Re: Davis Cup 2013

看板Latin_AM作者時間12年前 (2013/04/08 22:34), 編輯推噓2(200)
留言2則, 2人參與, 最新討論串4/5 (看更多)
Argentina 3 - 2 France R1: J Tsonga (FRA) d C Berlocq (ARG) 46 62 63 57 62 R2: Juan Monaco (ARG) d G Simon (FRA) 76(2) 62 64 R3: D Nalbandian/H Zeballos (ARG) d M Llodra/ J Benneteau (FRA) 36 76(3) 75 63 R4: J Tsonga (FRA) d J Monaco (ARG) 63 63 60 R5: Carlos Berlocq (ARG) d G Simon (FRA) 64 57 64 64 這次全隊都各自拿了一點,最後英雄是決勝點獲勝的Berlocq,阿根廷史上首度擊敗法國 四強要到客場出戰捷克。 “Sincerely, I don’t have words to describe what I feel,” Berlocq said. “You can’t imagine how scared I was before going out (onto the court), the tension there was all match. I felt I was getting cramp, that he wouldn’t miss a shot. It was an achievement, the victory of a team. highlights
Berlocq v Simon
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