The timing is much better -- the timing on cuts, the timing on passes." 「我們很快的一拍即合,這非常令人振奮。無論是切入的時機、傳球的時機等,都已 經抓得更準了。 On Lakers - "When the time is right to discuss it, we'll discuss it," Bryant said. "It's not the time right now." 現在不是談論這件事情的時候,我們會去討論,不過不是現在。」 Others "He's just focused, committed, excited," Colangelo said. "His presence makes a big difference, it really does. Put it this way: I think his intent is to make up for the times that he wasn't here." - Bryan Colangelo 他非常專注、堅定與興奮。他的存在造成了很大的改變,真的。這麼說吧,我想他 的內心想法就是想去補償他過去無法進國家隊的時刻。」 "Kobe's as good a player as there is on the planet, and he's a very team-oriented player," Krzyzewski said. "I think he's as good defensively as he is offensively, so that's a nice thing to have." - Mike Krzyzewski Kobe 是這星球上很棒的球員,他也是個團隊取向的球員。而且我想他的防守跟進攻 一樣好,能擁有這樣的能力是很棒的事。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

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推啊 期待比賽的開始
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