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鬼神艾倫在媒體日無可避免地被問到他過去名聲的問題 “I can’t really say it’s not fair because I have owned up to the stuff. I think most of it comes from Duke," Allen said. "I still say I’ve done this interview and this question 100 times, and I always say I did a ton of self-reflection back when I was at Duke and 99% of it was just immaturity, and me being a kid in a man’s sport, in a man’s position, and just wasn’t ready to handle it. I think in the NBA, I’ve conducted myself well. I know there was an incident last year." "我不能說這不公平因為我已經承認了這些事情,我認為大部分來自杜克大學(期間)" "我回答過這採訪及問題一百次了,而我總是說我自我反思很多了,99%那只是不成熟 處在男人運動、男人位置的孩子,我還沒準備好應對它。我想我在NBA,我處理得很好 我知道去年發生了一件事(應該就是卡禿那次)" "You can believe me, might not, it was an accident," he said. "So I think once people watch me, and I’ve been to four different teams now, and every spot I’ve been the fans kind of slowly change their minds and opinion. So I’ ll just leave that up to people. I don’t go out there and try to change opinions, but that seems to happen when I go new places. So we’ll see.” "你可以信我或是不信,那是個意外" "所以我想一旦人們開始關注我,我現在已經去過四支不同的球隊,每一站我都慢慢地 改變球迷的想法和觀點。所以我只會把這些留給人們(去評論),我不會站出來並試圖 改變人們的想法,但當我去新的地方這總是會發生(指人們改變對他的看法),所以我 們拭目以待" 我哥對艾倫的說法是 “By nature, he’s a scrappy player. He plays extremely hard, plays extremely physical, and he’s an irritant," Vogel said. "You’d love guys like that on your team, and you hate playing against that. But a lot of irritant players in the NBA aren’t as skilled as Grayson Allen is. That’s what I love about what he bring to the table.” 他很強硬且令人惱火 你會喜歡隊上有這樣的傢伙在,而你會討厭對上他 但NBA中很多令人惱火的(irritant)不像GA這樣技術高超(應該是指球技吧) 這是我喜歡他帶來的 我哥還補充到艾倫是種稀有的結合: 三分菁英射手、攻擊籃框的進攻組織核心、藉由傳球取得更好投籃選擇的高IQ 阿仁也幫忙洗地並譴責任何越界行為 “I just think the mentality is not player individually. We just need a tough mentality, and you play on the edges," Jones said. "I’m not talking about playing reckless. We will never, ever encourage a player to injure someone. You can compete without being reckless. ... "You’ll see that’s not who we are, that’s not who we’ve ever been, and players usually adapt. They’ll adapt and I’m pretty sure Grayson knows that if he’s surrounded by players that push it, maybe he doesn’t have to push as hard. But collectively as a group, yeah, we’re gonna play with an edge.” (有點不太懂就大略翻) 總之就是不要過線 從不會鼓勵球員傷人 我們不是這樣也從不是這樣 球員會適應 我確信GA知道 phoenix-suns-grayson-allen-admits-immaturity-for-his-past-flagrant-fouls/ 71073942007/ Grayson Allen looks to move beyond reputation, complement Suns' All-Stars Dana Scott Arizona Republic -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: ※ 編輯: articlebear ( 臺灣), 10/08/2023 08:52:24

10/08 08:55, 1年前 , 1F
補了一下後場防守是好事 但希望是別讓太陽黑掉…
10/08 08:55, 1F

10/08 09:00, 1年前 , 2F
自己克制不要傷人就好 黑不黑掉是真的還好 在組成三
10/08 09:00, 2F

10/08 09:00, 1年前 , 3F
10/08 09:00, 3F

10/08 09:04, 1年前 , 4F
別人眼中黑不黑管不著 但自家球迷應該很清楚我們球
10/08 09:04, 4F

10/08 09:05, 1年前 , 5F
隊文化就不是那樣 弄傷卡禿那種真的不要再發生
10/08 09:05, 5F

10/08 09:05, 1年前 , 6F
10/08 09:05, 6F

10/08 09:37, 1年前 , 7F
鷹眼克制一下自己的腳確實是滿好的球員 他球技相當
10/08 09:37, 7F

10/08 09:37, 1年前 , 8F
全面 期待明天熱身賽開打大家都有好表現~
10/08 09:37, 8F

10/08 10:24, 1年前 , 9F
10/08 10:24, 9F

10/08 11:09, 1年前 , 10F
10/08 11:09, 10F

10/08 12:07, 1年前 , 11F
應該烏骨雞 KBD二選一?應該不會三衛吧...
10/08 12:07, 11F

10/08 12:10, 1年前 , 12F
應該各種組合都會看到吧 新團隊有太多要嘗試的了
10/08 12:10, 12F

10/08 12:26, 1年前 , 13F
10/08 12:26, 13F

10/08 13:10, 1年前 , 14F
10/08 13:10, 14F

10/08 13:10, 1年前 , 15F
10/08 13:10, 15F

10/08 20:03, 1年前 , 16F
10/08 20:03, 16F
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