Don't count Houston out in Brown sweepstakes

看板Rockets (休士頓 火箭)作者 (The Dream)時間21年前 (2003/05/29 11:40), 編輯推噓0(001)
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小弟不才,嘗試翻譯以服務版友,謬誤之處請多包含並不吝指教~ Don't count Houston out in Brown sweepstakes By Dick Vitale SPECIAL TO ESPN.COM May 27 It certainly can't come as a shock to anybody that Larry Brown decided to step down after six years at the helm of the Philadelphia 76ers. Brown, the teacher, the motivator, the Hall of Famer, made it clear that he is excited about continuing coaching because that is his way of life. 對任何人來說,Larry Brown決定離開他執教六年的費城七六人隊,並不是什麼很令人 震驚的事(P.S:費城是他教練生涯中待最久的地方).Brown,這位老師,motivator, 名人堂的成員,清楚地表達他想繼續當教練的意願,因為這是他喜歡的生活方式 You'd better believe that people in New Orleans , Cleveland and Houston were excited to hear that news, baby! 而這對紐奧良,克利夫蘭,及休士頓的球迷來說,是天大的好消息! Is there any doubt that Brown will be on the top of the list wherever there is an NBA vacancy? I'd love to see Brown back on the collegiate level, where he could utilize that great teaching ability and talent of breaking down the game. He would be just like his mentor, the Michelangelo of coaching, Dean Smith. 有人會對Brown將會是NBA各隊有教練缺的頭號熱門人選有所懷疑嗎? 我樂於看到Brown回到大學籃壇去執教,在那裡他可以運用他卓越的執教能力及才能 發揮在比賽中,就像他的良師益友,教練界的米開朗奇羅,Dean Smith一樣. But I don't see him returning to the college sidelines now, not with this situa tion where the major jobs are not available. He will take his ability back to the NBA. 但我不認為他現在會回到大學籃壇去,那裡目前沒有什麼大空缺 (是指沒有什麼名校徵教練嗎?) 所以他應該將會繼續在NBA發揮所長. My gut feeling is the winner in the Larry Brown sweepstakes will be Houston. I really feel he will fit in perfectly there, loving the idea that he'll have a big man in the middle to work with in Yao Ming. Is there a better guy to teach post moves in the interior? He will get the most out of Yao's potential. 我的直覺是休士頓將在Larry Brown教練爭奪戰中勝出,而且我真的覺得他將很適合 待在休士頓,並且覺得能擁有姚明這樣的長人來執教真是個好主意! 還有比姚明更好的人選來教禁區動作的嗎? 他將能完全帶出姚明的潛能. Brown will love working with Steve Francis on the perimeter, as well as Cuttino Mobley in the backcourt. This team is capable of making its move and developing into a playoff contender. 同時Brown也會喜歡有Steve Francis及Cuttino Mobley這樣的球員在後場. 這個球隊有能力進步變成為一隻有機會打入季後賽的隊伍. King James, aka LeBron James, said he'd love to have Brown as his coach, claiming the ex-Sixers leader is a teacher. James loves learning about the game. 詹姆士大帝,LeBron James說,他樂於有Brown當他的教練,並稱讚這位前七六人教頭是個 好老師,他樂於向他學習了解比賽. But the bottom line is, with a team capable of getting to the winner's circle quicker, Houston will be the winner for the services of Brown. 但底限是,哪支球隊有能力快速地成為能贏球的隊伍,休士頓會是贏家 Stay tuned as the Larry Brown soap opera moves on. We will see where he will take that gift he possesses, as a teacher of the game of basketball. 讓我們保持冷靜,靜待後續發展吧~ 拭目以待看最後Brown會到哪裡發揮他教球的天賦~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: hapton 來自: (05/29 12:25)

01/05 21:39, , 1F
麥一輪不想打就滾蛋啦 它媽的學婊哥領肥薪擺爛是不是 金篤籃!
01/05 21:39, 1F
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