Sao Paulo男網賽冠軍-Pablo Cuevas

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Singles - Second Round [3] Pablo Cuevas (URU) d [Q] Facundo Bagnis (ARG) 63 75 Singles - Quarterfinals [3] Pablo Cuevas (URU) d [WC] Thiago Monteiro (BRA) 46 63 63 Singles - Semifinals [3] Pablo Cuevas (URU) d Dusan Lajovic (SRB) 63 64 Singles - Final [3] Pablo Cuevas (URU) d Pabo Carreno Busta (ESP) 76(4) 63 Cuevas衛冕成功 (今年和去年的差別是從室內體育館搬到室外的俱樂部小場地) 並且連拿巴西兩週紅土賽冠軍 “During the tournament, I didn’t play as well as I did in Rio,” Cuevas said. “I was making more unforced errors and being less aggressive, but I was focused and calm, which was the key to winning this week. I was down in the tie-break, but came back to win the first set. In the second set, there were many long rallies, but I think he got a little tired and I was able to make a difference.” 他覺得自己並沒有打得比上週好 不過仍保持專注冷靜 是奪冠關鍵 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:
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文章代碼(AID): #1Mr5DB_B (Latin_AM)