[花邊] NBA老闆不滿WNBA持續虧錢,向阿銀施壓

看板NBA (美國籃球)作者 (無無)時間2月前 (2024/10/21 14:16), 2月前編輯推噓233(25017261)
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https://reurl.cc/pvNVd4 While the WNBA is getting sellout crowds for the finals between the New York Lib erty and Minnesota Lynx, the league’s owners will not be making a return on the ir investment for the foreseeable future, sources close to the situation said. 雖然本季WNBA人氣飛漲,但在可預見的未來內 依然沒辦法回收投入的成本 The NBA owns nearly 60 percent of the league. NBA本身持有60% WNBA股份 When one combines the NBA owners’ personal stakes in WNBA teams and the WNBA it self, the amount rises to 75 percent, a source with direct knowledge of the numb ers said. 加上持有WNBA球隊的NBA老闆的話 會高達75% The NBA team owners have invested hundreds of millions in the WNBA since its 199 6 formation, per sources. NBA老闆已經投資了好幾億美金在WNBA上 “The WNBA owes the NBA so much we won’t see any windfall for years,” an NBA t eam executive told The Post. 一位NBA球隊管理層告訴華盛頓郵報 WNBA欠NBA的錢太多 This season the WNBA will lose $40 million, a bit better than the $50 million fo recast and reported by several media outlets months ago but still a loss, source s said. WNBA本季預計會虧損4000萬美金 Some NBA owners want more transparency from NBA commissioner Adam Silver about w hen they will get to see some return from the suddenly popular WNBA. 一些NBA老闆希望阿銀能更透明的說明 他們投的錢啥時能回收 New York Knicks owner James Dolan has been pushing Silver behind the scenes, sou rces said 是尼克老闆James Dolan帶頭施壓阿銀給回覆 There’s a bunch of owners who see Dolan as their hero for pressing Silver on th ese questions but Silver is not giving us any answers,” the NBA team executive said. 一位NBA球隊管理層表示一群NBA老闆 在這事情上把Dolan當成英雄 但阿銀並沒有回覆任何答案 “WNBA financials, including detailed reports on revenue and expenses, are share d with both the NBA’s and WNBA’s Board of Governors,” NBA spokesman Mike Bass told The Post, declining to comment further. NBA發言人告訴華盛頓郵報 WNBA包括收入和支出的詳細財務狀況 有跟NBA和WNBA的董事會共享 “That is somewhat BS and they are consolidating it with NBA financials,” the t eam executive said. “By consolidating numbers, you don’t have to break out any of them.” 一位NBA球隊管理層表示這有點胡說 因為他們看到的數據是把NBA和WNBA合併在一起報XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1729491373.A.2AE.html ※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 10/21/2024 14:16:46

10/21 14:17, 2月前 , 1F
10/21 14:17, 1F

10/21 14:17, 2月前 , 2F
賠錢貨就早點砍掉 收一收不要玩 連停損都不懂?
10/21 14:17, 2F

10/21 14:17, 2月前 , 3F
10/21 14:17, 3F

10/21 14:17, 2月前 , 4F
10/21 14:17, 4F

10/21 14:18, 2月前 , 5F
WNBA觀賞性就比較差啊 贊助、門票跟轉播金會多去哪
10/21 14:18, 5F

10/21 14:18, 2月前 , 6F
10/21 14:18, 6F

10/21 14:20, 2月前 , 7F
新簽的22億鎂的轉播合約 2026年才會賺錢 感謝CC吧
10/21 14:20, 7F
但CBA又會吃掉錢 https://i.imgur.com/8NNNM7s.jpeg

10/21 14:21, 2月前 , 8F
10/21 14:21, 8F

10/21 14:21, 2月前 , 9F
讓nba球星去捧場也沒用 超級賠錢
10/21 14:21, 9F

10/21 14:21, 2月前 , 10F
真的是活該虧錢 一直強行餵食NBA球迷 WNBA的內容
10/21 14:21, 10F

10/21 14:21, 2月前 , 11F
10/21 14:21, 11F

10/21 14:21, 2月前 , 12F
10/21 14:21, 12F

10/21 14:22, 2月前 , 13F
不用浪費錢了 真以為這東西能賺錢哦
10/21 14:22, 13F

10/21 14:22, 2月前 , 14F
10/21 14:22, 14F

10/21 14:22, 2月前 , 15F
賠錢貨 女籃球員還敢該該叫薪水跟男籃差太多
10/21 14:22, 15F

10/21 14:22, 2月前 , 16F
10/21 14:22, 16F

10/21 14:22, 2月前 , 17F
10/21 14:22, 17F

10/21 14:23, 2月前 , 18F
10/21 14:23, 18F

10/21 14:23, 2月前 , 19F
10/21 14:23, 19F

10/21 14:24, 2月前 , 20F
10/21 14:24, 20F

10/21 14:24, 2月前 , 21F
女籃就真的無聊 我還不如看女網或羽球
10/21 14:24, 21F

10/21 14:24, 2月前 , 22F
賠錢貨就是賠錢貨 再怎麼硬塞給觀眾還是沒用
10/21 14:24, 22F

10/21 14:25, 2月前 , 23F
10/21 14:25, 23F
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 10/21/2024 14:25:35

