Re: [閒聊]被人家講得真難聽.....

看板PACERS (印第安那 溜馬)作者 (天佑台灣 )時間19年前 (2006/04/13 03:48), 編輯推噓4(401)
留言5則, 4人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
: One guy who is intriguing is Sarunas Jasikevicius, the guard who seems to : have fallen out of favour. He's a pretty good shooter, seems to be a heady : player and might fit in well with the Raptors. : 失寵的小葉可能會適合暴龍的後場。 : There's probably no way Toronto could get David Harrison, a pretty good, : young big man, but depending on how desperate Larry Bird and Donnie Walsh get, : you can be sure Colangelo will be making a call or two. : 也許沒辦法得到大哈這個很讚的年輕大個, : 不過如果大鳥和Walsh很急的話,Colangelo總要試試看。 : As our old friend Butch Carter used to say, you should always look for a : dysfunctional team that underachieves and try to pick its carcass clean; : the Pacers are just that team. 其實我們也可以關起門來說啊XD 小葉加傻大個 for Chris Bosh (你想要的兩個人跟你換一個人來頂小歐吧) J.O'neal for Gibert Arenas (薪資還合咧) Sign Peja C: Foster,Pollard PF: Bosh,Croshere SF: Peja,Granger SG: SJ(最後得分點),F.Jones PG: G.Arenas,Tinsley 我承認我很自咍,很像在玩mvp 不過這個自咍程度跟Raptors也差不了多少 XD -- J.O'neal 一定對這次的進攻感觸良多,當他在禁區接到球,進行最後一波攻勢時, 過去的回憶就慢慢在他腦中重現〈嘿,米勒你在哪裡?米勒你在哪裡?米勒你到底在哪 裡呢?〉時光拉回來現實,比數差兩分,時間還剩三秒.. J.O'neal 拿球,慢慢看著籃框,他開始行動了.... 踩著罰球線翻身跳投!! Go GO Pacers~ #7 2006年NBA總冠軍賽第七場 [改自瓶大文章] -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

04/13 03:57, , 1F
04/13 03:57, 1F

04/13 03:58, , 2F
看起來不錯耶 有G.Arenas就有機會幹掉活塞
04/13 03:58, 2F

04/13 04:02, , 3F
Bosh,Arenas都還年輕 感覺還會長,跟小葛一起長
04/13 04:02, 3F

04/13 11:10, , 4F
04/13 11:10, 4F

04/13 12:42, , 5F
04/13 12:42, 5F
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