[情報] 書僮不同意球團邀請SPI團體

看板MLB (美國職棒/大聯盟)作者 (無無)時間10月前 (2023/05/30 11:40), 編輯推噓14(19517)
留言41則, 21人參與, 10月前最新討論串1/3 (看更多)
https://twitter.com/jack_a_harris/status/1663382244311048192 In a @latimes interview today, Clayton Kershaw said he disagreed with Dodgers de cision to honor the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence during next month's Pride Ni ght As a response, he sought to announce the team's relaunch of Christian Faith & Fa mily Day 書僮不同意球團在下個月的Pride Night 決定頒獎給Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence這團體的決定 並且想推動球團復辦基督教家庭日 https://twitter.com/jack_a_harris/status/1663382750806831109 Kershaw was adamant his issue was with the Sisters & not the LGBTQ+ community at large “This has nothing to do with the LGBTQ community or pride or anything like that . This is simply a group that was making fun of a religion, that I don’t agree with.” 書僮解釋他不是針對LGBTQ+ 團體 而是Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence這組織 他認為這組織只是一群在取笑宗教的團體 https://twitter.com/jack_a_harris/status/1663383071843045376 Kershaw initiated a players-only meeting in the Dodgers clubhouse pregame today to talk about the situation He also said he isn't planning to boycott the June 16 Pride Night game “As a follower of Christ, we’re supposed to love everybody well." 書僮也招開了球員會議討論這事 但他也說到時並不會抵制這活動 因為作為基督的追隨者,我們應該好好愛每一個人 https://twitter.com/jack_a_harris/status/1663383948045733888 The Dodgers' Christian Faith and Family Day was last held in 2019 (before the CO VID-19) pandemic Kershaw said there were tentative plans to bring it back, but pushed for it afte r the team's decision to recognize the Sisters 躲人曾在2019辦過基督日 話說躲人前陣子因受壓力 取消對Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence的邀請 但之後又發聲明道歉+重邀 https://i.imgur.com/83HLjT3.jpg
話說有人知道這團體有啥問題嗎 https://reurl.cc/gD8QXX -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1685418029.A.356.html

05/30 12:13, 10月前 , 1F
05/30 12:13, 1F

05/30 12:21, 10月前 , 2F
左手做慈善 右手打天主 看社會如何定義這個人
05/30 12:21, 2F

05/30 13:09, 10月前 , 3F
現在只要政治正確 什麼都對 黑人演員是 這個也是
05/30 13:09, 3F

05/30 15:34, 10月前 , 4F
05/30 15:34, 4F

05/30 15:54, 10月前 , 5F
05/30 15:54, 5F

05/30 15:54, 10月前 , 6F
05/30 15:54, 6F

05/30 17:17, 10月前 , 7F
05/30 17:17, 7F

05/30 17:39, 10月前 , 8F
05/30 17:39, 8F

05/30 17:39, 10月前 , 9F
05/30 17:39, 9F

05/30 20:28, 10月前 , 10F
05/30 20:28, 10F

05/30 20:28, 10月前 , 11F
05/30 20:28, 11F

05/30 20:58, 10月前 , 12F
支持我科 支持同性但偏激團體真的噁心
05/30 20:58, 12F

05/30 23:29, 10月前 , 13F
投好你的球 少管閒事
05/30 23:29, 13F

05/30 23:37, 10月前 , 14F
05/30 23:37, 14F

05/30 23:38, 10月前 , 15F
不論美國人再怎麼講自己宗教自由 多元文化
05/30 23:38, 15F

05/30 23:38, 10月前 , 16F
但骨子裡就是基督教文化至上的國家 這是台灣無法想像的
05/30 23:38, 16F

05/31 06:54, 10月前 , 17F
在加州就不是啥勇敢了吧 加州不就是極左天堂....
05/31 06:54, 17F

05/31 06:58, 10月前 , 18F
05/31 06:58, 18F

05/31 10:28, 10月前 , 19F
05/31 10:28, 19F

05/31 12:05, 10月前 , 20F
05/31 12:05, 20F

05/31 13:09, 10月前 , 21F
05/31 13:09, 21F

05/31 13:51, 10月前 , 22F
Deep state現在狂推LGBTQ+變性+撒旦教。是需要勇者出來抵
05/31 13:51, 22F

05/31 13:51, 10月前 , 23F
05/31 13:51, 23F

05/31 13:56, 10月前 , 24F
05/31 13:56, 24F

05/31 13:57, 10月前 , 25F
05/31 13:57, 25F

05/31 13:57, 10月前 , 26F
百貨和bud light啤酒。MLB絕對是加入的一方。NHL就一些球
05/31 13:57, 26F

05/31 13:57, 10月前 , 27F
05/31 13:57, 27F

05/31 16:27, 10月前 , 28F
美國立國精神不是要尊重言論自由嗎 呵呵
05/31 16:27, 28F

05/31 18:45, 10月前 , 29F
勇者 尊敬 明年返鄉吧
05/31 18:45, 29F

06/01 07:04, 10月前 , 30F
06/01 07:04, 30F

06/01 08:27, 10月前 , 31F
06/01 08:27, 31F

06/01 08:30, 10月前 , 32F
而且基督宗教不是講求博愛嗎??原來只是說說而已啊 呵呵呵
06/01 08:30, 32F

06/01 11:49, 10月前 , 33F
還真偏激 呵呵
06/01 11:49, 33F

06/01 11:54, 10月前 , 34F
果然立場不同就隨便扣帽子。難怪K的立場這麼多人支持 呵
06/01 11:54, 34F

06/01 18:01, 10月前 , 35F
結果推文自己在扣人家帽子 笑死
06/01 18:01, 35F

06/01 18:07, 10月前 , 36F
這事哪有言論自由 只有一言堂好嗎 看出來道歉的那麼多
06/01 18:07, 36F

06/01 18:18, 10月前 , 37F
06/01 18:18, 37F

06/01 18:19, 10月前 , 38F
06/01 18:19, 38F

06/01 18:20, 10月前 , 39F
06/01 18:20, 39F

06/01 18:21, 10月前 , 40F
06/01 18:21, 40F

06/01 18:21, 10月前 , 41F
06/01 18:21, 41F
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文章代碼(AID): #1aTN0jDM (MLB)