[轉錄] Sir Charles語錄

看板PHX-Suns (鳳凰城 太陽)作者 (the matrix)時間21年前 (2003/07/23 15:20), 編輯推噓0(000)
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※ [本文轉錄自 Rockets 看板] 作者: salazopyrin (salazopyrin) 看板: Rockets 標題: 巴語錄 時間: Thu Jul 3 17:22:09 2003 這是我從2002 11月號的Hoop上面一字一字打上來的 獻給各位火箭迷或巴克力迷 個人覺得他說話真的相當率性 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ★ "If I weren't earning more than $3 million a year to dunk a basketball, most people on the street would run in the other direction if they saw me coming." 『如果我不是靠灌籃每年賺進超過300萬美元,大部分的人看到我迎面走來就會掉頭 走開。』 #個性坦率的巴克力(Charles Barkley)談到美國的種族歧視時,作了上述的比喻。 ★ "There was a fly om my arm and I had an itch in my armpit and I was trying to get rid both, and I moved my arms. He didn't even give me a chance to explain." 『我的手臂上有隻蒼蠅,而且胳肢窩很癢,因為我想趕走蒼蠅並抓養,所以揮動了手 臂。裁判根本連解釋的機會都不給我!』 #當老巴因為向籃網隊後衛巴格勒(John Bagley)揮肘而被裁判驅逐出場後,向記者 吐苦水。 ★ "These are my new shoes. They're good shoes. They won't make you rich like me, they won't make you rebound like me, they definitely won't make you handsome like me. They'll only make you have shoes like me. That's it." 『這些是我的新球鞋,都是好球鞋。你穿上它不會讓你像我一樣有錢,也不會讓你跟我 一樣會抓籃板,當然它也不會讓你跟我一樣帥氣。它們最多將讓你有一雙跟我一樣的球 鞋而已,最多就是這樣。』 #這是巴克力在球鞋廣告裡的台詞。 ★ "You've got to believe in yourself. Hell, I believe I'm the best-looking guy in the world. And I might be right." 『你必須相信你自己。對啊,像我就相信自己是天字第一號的大帥哥。我想我說的 沒錯!』 #當被問到如何建立自信心時,巴老夫子的回答是要相信自己。 ★ "He's one dimensional player who doesn't give you anything except blocked shots... we traded a first round draft choice for a 28-year old flyswatter who could score only 1.9 points a game. Hell, my grandmother could score two points a game, as long as she wasn't double-teamed." 『他除了蓋火鍋之外,是個不能給你任何幫助的大號球員,我們球隊用第一輪選秀 權去換一個每場只能得1.9分的28歲大蒼蠅拍。靠!我祖母只要沒被包夾,每場可以 得2分咧!』 #老巴談到同隊隊友寶兒(Manute Bol)時,老實不客氣臭罵他一頓。這位身高7呎7吋, 體重卻僅有220磅的非洲中鋒,除了蓋火鍋之外還真是一無是處。比較傳奇的部分是寶 兒的父親身高僅5呎10吋,母親亦只有5呎7吋,但卻生下他和6呎10吋的妹妹。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw) ◆ From:

推218.174.148.121 07/03,
推218.174.148.121 07/03

推140.114.100.190 07/03,
推140.114.100.190 07/03

推 07/23,
借轉太陽板 :)
推 07/23
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw) ◆ From:
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文章代碼(AID): #_7ZT6Jf (PHX-Suns)