[外電]NBA is different

看板PACERS (印第安那 溜馬)作者 (吞食)時間19年前 (2006/04/04 03:35), 編輯推噓4(402)
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NBA is different Why hasn't it worked out for Jasikevicius in Indianapolis http://www.nba.com/blog/blog8.html The NBA is a different league, not only with better basketball players than everybody else but also with different basketball systems. This is well known. When Sarunas Jasikevicius lit up the dream team in Athens after he did the same in Sydney 4 years earlier, Larry Brown was asked by an Israeli colleague & friend why isn't he playing in the League. Brown answered: "Different game". NBA是不一樣的聯盟。不僅在於更優異的選手, 也在於不同的籃球系統;這是人所共知的。 當小葉二度讓夢幻隊顏面掃地時, 一些以色列的同事問布朗爺:"為何小葉無法打NBA?" 布朗爺回答:"因為那是不一樣的比賽。" Well, if you look at what's happening lately in Indiana, it seems as if LB was right. Sarunas, the star of Lithuania and Maccabi Tel Aviv, has been benched, pushed out of the rotation. But has this helped the Pacers in the winning column? As noted by my French Blog Squad friend, George Eddy, the answer is no. Jamaal Tinsley is supposedly a better NBA point guard than Sarunas, but actually he's not. Not long term with all his injuries & inconsistent shooting and the same goes for Anthony Johnson, who is a classic solid backup PG. 看看最近的溜馬隊,似乎布朗爺是對的。 薩魯納,這位立陶宛/臺拉維夫的大明星被放在板凳上,甚至移出名單。 但這是否就讓溜馬成了奪冠熱門? 強者-我的法國網友-並不這麼認為。 此外,小汀/老強被認為是比小葉更優秀的NBA控衛,但事實並非如此。 I understand Rick Carlisle's dilemma: He's got 3 point guards, all far from perfect, but Jasikevicius should have gotten a bigger & better chance to lead this team. 我瞭解卡帥的難題:他有三名控衛,都不完美。 但是小葉應該要有更多更好的機會來領導這支球隊。 Sarunas can't and doesn't complain about playing time since he got that consistently until a couple of weeks ago. But Carlisle never really gave him the ball, never really made it clear to other players that he is their floor leader. Watching him play and lead teams to championships in Israel and of course Europe, I can tell you that Jasikevicius needs the ball and needs to run with it, two things he rarely got to do with this team. He played too much of the "2" spot earlier in the season, then switched back to the "1", but was forced to pretty much cross half court, give up the ball and never see it again. This guy needs to create, make others better, run, get fans on their feet with no-look passes, but Carlisle is a different coach, more NBA old school than others. 自從數週前開始獲得穩定的上場時間後,照理小葉不能再多加抱怨。 但卡帥未曾真正讓他控球,未曾讓他的隊友明瞭他是場上的領袖。 因為看過他帶領球隊在以色列和歐洲奪冠的比賽, 我敢說,小葉需要球、需要帶球。在溜馬隊裡,他很少有做這兩件事的機會。 季初他打了太多次二號位,接著換回一號, 但僅僅要他運球過半場,把球傳掉,然後再也不會回到他的手裡。 他需要運用創意,需要讓隊友更好,需要跑動,需要用妙傳來博得滿堂采。 但卡帥是個不一樣的教練,尤為一位NBA老學院派的教練。 I'm not saying that Sarunas can lead a top NBA team deep in the playoffs - that's not proven - I'm just saying that the Pacers didn't really check him out, never really explored his potential. I'm sure Larry Bird, who brought him to the Pacers, won't sit quietly this summer. Either Tinsley leaves by trade or Jasikevicius leaves, as long as other teams want him and his not-so-small contract. 我並不是說小葉可以在季後賽領軍直指金盃,這是尚待驗證的。 我只是認為,溜馬尚未真正地檢視他的能耐、發掘他的潛力。 相信這個夏天,把他帶進溜馬的大鳥不會默不作聲, 只要合約談得攏,不是小汀走人就是小葉走人。 I'm hoping that he doesn't give up on the NBA, because he deserves a better chance in a league that is not conservative as it used to be and with the defensive rule changes, is not so "different" like Brown says it is. 我希望小葉不要放棄NBA,因為他值得一個更好的機會。 一個不那麼保守的機會,一個不因為防守規則不同就成為不同比賽的機會。 Posted by Yaron Talpaz - Mar 29 2006 5:19PM (Yaron Talpaz--Currently an NBA live commentator, reporter and Head of Sports News Division at "SPORT 5" Channel In Israel. Talpaz was born in Michigan and raised both in the U.S. and in Israel. He is covering NBA Finals and All-Star Games for Israeli media since 1997 and has written two books about the NBA.) [沒什麼特別的,只是難得有小葉的文章,翻譯有錯請指正。 倒數第二段的結論有點怪:如果說小葉的能力真的被壓抑的話, 按全文脈絡,小汀並不是主要的原因,卡帥才是。] -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/04 06:15, , 1F
04/04 06:15, 1F

04/04 13:23, , 2F
我覺得他很拼命 只是要在適應一下吧
04/04 13:23, 2F

04/04 14:13, , 3F
希望下個球季小葉還在 其實他蠻多妙傳的 只是戰術系統....
04/04 14:13, 3F

04/04 23:36, , 4F
04/04 23:36, 4F

04/05 01:07, , 5F
04/05 01:07, 5F

04/05 01:08, , 6F
04/05 01:08, 6F
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