Re: Davis Cup 1st Round

看板Latin_AM作者 (Ilya Kovalchuk)時間16年前 (2009/03/07 12:25), 編輯推噓9(900)
留言9則, 1人參與, 最新討論串5/6 (看更多)
阿根廷 2 - 0 荷蘭 R1 - J.CHELA (ARG) def. J.HUTA GALUNG (NED) 6-2 2-6 6-2 6-7(4) 6-2 R2 - J.MONACO (ARG) def. T.DE BAKKER (NED) 6-1 6-2 7-6(1) 還好Monaco沒讓戰局拖下去,不然大腿的狀況不知能否撐到最後。 "I checked my watch all the time" he said. "I knew I could play for an hour and a half without any problem from my leg, and then I would have to start managing whatever pain might arise. I felt a little, but nothing relevant, so I am very well right now." Chela解釋了一下今天的狀況。 "Davis Cup is difficult in that way" Chela said. "In the circuit, you may find people from time to time that really are not too interested in winning a specific, not-too-relevant match. But in Davis Cup everyone fights to the last point and that makes it very tough." 第二天雙打應該會照原定計劃,由Arnold Ker/Vassallo Arguello上場 克羅埃西亞 2 - 0 智利 R1 - M.ANCIC (CRO) def. N.MASSU (CHI) 6-3 6-3 7-6(4) R2 - M.CILIC (CRO) def. P.CAPDEVILLE (CHI) 6-1 6-2 6-1 這邊沒啥意外發生,Massu可惜沒拿個一盤。 [美洲組] 哥倫比亞 2 - 0 烏拉圭 Cuevas缺陣情況下,也是沒懸念,哥倫比亞的Falla和Giraldo順利拿下兩點。 加拿大 1 - 1 厄瓜多 N.Lapentti和Dancevic分別拿下一點打成平手。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

03/07 22:14, , 1F
03/07 22:14, 1F

03/07 22:26, , 2F
率先破發 *3-2
03/07 22:26, 2F

03/07 22:52, , 3F
6-4 第一盤拿到
03/07 22:52, 3F

03/07 23:24, , 4F
03/07 23:24, 4F

03/07 23:28, , 5F
原來Parque Roca在河邊 鳥瞰鏡頭還挺漂亮的
03/07 23:28, 5F

03/07 23:38, , 6F
7-5 第二盤拿下
03/07 23:38, 6F

03/08 00:09, , 7F
Arnold Ker今天打的很不錯 5-3 第三盤
03/08 00:09, 7F

03/08 00:14, , 8F
6-4 7-5 6-3 進八強!!!!!
03/08 00:14, 8F

03/08 00:15, , 9F
03/08 00:15, 9F
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文章代碼(AID): #19iVSp0n (Latin_AM)