10/21 14:25, 2月前 , 24F
剛才看緯來轉播那場 覺得其實還不錯欸
10/21 14:25, 24F

10/21 14:26, 2月前 , 25F
10/21 14:26, 25F

10/21 14:26, 2月前 , 26F
10/21 14:26, 26F

10/21 14:27, 2月前 , 27F
10/21 14:27, 27F

10/21 14:27, 2月前 , 28F
10/21 14:27, 28F

10/21 14:28, 2月前 , 29F
10/21 14:28, 29F

10/21 14:29, 2月前 , 30F
別說沒觀賞性好不好 緯來晚上應該還會重播
10/21 14:29, 30F

10/21 14:29, 2月前 , 31F
10/21 14:29, 31F

10/21 14:29, 2月前 , 32F
10/21 14:29, 32F

10/21 14:30, 2月前 , 33F
10/21 14:30, 33F

10/21 14:30, 2月前 , 34F
10/21 14:30, 34F

10/21 14:30, 2月前 , 35F
這牽扯到政確議題會怕吧 不然阿銀撈錢大師餒
10/21 14:30, 35F

10/21 14:31, 2月前 , 36F
10/21 14:31, 36F
還有 452 則推文
還有 2 段內文
10/22 00:33, 2月前 , 489F
女森最會小圈圈啦 WNBA乾脆收一收去演八點黨
10/22 00:33, 489F

10/22 00:50, 2月前 , 490F
10/22 00:50, 490F

10/22 01:00, 2月前 , 491F
要不是捆NBA一起進行捆綁銷售 誰在乎WNBA?
10/22 01:00, 491F

10/22 01:00, 2月前 , 492F
NBA要是放掉WNBA的股權 這鬼聯盟會虧更多
10/22 01:00, 492F

10/22 01:13, 2月前 , 493F
就一堆種族歧視的黑人打死不承認自己是賠錢貨啊 還
10/22 01:13, 493F

10/22 01:13, 2月前 , 494F
10/22 01:13, 494F

10/22 01:13, 2月前 , 495F
10/22 01:13, 495F

10/22 01:14, 2月前 , 496F
10/22 01:14, 496F

10/22 01:17, 2月前 , 497F
然後Reese根本就蹭CC的 等級差超多也在比 curry乾
10/22 01:17, 497F

10/22 01:17, 2月前 , 498F
妹沒受傷根本沒AR的事 女版裝猛比curry能看嗎
10/22 01:17, 498F

10/22 01:17, 2月前 , 499F
10/22 01:17, 499F

10/22 01:20, 2月前 , 500F
恕我物化女性 WNBA穿運動內衣褲上我就看
10/22 01:20, 500F

10/22 01:28, 2月前 , 501F
就沒人要看lgbt 女權 這類的東西 電影票房就告訴你
10/22 01:28, 501F

10/22 02:36, 2月前 , 502F
就精彩度不足 什麼行銷都沒救
10/22 02:36, 502F

10/22 03:00, 2月前 , 503F
10/22 03:00, 503F

10/22 05:20, 2月前 , 504F
以平常還有在打球的人來說 我覺得wnba不難看
10/22 05:20, 504F

10/22 05:46, 2月前 , 505F
10/22 05:46, 505F

10/22 05:46, 2月前 , 506F
10/22 05:46, 506F

10/22 07:39, 2月前 , 507F
10/22 07:39, 507F

10/22 08:05, 2月前 , 508F
觀看人數太少 女生都不看 https://youtu.be/I745Aje
10/22 08:05, 508F

10/22 08:05, 2月前 , 509F
10/22 08:05, 509F

10/22 08:58, 2月前 , 510F
10/22 08:58, 510F

10/22 09:13, 2月前 , 511F
我才在找就已經有人貼Bill Burr了
10/22 09:13, 511F

10/22 09:48, 2月前 , 512F
10/22 09:48, 512F

10/22 10:52, 2月前 , 513F
10/22 10:52, 513F

10/22 11:30, 2月前 , 514F
WNBA把救世主毆打出去呢 看看ABA當年怎麼保護J博士
10/22 11:30, 514F

10/22 12:09, 2月前 , 515F
10/22 12:09, 515F

10/22 12:09, 2月前 , 516F
10/22 12:09, 516F

10/22 12:15, 2月前 , 517F
10/22 12:15, 517F

10/22 12:31, 2月前 , 518F
搬一搬去onlyfans 一定賺
10/22 12:31, 518F

10/22 12:47, 2月前 , 519F
還是學學臺灣的服務學習制度好了 強制美國人民每年
10/22 12:47, 519F

10/22 12:47, 2月前 , 520F
有義務花錢進場看WNBA賽事 否則以反對性別平等為由
10/22 12:47, 520F

10/22 12:47, 2月前 , 521F
10/22 12:47, 521F

10/22 13:34, 2月前 , 522F
10/22 13:34, 522F

10/22 13:43, 2月前 , 523F
10/22 13:43, 523F

10/22 14:36, 2月前 , 524F
10/22 14:36, 524F

10/22 15:18, 2月前 , 525F
10/22 15:18, 525F

10/23 03:45, 2月前 , 526F
10/23 03:45, 526F

10/23 12:27, 2月前 , 527F
10/23 12:27, 527F

10/24 12:50, 2月前 , 528F
10/24 12:50, 528F
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