
看板PACERS (印第安那 溜馬)作者 (吞食)時間19年前 (2006/04/13 02:00), 編輯推噓6(602)
留言8則, 8人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
關起門來罵是一回事, 被別人這樣講真是有點不爽....... 以下是來自暴龍的消息: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://myurl.com.tw/gscm [節錄] On to Indy where a handful of people closely associated with the franchise says no matter what happens this season — whether the Pacers make the playoffs or not, whether they fold quickly if they do get there — there will be huge personnel changes. 不管溜馬有沒有進季後賽,看來會有大變動。 The roster is simply a mess, there are cliques and divisions and players who don't get along with each other or coach Rick Carlisle and there may be a player or two Toronto would be interested in. (溜馬的)名單一團亂,搞派系,意見不合,無論教練或球員都分崩離析。 其中,有兩名多倫多可能想要的球員。 One guy who is intriguing is Sarunas Jasikevicius, the guard who seems to have fallen out of favour. He's a pretty good shooter, seems to be a heady player and might fit in well with the Raptors. 失寵的小葉可能會適合暴龍的後場。 There's probably no way Toronto could get David Harrison, a pretty good, young big man, but depending on how desperate Larry Bird and Donnie Walsh get, you can be sure Colangelo will be making a call or two. 也許沒辦法得到大哈這個很讚的年輕大個, 不過如果大鳥和Walsh很急的話,Colangelo總要試試看。 As our old friend Butch Carter used to say, you should always look for a dysfunctional team that underachieves and try to pick its carcass clean; the Pacers are just that team. 就像我們的老朋友Butch Carter常說的, 你應該總是想辦法去找一支有機能障礙的、未能發揮潛力的隊伍, 然後像禿鷹一樣把它啃得乾乾淨淨;而,溜馬就是這種隊伍。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/13 02:41, , 1F
有Walsh跟Bird在 他們休想 XDDD
04/13 02:41, 1F

04/13 02:57, , 2F
orz.... 借轉暴龍版
04/13 02:57, 2F

04/13 03:02, , 3F
04/13 03:02, 3F

04/13 12:33, , 4F
大哈年輕 體型好 有潛力 他絕對不能走
04/13 12:33, 4F

04/13 13:31, , 5F
04/13 13:31, 5F

04/13 21:35, , 6F
04/13 21:35, 6F

04/14 21:59, , 7F
http://myurl.com.tw/fg6k 搜尋Jermaine,有更難聽的。
04/14 21:59, 7F

04/15 09:48, , 8F
04/15 09:48, 8F
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