[外電] Could Jasikevicius Wind Up Like Brezec?

看板PACERS (印第安那 溜馬)作者 (吞食)時間19年前 (2006/05/11 15:52), 編輯推噓0(001)
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QUESTION OF THE DAY Conrad Brunner Could Jasikevicius Wind Up Like Brezec? 老葉會不會跟Brezec一樣? Q. Will Sarunas Jasikevicius end up like Primoz Brazec? I have followed the career of Peja Stojakovic from his first game in the NBA, so now I am watching Pacers more than ever. When Peja first arrived to Sacramento, he was a substitute player, and in an interview for Serbian Television, he said that his biggest problem was getting into the game cold from the bench. I think the same problem is with Sarunas. He is an experienced player who is used to being a key player in every team he was playing for. I remember him in the European championship Lithuania won a couple of years ago. He was unstoppable. But just like Primoz, he needs the minutes every game. Everybody says that the franchise was patient with Primoz, but he received less than 5.5 minutes per game over a three-year period. And he started only 5 games! But when he received a starting position and 28 minutes per game at Charlotte, he averaged 13 points. It is the same with Sarunas. I think he can be more productive if he receives more minutes. (From Boris in Crna Gora, Serbia and Montenegro) 問題: 老葉最後是否會跟Primoz Brezec一樣呢? 我從Peja進NBA的第一場比賽看到現在,所以我比以前更注意溜馬。 當Peja剛來到沙加緬度時,他是個替補球員,而在一次塞爾維亞電視台的訪問中, Peja談到他最大的問題是從冷板凳去加入比賽。我想老葉的問題可能也一樣, 老葉有豐富經驗,習慣在他所加入的每一隊當關鍵球員。我還記得他在歐洲盃時, 立陶宛拿下好幾年的冠軍---他是無人能敵的。但就像Brezec,他需要上場時間, 可是三年間他每場平均只得到5.5分鐘,且僅僅先發五次! 而當他在夏洛特獲得先發位置, 每場28分鐘時,平均可拿到13分。老葉也是同樣的,我認為如果他獲得更多的上場時間, 他可以作出更多貢獻。 (來自南斯拉夫的球迷Boris) A. Though you make an interesting comparison, there is a fundamental difference between the two. Brezec came to the Pacers as a very raw, very young big man that needed quite a bit of development in terms of his physical stature and his overall game in order to become a legitimate NBA player. The Pacers didn't doubt his talent and didn't want to lose him in the expansion draft to the Bobcats, but it basically boiled down to exposing either Brezec or Reggie Miller, and that choice was a no-brainer. Brezec and the Bobcats have benefited from the time the Pacers invested in his development. 回答:雖然你作了一個有趣的比較,但這兩位(老葉&Brezec)有著根本上的不同。 Brezec來到溜馬時還不成熟,是個非常年輕的大個子。為了要成為合格的NBA球員, 他的身材和比賽方式都還有很大的發展空間。溜馬從未懷疑過他的天賦, 也不想讓他在擴編選秀中被山貓選走,但那次最後搞成必須在Brezec或神米間挑一個, 那實在是個無腦的決定。從那時,Brezec和山貓就得益於溜馬的投資。 Saras joined the Pacers as a 29-year-old veteran of international competition. His game was already complete when he arrived. He ran into two problems that were bigger than anticipated. The first was his ability to adjust to NBA defense, particularly the style employed by the Pacers, that relies heavily on individual responsibility. He's a zone defender in a man-to-man league, and adjustments will have to be made both by the player and the team if his offensive skills are to be fully exploited. Though he'd deny this publicly, he also ran into a physical wall as the grind of the 82-game, six-month season wore him down. That's a big reason his productivity fell off after the first half of the season. 老葉加入溜馬時,是二十九歲的國際賽沙場老將,他的球技已經發展完成。 他遇到的兩個問題比預期的要嚴重。 首先是他適應NBA防守的能力;特別在於:溜馬所採取的方式非常注重個別責任。 在一對一的聯盟中,他卻是個區域防守者;那麼,如果想充份利用他的攻擊技巧, 球隊和球員都必須作出調整才行。 此外,雖然他曾公開否認,但他也遭遇到了體能的障礙。 八十二場比賽,長達六個月的鏖戰使他非常疲倦, 這是他在上半季之後數據下降的重要原因之一。 Your basic premise is correct, though. In order for the Pacers to fully benefit from everything Jasikevicius has to offer, a welcoming environment must be created. In order for Jasikevicius to full exploit his opportunity in the NBA, he must better prepare himself for the rigors of the season while finding a way to minimize his defensive problems. 雖然如此,你的基本前提是正確的。為了讓溜馬可以完全受益於老葉所能提供的戰力, 有必要建立一個對他友善的環境。為了讓老葉能充份利用他在NBA的機會, 他也必須讓自己準備好來迎接嚴酷的賽季,並尋找方法來改善自己的防守問題。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/11 17:22, , 1F
05/11 17:22, 1F
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